Author: Ethan Gach
Paul Krugman’s Inadequate Apologetics
Obama’s record and legacy are beside the point. It’s time for liberals to move beyond the President and his conservative opposition.
We’ll Always Have Apple
Ethan Gach pokes fun at our seemingly bizarre devotion to Apple on the eve of its new product reveal.
Gawker to Vox: Stay off our lawn
Gawker’s Leah Finnegan strongly objects to a post by Max Fischer at Vox describing how events in Ferguson might be reported on if the U.S. were just another country in the world.
Game of Thrones: Nasty, Brutish, and Short
I can tell you what Game of Thrones is good at but not why we seem to like it so much.
Vox Fails at Explaining the Drone Arsenal Race
A Vox story on America’s drone arsenal has some more explaining to do.
Education is Important, but not in the Fight Against Inequality
David Leonhardt is confused about inequality, at least according to his shallow dive into Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
Inequality is more than a just an ideological cudgel
Liberals disagree with Adolph Reed Jr.’s Harper’s essay less than they think.
Religious Liberty is a Farce
Religious liberty is only given priority when the stakes don’t matter. That’s because few truly believe that “religious” beliefs have special status.
Ezra Klein, Vox Media, and Commodifying Status
It doesn’t matter that Ezra Klein’s new project at Vox Media is full of hype but low on details. The shell game it’s premised on is familiar enough.
Crooked Cops, Judge Dredd, and Arkham Origins
Jaybird and I discuss the latest installment in Warner Brothers Studios’ acclaimed Batman video game series: Arkham Origins.
Unpaid Internships Are About Exploitation, Not Helping The Jobless
I agree with Matthew Yglesias that “America needs more on-the-job learning, not less,” I just don’t know what that has to do with giving “Two Cheers for Unpaid Internships.”
The Problem with a ‘Defense” of Working on Holidays
Attempting some clarifications on what’s at stake as norms about working on national holidays shift.
Working on Holidays is Rarely a Choice
Defending the right of employees to choose to work holidays like Thanksgiving threatens to ignore the fact that, for many, choice never factors into it.
Democrats need to get out of the Republicans’ way
It might not look like it, but Democrats are losing the government shutdown debate. The closer Congress gets to a deal, the less space there’ll be to negotiate when the next budget crisis comes knocking.
5 Thinks I Hated About Gravity
Hate is a strong word–and there is plenty in Gravity to love, and that I did love–but a few things just left me frustrated and disappointed (spoilers).
Gravity: a Movie in Free Fall
Gravity is disaster movie in space, and while the destruction is dazzling, the characters and script are not.