Saturday Morning Gaming: The Problem of Remembering Things in Sequels


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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11 Responses

  1. Brent F says:

    You know what game was great for this? Banjo-Tooie. You started with everything you ended the first game with and your move set expanded from there. No ludo-narrative dissonance.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Okay. The “Cold, Cold Heart” DLC has Alfred explain that the glue in the glue grenade was unstable. Turned into dust between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.Report

  3. KenB says:

    I liked how Metroid Prime handled this. In the beginning prologue section, you have all your gear from the 2D games but now in 3D, and you have to use each bit once to get to the heart of the problem, but then there’s a big explosion and all the gear is damaged beyond repair — one by one your monitor shows each going offline.

    I had a real-life experience rather like this in my car during a particularly icy snowstorm a few years ago as all the external cameras iced up — a series of warnings that my back-up camera wasn’t working, then my lane assist wasn’t working, etc. I immediately thought of Metroid Prime.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to KenB says:

      Now that’s *NICE*.

      I’m playing Arkham Knight (just started it 10 minutes ago, only stopped to put my pizza in the oven) and they’re not *QUITE* as bad at giving upgrades as I remembered (you start with your explosive gel and your line-launcher, for example) but you still have to buy using the batclaw to disarm an opponent.

      Dude, I rely on that move.

      (Also, I know… there are quite a few players out there whose first game was Gotham Knight or Arkham Origins or Arkham City and only the old and/or crazy people insist on playing from the first all the way through. But still.)Report

      • KenB in reply to Jaybird says:

        I played Asylum and City not long after they were released, but then I went on a gaming starvation diet and just played Knight last year for the first time (didn’t ever play Origins). So I was just desperately trying to remember the context from all those years ago, and it was my own continuity issues I was struggling with and not the story’s.

        Hmm.. not sure I ever used the batclaw disarm thing — sounds like it would’ve been very useful…Report

  4. Fish says:

    Blood Bowl 2, still. I’m on my third season in the Eternal League and I feel kind of dumb that I just noticed this critical point: When you start an Eternal League run, the game generates all the teams in all the competitions at the beginning and they persist and progress along with you. I think it took me three seasons to figure this out because I’m finally running into teams with players as advanced as some of mine are. I didn’t really think about it before, but I guess I was assuming new teams were generated for each competition, at best, or at least at the beginning of each season.

    The AI remains dumb, but being dumb with level three and four players isn’t quite so bad.Report

  5. Reformed Republican says:

    I played the first two Arkham games, but never got around to the last two. I seem to remember complaints about the quality of the third, but my memory is notoriously unreliable.

    I’ve been playing a lot. A few years back, I got a Telltale Humble Bundle, mainly because it had the Sam and Max episodic games. All three seasons. Unfortunately, they would not run on my computer at the time, despite trying various compatibility modes. I got my Steam Deck last week, and I saw that some of the Sam and Max games were marked as compatible (the rest were untested) and I got excited to finally get to play them. I got through Season 2 Episode 1 (I played Season 1 back in a lifetime ago), where you get rid of a demon that’s plaguing Santa at the North Pole. It was fun. The episodes are short, and nowhere near as difficult as Hit the Road, but it’s still a good time. I look forward to finishing them.

    I also started a new game of No Man’s Sky. The 4.0 update was released, marking the release on the Switch. There were a lot of QoL updates, and I wanted to see what the new game experience would be like.

    I have also been playing Slay the Spire. I have gotten to the Act 3 boss twice, but I have not beaten it yet. I have probably only done 4 or 5 runs though.

    I also got the urge to revisit Galactic Civilizations 2. I used to play this one a lot, though I never mastered it like some obsessives who figure out every AI exploit. It is downloaded and installed, but I haven’t run it yet. Unfortunately, it is not Deck compatible, so I cannot play it from the couch. It might be my new early morning game.Report

    • I seem to remember complaints about the quality of the third, but my memory is notoriously unreliable.

      Origins *MIGHT* be my favorite of the three.

      It has problems! Goodness, does it have problems… but it introduces some deep dive detective work (well, you get to a dead body and you recreate the crime scene that created it) and it has some pretty interesting interactions between the various villains.

      The game also introduces Deathstroke who had the *TOUGHEST* fight out of any in the Batuniverse. It’s like the game says “Seriously, we are going to drag you, kicking and screaming, into being a good blocker.”

      If you’re not good at blocking, you’re dead. And it’s that simple.

      Beating Deathstroke the first time was *EXTREMELY* satisfying.

      Maybe this is what people who like Dark Souls feel like.

      Arkham Knight is very good but can be summed up with this delightful Sung Won clip:


      • Kenb in reply to Jaybird says:

        LOL. I hurled a lot of wtfs at Arkham knight in the first few hours, but it really was fun overall, even though I had no idea going in that I was getting a tank game and a racing game along with my combat game.Report