Overdue Announcements (Also: Leaguefest!)
Hey everybody,
A lot of this is way overdue but I have been one form or another of sick over the last couple of weeks and that has prevented all sorts of productivity.
First a head’s up: There will be some system maintenance this weekend that might cause some performance issues.
Second, an important announcement:
I am excited to announce that Michael Siegel and Bryan O’Nolan have both agreed to join our editorial staff. They’d been pitching in pretty regularly for a while now, so this is more or less just making it official and giving them credit they have long been due. One of the great things about this site is that as some people move on, we have good people around ready to step up. We have a lot of work ahead of us in the coming months, and will need all the help we can find. Along those lines, cannot thank Andrew enough for running a lot of the day-to-day, Em for the copy-editing and Michael Cain for his technical work with the site.
Plans for Leaguefest 2022 are still in the works. We are undecided on how the hotel is going to work and in which part of the area (I say “area* because NoVA is actually a leading candidate here). We are definitely going to put it near the metro, though, for those who don’t want to rent a car. Unfortunately anything in the area is going to be pricey ($150-200 a night it looks like, and closer to the latter), though if you’re willing to be out of town and come in I’m sure there is money to be saved. Let me know if your attitude is more “I don’t care where we’re staying it’s mostly about hanging out with my peeps” or “I did not travel all the way to Washington DC to stay in a darn Holiday Inn.”
We’re getting some good recommendations on restaurants.
We plan to have events on Friday night and Saturday night, with the latter being the main event. There will be something on Sunday as well, though it may be a bit earlier so that everyone who is leaving on Monday can get home, pack, and get some rest if they need to. The most important thing is to plan on being there on Saturday, if you can. If you can’t get in until late Friday or sometime earlier on Saturday, that’s fine.
Right now there are no Whole Group plans, though I know some of you were eyeing trips to vineyards together. The Nationals are out of town.
Congrats and welcome to Michael Siegel and Bryan O’Nolan. Endless thank yous to everyone else involved!Report
If you still need restaurant recs, I remember Founding Farmers and 2Amy’s both very fondly. The former can probably better accommodate a large group, though reservations were sometimes tricky to get. 2Amy’s was relatively small-ish if memory serves and I don’t recall if they take advance reservations.
If you find yourself in Adam’s Morgan… well, do what you can to not find yourself in Adam’s Morgan… but if you do, skip the jumbo slice bullcrap and go to Amsterdam Falafel for late night eats.
There was a beer garden in the H Street Corridor I remember being fun, especially to watch a soccer game. It might cater to a younger crowd though… not sure what the demographics of the group are.
I probably have more if there is something specific you’re looking for, though it has also been a long while since I lived there. Most of these places are probably salad shops now.Report
If you’re expecting more people to be driving in, it might make more sense to focus on northern Virginia. It’s a lot easier to drive from a hotel to a restaurant in Virginia than in DC. I don’t know when you’re hoping for the get-together, but if it’s anywhere near tourist season DC will only be worse.
Also, a general note: great zoo, free entry, $30 parking or a short walk from the subway.Report
Zoo is indeed worth it. Though what Metro is close?Report
Woodley Park.Report
Congratulations to Michael and Bryan. I look forward to reading more from you both.Report
Out of curiosity, what do editors do here? Posts don’t all go through prior editorial review, do they?Report
They do. Mostly it’s a matter of copy editing though in some cases people raise more substantive concerns.Report
I did not know that. When I wrote for a group blog, it was more of a Wild West type situation, where we just posted whatever we wanted whenever we wanted.Report