Stewart Returns to the Airwaves

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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3 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    I need to watch this soon. Very glad to see he’s back; nobody does it better.Report

  2. James K says:

    One thing I think Stewart did well, aside from pointing out that, yes Biden is really old, is pointing out what Biden’s team can do about it. Put him out in front of people, show that he is still fine upstairs and that will help calm everything down (and if he can’t hold an unscripted conversation in public without looking like a fool then he really needs to step aside).

    I lost a Great Aunt to Alzheimer’s in the 1990s, and all four of my grandparents are dead (one of whom managed to live to be older than Biden is now), and Biden’s behaviour doesn’t remind me of my Great Aunt at all. She went from repeating the same question to not knowing who we were in a few years. He reminds me more of my grandmother when she hit her ’80s. She slowed down a lot and was a little more absent-minded than before, but was still sharp. But these are not good time for President who is getting on in years. The Pax Americana is fraying at the edges, Putin is trying to reenact the 19th Century, and Xi Xinping is eying Taiwan hungry. The US needs a strong President who can hold our international order together. Trump is obviously unsuitable for that purpose, but Biden is going to need to be active and deft in international relations. He needs to show he can do that, or step aside for someone who can.Report

    • North in reply to James K says:

      I think this is a balanced and sensible analysis. I really hope Bidens’ team follows your advice- I don’t think they can rerun 2020 this go around. Biden will need to get out there more.Report