Saturday Morning Gaming: Hogwarts Legacy After A Week and Revisiting Duskers


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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14 Responses

  1. Slade the Leveller says:

    Fans of Harry Potter over the age of 14 will be an eternal mystery to me.Report

    • Eh, I figure that it’s like Star Wars. Maribou and I were excited to see Episode 1 in the theaters.

      Less excited coming out, of course…

      But I think it’s one of those things where if you were the right age when the books hit, you’re a Potterhead for life. You can’t wait for your kiddos to read the books.

      Where they will, of course, be confused by this old stuff when they could be reading… I don’t know what’s hot with the kidz these days. Everything that I can think of came out at least 10 years ago.Report

      • InMD in reply to Jaybird says:

        I believe Harry Potter fandom is the ultimate dividing line between the old and the young millennial. The older still had that parent or teacher that passed down the hobbit/lotr. The younger were there right in time for the Harry Potter fad. I really notice it with my brothers who are 6 and 10 years younger than me. I was/am too old to get it but it was very much the cultural touchstone for them, especially the youngest who was still in elementary school when the first movie came out.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird says:

        I was of prime age for Star Wars (13 when the first one came out, and the whole non-sequential episode thing is baffling to me), but eventually ya grow up.Report

        • I was ~5 the first time and ~7 when they rereleased in 1979 as prep for Empire in 1980.

          I do think that if Episode 1 had been good, it would have been much more difficult to dismiss it as kid’s stuff.Report

          • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird says:

            I saw the 1st three when they came out in the ’70s. The first was indisputably great, the 2nd not so much, and the 3rd a nice return to form. I saw Phantom Menace, and like you, I was disappointed. I may have seen the next one but I don’t remember. By then I was around 30, so I’d probably just lost interest. I did see the one where Han Solo dies and it was absolutely atrocious.

            I’m not sure any movie where the characters are so black and white can be anything but kid stuff.Report

            • My problem with people still being attached to crap is that it’s crap.

              Sure, a 10 year old could watch “Yor, The Hunter From The Future” and think “THIS IS CINEMA” while a grown-up would know that it’s crap. Crap, crap, crap.

              But the kid stuff that is good (and not crap) is worth visiting as an adult. The problem with the Harry Potter books is that somewhere around 4, Rowling thought she was smarter than her editors and somewhere around 6, Rowling thought she no longer needed them at all.

              But there is more than just dross in the early books and there is some serious fodder for some serious conversations about serious topics with the younguns once you get into years 3-5.

              “You need to grow up” always feels like a variant of “don’t like what you like, like what I like” and, seriously, I am never going to enjoy a college basketball game. Never ever.

              But crap? Yeah. Stop liking crap. There’s good stuff out there. Consume that stuff instead.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird says:

                Heh. I’m with you, at least on basketball. The emphasis on scoring has rendered the game unwatchable.

                I did try to read the first HP book when my kids were reading them. I made it about 1 chapter in, found it not to my liking, and felt like an idiot for reading a kid’s book, so I put it down. I was probably in my mids-40s.

                I’m not saying adults can’t be into HP. I’m saying I don’t know why they would.Report

  2. KenB says:

    This got me thinking about how way back in the 90s, I came across the Usenet “interactive fiction” group and was interested in the discussions about the possibilities and ideas for moving from the puzzle-game approach to something that was more like what the term implied, experiencing the story and being able to affect it without making it a bunch of puzzles. Part of the challenge was how to still make such a thing interesting to be in for more than a few minutes, and another part was how to get non-gamers to realize they didn’t have to be a “gamer” to try it.

    How many people are like that Potterhead non-gamer, and how many stories/experiences could be created to cater to that kind of person rather than a gamer who brings in a bunch of expectations about what a “game” should be?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to KenB says:

      Yeah. I mean, when I say “fetch quest”, most people familiar with RPGs know immediately what I’m talking about. They’re capable of saying “oh, this is a hybrid survive, assassinate, fetch quest” when they see a mission where you have to handle two waves of enemies before fighting the miniboss and returning with the MacGuffin.

      But people who need to have the acronym “RPG” explained to them? This is new and fresh. Oh my gosh! The evil wizard has lackeys and he won’t even deign to show himself until he has to! AND HE’S STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND THE POTION INGREDIENTS YOU NEED!!!Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Here’s one of the main ludic problems I have with the game:

    You kill people.

    Like, when you’re out and about fighting dark wizards? You kill them. You burn them to death, you explode them, you implode them, you pick them up and then slam them into the ground at great velocity.


    How old is that? According to Google, fifth years are about fifteen.

    You’re running around and killing dark wizards. There are animals that attack you and you kill them too. Wolves. Giant Spiders.

    Now, I don’t know about you, but I have never killed anybody. When it comes to animals, I’ve killed insects galore (including a couple of really big spiders but “really big” means “about the size of a nickel” rather than “about the size of a tarantula” let alone “about the size of a kiddo’s wading pool”) but I’ve never killed a wolf.

    I suppose I’ve outsourced my murder of chickens and cows to others and so it’s not like my hands are clean or anything, but this fifteen year old is wandering around dispatching entities like it’s no big deal.

    Sure, it’s 1890. Okay. Fine.

    But you’re killing a *LOT* of entities. Humans, goblins, animals. And it’s like nobody is noticing that this is kind of messed up.

    “Jeez, Jaybird. Lighten up. You played Doom, right? You didn’t complain about shooting stuff in Doom.”
    “Doom was a game about shooting stuff. I went into Hogwarts thinking that I’d be wandering around Hogwarts and not, you know, killing as many people as during Voldemort’s reign of terror.”

    I thought I’d be going to school. Instead I am in a Mad-Eye Moody simulator.

    Someone tweeted the other day that this is part of the charm of the Potterverse. There are Whomping Willows, Remembralls, and flying keys. There are also people who want to remove your intestines via your nose.

    Just like real life, kinda.Report