Video Throughput: Pericarditis From COVID-19 Vaccine? Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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5 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    I had a thought about vaccine hesitancy that I’m a bit reluctant to express here because I know it’s going to get certain regular commenters all smugly hot and bothered, but here goes: It’s weird that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is overwhelmingly a Republican phenomenon.

    Trump was the one pushing to get a vaccine developed ASAP. Democrats were saying that it was crazy and irresponsible to try to develop and administer a vaccine so quickly. I’m not saying he personally deserves a lot of credit, but this could have been a huge victory for the Trump administration, at least symbolically. “Democrats gave us lockdowns and Republicans gave us vaccines” is a solid slogan; even if it’s not 100% true, it’s truthy enough for politics.

    On top of that, a bunch of lefties were mad about corporations profiting off the vaccines. Insofar as Republicans think of vaccination in political terms (not that they should!), they could think of getting vaccinated as a giant fish-you to all the naysayers on the left.

    And they just threw it all away. I’m not saying that vaccination should be politicized, but it is, because everything is, and it’s politicized in the opposite of the way I would have expected.Report

    • JC in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      Number one, it’s not an overwhelmingly republican phenomenon. 20% of african americans are vaccinated.
      Number two, this is a fundamentally untested injection of mRNA that will create original-gangsta spike proteins in your body. Ya know, the weird part that China created? Aka the unique part of the virus? Aka the deadly part?
      Number three — this is this generation’s 9/11. Best numbers we’ve got are 2000-3000 dead children, straight up murdered for a disease they don’t catch. And the CDC knows it.Report

      • Chip Daniels in reply to JC says:

        After 9-11, I learned from internet commenters that fire can’t melt steel, and that the Jews in the twin towers all called in sick that day, and Muslims could be seen dancing on rooftops.

        So yeah, this does seem very much like another 9-11.Report

    • Not taking any precautions (no masking, no distancing, no shutdowns) broke Republican, as did denying that Covid was serious. Not getting vaccinated is an extension of that.Report