Two Things About The Impeachment of Gus Mayorkas

Philip H

Philip H is an oceanographer who makes his way in the world trying to use more autonomy to sample and thus understand the world's ocean. He's a proud federal scientist, husband, father, woodworker and modelrailroader. The son of a historian and public-school teacher and the nephew and grandson of preachers, he believes one of his greatest marks on the world will be the words he leaves behind. To that end he writes here at OT and blogs very occasionally at District of Columbia Dispatches. Philip's views are definitely his own, and in no way reflect the official or unofficial position of any agency he works for now or has worked for in his career. If you disagree, take it up with him, not Congress.

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12 Responses

  1. Burt Likko

    Donald Trump wants to campaign on the myth that the border is out of control and there’s some kind of invasion going on (as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott lied about in a recent press release of dubious Constitutionality that literally revives an antebellum political theory), and Biden is either tolerating it or actually happy about it. So that’s part of what’s going on here too. The GOP doesn’t need facts about this, it needs noise.

    If we cared about factsthe law is being enforced. Detentions, arrests, and deportations are through the roof since the Biden Administration took over. (See: But it’s not that Mayorkas isn’t enforcing the law at all. It’s that he isn’t being cruel about it by keeping the bulk of the people concerned in the CBP “encounters” detained in prison-like conditions for the months and months it will take for their cases to be processed.

    To the extent that there will be a substantive criticism of Mayorkas floated in the upcoming impeachment, it’ll be that not enough kids have been separated from their parents with inadequate recordkeeping to reunite them later; not enough of those kids are sleeping on concrete floors with astronaut blankets; not enough strip searches are being done; not enough contacting oppressive governments back home is underway to ostensibly verify identities and lack of other criminal activities but also to tip off those oppressive governments whose families ought be harassed.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Burt Likko

      The other thing this article misses – which I hope the democrats on the committee go after – is whether DHS has the funding (and in the right places in its budget) to actually detain everyone the Committee thinks should be detained. Impeaching a guy for following the letter of the fiscal law Congress sets with its appropriations (or doesn’t as is the case this year) is cowardly.

      If the House wants more detentions – more cruelty – it needs to appropriate more money. But that would be solving a problem. Which the House clearly doesn’t want to do.Report

  2. Damon

    This is where I get my pedantic word definition mojo on. Ain’t no way the southern border can be defined as “secure”. Gus should know this and not use the word. It gives the American public the false assumption that there is no problem. There is.

    Burt, your statement ” It’s that he isn’t being cruel about it by keeping the bulk of the people concerned in the CBP “encounters” detained in prison-like conditions for the months and months it will take for their cases to be processed.” Please explain why you think this is cruel. Why should we let folks who we know nothing about, loose in our country until AFTER we’ve confirmed they aren’t a danger? I doubt that it’s cruel by their standards.Report

  3. Damon

    “Based on the underlying assumption, the border has never been “secure.” It sure wasn’t under TFG.”

    Frankly, I doubt I’d call it secure at any point is history. Certainly not within my lifetime, and certainly it gotten worse in my lifetime.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Damon

      So the Secretary tells the truth and steps into one mine field, or uses language that his predecessors used and steps into another minefield. Which is now an article of impeachment.

      Helluva way to run the proverbial railroad.Report

  4. Damon

    “So the Secretary tells the truth” well, no. Again the definition of “secure” and all. Someone that highly paid and educated should have the capability to “wordsmith” better. Hell, I do it all the time. “No sir, to the best of my understanding, and my research, the answer to your question is “answer”. This leaves me wiggle room for late arriving info, new facts presenting themselves, etc.Report

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