The Minimal Marriage
The guys over at Bleeding-Heart Libertarians can always be relied on to post something that agrees with some of my kookier ideas.
The guys over at Bleeding-Heart Libertarians can always be relied on to post something that agrees with some of my kookier ideas.
I was going to ask everybody what their ideal, but realistic healthcare reform proposal would be. The basic point was to show that once we ignored political viability as a constraint on practical proposals,...
Over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians, Jason Brennan Argues that Academic Constitutional Legal Theory is intellectually corrupt.
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click...
In my previous post (which few people responded to*) I described Hart’s theory of law, gave some criticisms and gave my own take on things, which all things considered is still a legal positivist account...
In my previous post in this series, I gave a rough outline of Austin’s views and a number of criticism levelled against it. Now, I’ll reveal my hand: All those criticisms were levelled by...
This is not my usual beat, but hey, no one seemed to bring this up so…. Jenna Talackova has been disqualified because according to Miss Universe Canada “She did not meet the requirements to compete...
I know that this post is going to get me into lots of hot water with a number of guys (which I mean in the most gender neutral way) at the league here whom I deeply...
I know it’s election year for you guys and emotions are high and tempers are short. For our own health, sanity and for the sake of the community here, I appeal to the League ...
Kevin Vallier over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians argues that liberals must oppose the contraception mandate. In order to determine whether a law or policy is illiberal, we must describe the various forms of coercion...
This is the first in a series of posts about general jurisprudence. In this post, I will cover Austin’s view. I will give a simple overview on what his views are, what is good...
Questions of jurisprudence can become quite complicated. When we want to ask whether a particular judge went outside the law in making a decision, (or whether he was right to do so) we need...
Roger Cohen gets it horribly wrong when he advocates arming Syria’s rebels. The money quote is: In short, Syria is dangerous. But that not a reason for passivity or incoherence. As the Bosnian war showed,...
By request from Stillwater and Rose, here is a post on the epistemology of peer disagreement. Being the kind of lazy sod that I am in my deepest of hearts, I realised that since...
James Hanley comments that Christians have become (relatively) comfortable with teen birth (and I think he is right), it’s another classic case of Christians adapting their religion to their culture, rather than having any...
I’ve not been pulling my weight in posts for a while and ideas have been running around in my head. So, instead of writing 3 separate posts, I will combine stuff into 1. So...
In a previous post, I wrote about abortion, which of course received some amount of pushback. However, I also got pushback from an unexpected direction. A number of commenters pushed back against trying to...
Reason to hate Canada: And a reason to love them: Whether or not you forgive me just consider this an open thread: