Author: Erik Kain

Shawn Gude gets a sub-blog

Shawn’s first post at “The Safe Depository” is live. He’s been posting occasionally to the front page, and now I’ve finally set him up with his own sub-digs as well. His intro post is here.

Playing music with children

This pretty much sums up every time I try to play guitar while my children are around. My daughter is almost five and my son almost two, and their musical tastes tend to be...

‘The First Law’ Trilogy Is Fantasy At Its Finest

I’ve finished Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, and Last Argument of Kings. And may I just say that this is some truly wonderful fantasy? Because it is truly wonderful fantasy, easily some of the...

Under the banner of Romney

At some point, the question of Mitt Romney’s faith will come up and loom much larger than any of his business past. It will come up not just in circles of evangelical conservatives, but...

Beyond Derbyshire

In Oklahoma, this story has been unfolding for the past few days: TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa’s black...

Scenes from an Arizona snowfall

One reason I really do love this town: we just had thirty inches of snow dumped on us, and today it’s sunny and bright and the snow is melting. You can go outside in...

Everyone in Afghanistan suffers PTSD

I’m pretty sure that long before American troops set foot in the mountains of Afghanistan, that the people of that country already suffered from post-traumatic-stress-disorder. Another ten years of war stacked on top of...

Mass Effect 3, John Carter, and More….

In case you’re interested in my other blog I have some kind of interesting stuff up over there right now… I have a somewhat more in-depth look at the day-one DLC included with BioWare’s Mass...

A vendetta against BioWare?

So I have a post up at Forbes on the bizarre reaction to BioWare’s latest game, Mass Effect 3, on Metacritic. Despite glowing reviews, the user score has been hovering around 2.5. At first...

Country Music and the Culture War

This was brought up in an earlier thread, but Will Wilkinson’s post on country music is worth a closer look. Wilkinson listens to country music in his car – sometimes I do, too. Sometimes...

Post formatting and images

Below are some instructions for bloggers at this site on how to add images to posts to make them work properly as thumbnails and in the new frontpage design. It’s pretty easy. It’s also...