Author: Nob Akimoto

Survey for League Roleplayers.

To the peeps who expressed an interest I need some questions answered for my own information. You can either post the response here, or if you’d prefer email them to me. The responses will...

The Unemployment Gap’s Just Part of It…

There’s a lot of commentary wandering around as it’s revealed Greek youth are 6x more likely to be unemployed (using ILO measures) than those in Germany. The truly staggering gap in unemployment rates is...

In other lawfare developments.

A fantastic overview of the new “Oversight of Sensitive Military Operations Act” now in committee in the House of Representatives. Some more developed thoughts on this overall subject later.

“Ending the Forever War”

A speech by Harold Koh at the Oxford Union. Transcript available at Lawfare. I found it interesting and sort of looks into the logic behind the Obama Administration’s CT policy writ large.

Shameless Self-Promotion.

Going to take advantage of the higher education symposium to post another reminder of my Crowd-Funding project. The confluence of rising costs in higher education and outdated immigration standards make it a challenge to...

5 Things I Am Not.

Conor appears to think he speaks on behalf of these so-called progressives. I find in general these attempts to conceptualize so broadly to be pointless. Debate is only important insofar as we have individual characteristics....

The Vile Cowardice of the Modern Anarchist.

There used to be a time when anarchists stood for something noble. The 19th century anarchists and syndicalists were fighting against systems which systematized human oppression and misery. They rejected the statism inherent in...

DRS was kind enough to dig up the links….

Just as an FYI, this is evidently PlayHaven’s take on the termination of one of the employees involved in the PyCon joke incident. Quote: PlayHaven CEO Andy Wang wrote that the company is dedicated...

CIA to get out of automated killing.

Or so says a new piece by Daniel Klaidman. This seems to generally track with how I viewed the Brennan nomination. Now let’s see how this combines with attempts to revise the AUMF or...

Fundraising Reminder!

Early week plug. Still working on a crowd-sourcing of my master’s degree. Give a little bit (how’s $5? $10? Get a personalized postcard!) Also, ideas on how to improve the pitch and make a...