Weekend Plans Post: Learning to Tell Them Apart


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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21 Responses

  1. Slade the Leveller says:

    Charles Bronson. That’s funny.

    My 32nd season of football officiating starts tonight with a scrimmage out in the ‘burbs. The crew goal is to get a championship in the next several years. Either way, I’ll be hanging it up soon.

    Also, I’m hoping to get a jump on cleaning out the basement so it can be painted ahead of putting the house on the market. 30 years is a long time to accumulate stuff, and I’m not looking forward to the chore.Report

  2. Susara Blommetjie says:

    Our old cat passed away two years ago. Ever since, I’ve had to suppress the involuntary thoughts of I-should-get-a-kitten-I-need-to-get-a-kitten-I-SO-have-to-get.a.kitten!

    Now I want to have kittens. Plural. Three of them.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Susara Blommetjie says:

      The main thing that I have noticed is that the last time that I had kittens was 15 years ago and bending over to swoop something off of the floor worked completely differently at age 35 than it does at 50.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to Jaybird says:

        It gets worse.

        I’ve been keeping granddaughters #1 and #2 on Wednesdays this summer. One of the things we do each time is go to the nearby city park. Being a Fort Collins park there’s all sorts of climbing things, with the showpiece a 20-foot-tall construct with ramps and ropes (and a four-foot tall climbing wall) and a huge enclosed twisty slide from the highest level. There’s nowhere inside the monster where you can fall more than about four feet.

        The girls extracted a promise from me to climb up inside with them and go down the slide once, but only if the park was deserted. This week it was (their school starts a few days later than most). It is NOT sized for someone as tall as me, or with shoulders as wide as mine, carrying the weight I am, who will be 70 in a couple months. I made it, but it was a lot of work. I may make it a part of my walks now that school has started.Report

  3. Reformed Republican says:

    We had some siding replaced and a windowsill that was rotten, so I need to do a little painting.
    Tomorrow should be a board game meetup. I have missed a few, so it will be nice to get back to it. We also have to take the kitten to the vet for her next vaccination.Report

  4. Fish says:

    He totally looks like Charles Bronson!

    Youngest boy got moved into his apartment ahead of college classes starting before the end of the month. My task today is to make the short drive to bring him home for the weekend, and maybe stop at the Swedish Cheap Furniture Store to exchange the top to his new desk for one that isn’t cracked.

    In Baldur’s Gate 3 I’m working on ridding the immediate area of the goblin scourge. It’s going well. Yesterday I had an epic battle with one of the leaders and her Very Large With Lots Of Hit Points body guard. What made the fight so much fun is that my character got separated from the party and was trying to fight them on his own, and not doing a very good job of it. I switched back to the rest of the party and had them explore until they found him, cornered and near death, and were able to turn the tide and win the fight.

    What I really loved about that fight is that I could hear the Dungeon Master in my head saying, “Ok, let’s switch back to the rest of the party…What are you all doing?” And then the rest of the party role-plays rushing into the structure, searching for their friend and finding him just in time to save the day. It was easily my favorite scene of the game so far, and even better because the encounter wasn’t necessarily designed that way but I made it that way through game play and my little headcanon. Such a fantastic game.Report

  5. Kolohe says:

    Call me Golden Earing because that pic is a thing called Radar love.

    Our two older cats are from the same litter and at a glance it is hard to tell them apart. The boy (Luke) has always been bigger than the girl (Leia) which was useful when both were younger and smaller after the first year it wasn’t a trivial distinction if they were just lying like lumps on the floor. When they move, it’s fairly easy to tell them apart, and also Leia just simply refused to wear any collar after a few months so that’s the go to distinction now.Report

  6. fillyjonk says:

    The last two cats my parents had – littermates, Siamese – would have been easy enough to tell apart by behavior if their coloring hadn’t been different. Cleo was the sweet one, Patty was the smart one. My brother (he later confessed that he did it by sticking a suction-cup toy progressively higher on the wall) taught Patty how to climb the living room drapes as a kitten, and she would go up there and pull out the drapery pins (big weird metal doohickeys kind of like a paperclip bent weird) and Cleo would pick them up and carry them to my mom. That was about the smartest thing Cleo did. Like I said, she was the “sweet” one.

    Classes start Monday for me and this weekend is going to be death hot so other than a quick grocery store run I don’t have any plans other than staying home in the AC.Report

  7. Michael Cain says:

    Testing… Should go directly to moderation.Report

  8. Jaybird says:

    Joan Armatrading is one of those singers who probably deserves a series of threads… one for each album.

    She’s one of those songwriters that will make pretty much everybody say “Oh, that’s her? I knew that song but I just didn’t know the person who sang it.”


    I’m unable to provide her talent with what it deserves.

    Here’s Drop the Pilot:

    Here’s Call Me Names:

    Here’s Me Myself I:
