The Month in Theaters November 2023
I somehow managed fourteen movies in theaters in November, with an additional twenty movies otherwise, with one repeat, for a total of thirty-three reviews.
I somehow managed fourteen movies in theaters in November, with an additional twenty movies otherwise, with one repeat, for a total of thirty-three reviews.
This month, I saw nine movies in theaters with twenty-two movies otherwise, including one repeat, for a total of thirty reviews.
I saw fifteen movies in theaters (likely a personal record,) with two repeats, and an additional fifteen movies otherwise, for a total of twenty-eight reviews..
Most of the sniping at Oliver Anthony mostly just complained the song wasn’t about their hobby horses, without actually addressing his complaints.
Eight movies in theaters, with ten movies otherwise, with one repeat, for a total of seventeen reviews. A decent month, but nowhere near as good as July.
The federal government does not exist to take care of us. Why would you think it does? The social contract! The what now? The thing invented by socialists/progressives/communists/other groups that basically all mean the...
July 2023 is going to be a hard month to beat as far as all-time movie months go for the concentration of great films I saw for the first time.
If the government decides that food is a right, it can take it from you. Starve you out. And communist governments did this many times
I wish both sides could lose the current WGA/SAG writing/acting Hollywood strike. Since that technically cannot happen, it stands to reason I have opinions on where everything stands. Such is that it is, I...
I managed to get to the theaters 11 times in June, with an additional 17 movies elsewhere, for a total of 28 reviews.
Once Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom came out, every spare moment I had in May outside of seeing movies in theaters was reserved for that game.
In March, I managed to get to the theaters nine times plus an additional nine movies otherwise, for a total of eighteen total reviews.
I managed to get to the theaters eight times in February, with one repeat, and seventeen movies otherwise, with one repeat, for a total of twenty-three reviews.
For January, I managed to see 11 movies in theaters, with one repeat, along with 43 movies otherwise, with three repeats, for a total of 50 reviews.
I saw nine movies in theaters, with one repeat, and twenty-five movies otherwise, with three repeats, for a total of thirty reviews
This has been a pretty good year, all things considered, when it comes to the broader pop culture.
I think James Cameron’s Avatar is the worst movie I’ve ever sat through. The issues with Avatar: The Way of Water? Legion.
Nine movies in theaters, twenty-four outside of theaters, with two repeats, for a grand total of thirty-one reviews.
But why does Pokémon succeed so easily against franchises that existed long before it? Merchandizing.
Let’s chest kick Donald Trump off the nearest cliff in such a way that his cult fan base doesn’t egg him on to do a stupid third party bid or something equally infantile and destructive.