Do you even lift?
Asking whether or not one should exercise to lose weight isn’t the same as asking whether or not someone can. Dave puts a recent Vox article into its proper perspective and asks “do they even lift?”
Asking whether or not one should exercise to lose weight isn’t the same as asking whether or not someone can. Dave puts a recent Vox article into its proper perspective and asks “do they even lift?”
Dave discovers one of his old mini-posts and realizes that a full-length “do over” was the appropriate response.
In light of the recent FTC settlement involving Herbalife, Dave has a few things to say about it.
Dave, in his inaugural post on fitness and nutrition-related topics, discusses high intensity interval training.
A recent court case in Illinois may mean that not-for-profit hospitals will lose their tax exemptions.
Properly understood, carried interest is a return on capital. Dave brings a unique perspective to the carried interest debate.
A property that was the center of major controversy the last time it was purchased is being sold once again.
The title says it all and Dave says little else.
Undisclosed ingredients in dietary supplements are not a good thing, and it’s one of many problems with that industry. However, Dave is especially troubled by the discovery of DNP in a supplement that has nothing to do with weight loss.
While Dave does not expect to change hearts and minds when it comes to privatizing municipal assets, he hopes to provide some clarity by addressing critiques pertaining to the economics of those transactions.
Coca Cola wants us to believe that weight problems have nothing to do with diet and everything to do with exercise. Dave beats up on this woeful tale of broscience.
Dave shares an article about the possibility of state licensing for personal trainers.
Dave has no love for the anti-GMO movement and was not paid by Monsanto to write this post.
Arby’s takes a rather unconventional approach with the vegetarian and vegan critics of its slogan.
A rent freeze… In a 7-2 vote on June 29, the New York City Rent Guidelines Board approved their first ever rent-freeze in the board’s 46-year history. The freeze will apply to one-year rent-stabilized...
Dave discusses the unilateral exit right (i.e. secession), how the legal argument was framed, and shares a few additional thoughts. Dave also suggests reading it before bed time.
I didn’t know that the country of origin is required on meat packaging.  I guess I won’t miss it if it goes away.
Here, Dave presents the historically-evidence for a strict construction reading of the Constitution. This Part II of II.