Weekend Plans Post: The Dryer
The dryer went from being a little bit louder to making the occasional high-pitched squeal to making a nigh-constant high-pitched squeal to sounding like an airplane taking off when I asked Maribou “do we want to get a repair guy?” and she informed me that this would be the *THIRD* time we’d have this dryer repaired.
“How much did it cost last time?”
“About 80% as much as a new dryer.”
“How much the time before that?”
“About 60% as much as a new dryer.”
We hammered out that we were well into the second decade of the dryer and, well, we got a new one.
The main notable thing about the new dryer is that the old one had its door hinges on the side and the new one has its door hinges on the bottom. This means that the door latch is in a different configuration which has the result of me banging my thumb as I throw clothing into the dryer.
This has happened three times so far.
It’s still better than a dryer that sounds like it’s going to catch fire.
Oh, the other change is that the old dryer finished and then sang a little song. “I’m done, I’m done, imdoneimdoneimdone!” (There was no verbalization, but you could sing those words along to the tune.) The new dryer just yells “ENNNHHHHHH” for a good two seconds. Luckily, you can turn it off. Which I have. The noise has been replaced with me yelling “ENNNNHHHHHHH!” when I bang my thumb into the dryer as I am filling it.
Which means that this weekend will be spent doing laundry much more quietly and percussively. There’s a Costco trip in there too and maybe a trip to the grocery store to figure out which crockpot meal we’ll be having leftovers for. And there’s this crud going around that feels like a tickle in the throat and a runny nose but is *NOT* covid (I tested).
It’ll be a good weekend. If I can just keep from bruising my thumb.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Very Loud Purr”. Photo taken by Maribou.)