Author: Kazzy


1. Waffles 2. French toast [wide gap] 3. Pancakes Argue if you must. But you’re wrong. by the book Johnny Law and his spontaneous christina aguilera weight loss The Top 10 Best Paid Jobs...

Are You Being Represented?

This fun little tool tells you how many members of Congress share your demographic(s).  Selecting an answer for each of the given choices, I find that there are 28 members of Congress who, like...

From the Mouths of Babes

“Police have guns because if you run away, they shoot you.  And if you don’t run away, they put you in jail.” – A four-year-old in a snowstorm miranda lambert weight loss Obama’s Baby...


Please… PLEASE tell me we can all agree that THIS is outrageous? a great deal more domains the same as design and also you piquancy the internet fashion accessory th christina aguilera weight loss...

Mount Rushmore — Super Edition

Guess what I know next-to-nothing about?  Super heroes. Guess what I’m going to do a Mount Rushmore of this week?  Super heroes! 1. Superman 2. Spider-Man 3. Wolverine 4. Gambit Why?  FUCK IF I...

Question Answered

Once upon a time, we discussed whether a hot dog qualified as a sandwich.  Opinions were divided.  Thankfully the brain trust at Fox Business has taken up our plight…