Author: Kyle Cupp

The “Feminized” Jesus

Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, now with the Family Research Council, wants to be like the Jesus who was a “man’s man,” who had “big, bulging biceps” and “smelled bad.”  Nothing is stopping...

A Dubious Book Club

Patheos is featuring my book, “Living by Faith, Dwelling in Doubt,” in its book club this month. Guest post! Q&A! Cookies! Please stop by if you’re so inclined.

Much Ado about a Public Shaming

In his film version of Much Ado about Nothing, Joss Whedon highlights the social context that makes it acceptable for Claudio to shame Hero before her father and the wedding guests. There’s something rotten in the patriarchy of Messina.

God Digs Ambiguity (?)

When I look at the ways in which I believe revelation has taken place, I’m led to conclude that instilling clear certainty of meaning is not high on the Almighty’s agenda. God speaks and there is ambiguity.

Concern from within the Flock

Instead of telling atheists to convert, Pope Francis urged them to follow their own conscience so as to develop a contrite heart. His words have caused concern from within his flock.