Regarding the State
James Hanley considers Michael Humer’s suggestion that you’re all a bunch of brain-washed hostages.
James Hanley considers Michael Humer’s suggestion that you’re all a bunch of brain-washed hostages.
First is a sentence from a best-selling American Government text, introducing the concept of congressional oversight of executive agencies.
Ask and ye shall receive. James Hanley produces theory and evidence of bad management at the USPS.
This week the convention discovered its first error in the procedures. They realized that asking the chair to also be the scribe (secretary) was asking too much, so they split those tasks, as I...
James Hanley uses deadfall from his back yard to make a gavel for his students, because it’s more fun than buying one.
James Hanley civilly argues that Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks is not wrong to encourage civility, but he is dangerously wrong to elevate civility above freedom of speech.
James Hanley reports on the first official meeting of the post-zombie constitutional convention. The delegates immediately began problem solving.
Michigan’s minimum wage goes up to $8.15/hour on Labor Day. Student workers at my school have had their maximum weekly hours cut from 8 to 6 1/2. Santa Fe, New Mexico substantially increased its...
Thank god for New York’s Peter King. I thought for a bit that Obama was going to get away with Or it.
James Hanley recaps the first week of his Constitutional Crisis course. Spoiler: not much has happened yet, but that won’t stop him from rambling on.
In my inequality post, Snarky McSnarkSnark writes, The elevation of the “economic man” over the “social man” in our political and cultural thinking has led us increasingly away for our own core nature. I...
With the help of other bloggers, James Hanley explains why this guy isn’t as poor as you think he is, and neither is the middle class.