Defenders of the Gold Bikini 3: In Which Leia Swoons and Dies
Women who grew up idolizing Leia in Star Wars wanted something MORE than just Leia swooning and dying from a malignant case of motherhood.
Women who grew up idolizing Leia in Star Wars wanted something MORE than just Leia swooning and dying from a malignant case of motherhood.
Pet adoptions are way, way up. It makes a lot of sense- – what better time to welcome a furry new member to the family than when you’re off work and have plenty of time for the transition?
There is something incredibly comforting about looking at some data and thinking “ok, these numbers are illustrating to me the truth of this uncertain and dangerous world in which I live”.
We buy a lot of other things at the store that are NOT FOOD, but many of which are still pretty darn necessary to survival. Call these sundries.
No yeast, no bread. No bread, no sandwiches..But I have some good news. You can make bread without yeast.
What do we do with 12 cans of green beans, 50 pounds of flour, and all those packages of Top Ramen? The answer to that is, It Depends.
So, despite being an avid vegetable gardener, I have not been able to indulge in my hobby, having to keep myself limited to a couple flower beds, hanging baskets, and plants that mice don’t have a taste for.
So I was reading that a lot of folks have been having bad dreams about Covid19. You can read some of them here: Vivid ‘Pandemic Dreams’ and Nightmares Keep Nation Awake During Coronavirus Outbreak....
Bill Withers did not escape a terrible fate where he was brought forth from the bowels of the world where the troglodytes and Morlocks dwell and brought into the sunshine
The evidence indicates people have been bitching about the insanity of their children dating all the way back to the mid 1800’s, and probably far beyond.
I am of the opinion that personal attacks about people’s coronavirus/quarantine anxiety are yet another pleasure we should probably forgo right now.
In this edition of Non-Doomsday Prepping, we’re going to discuss food — a LOT of food. You do not need it all. You don’t even need most of it. You certainly don’t need most of it at any given time.
We’re left with a couple guys who I said again and again, I’ll vote for just about anybody except for those two. And yet here we are. Those two.
Even before Pearl Harbor, Life Magazine answered the question “What can I do to help the war effort?” with a single word: “Knit.”
If you want to talk the talk of conservatism when times are good, surely you gotta walk the walk when they aren’t, doncha?
Non-doomsday prepping is NOT about going out and buying massive amounts of dehydrated camping food you’ll probably never eat. It’s about embracing preparedness as a lifestyle
“What better place to hide, my dear daughter, but within the cloak of British respectability,” Nathaniel said.
And remember — this is NOT doomsday. We aren’t hoarding, we’re stocking up. Be sensible, think of others, and don’t take more than you will be able to use in a reasonable time.
Some years back, I started writing a cookbook because so many younger clients on my fertility website had no idea how to shop, store, and cook affordable food. A lot of families around the...