Weekend Plans Post: Time for Spaghetti Sauce Again
Maribou and I have been plowing through our various cookbooks trying to find some dishes that are as awesome as the Thai-Style Coconut Chicken Soup or the Baked Beans and while we’ve found some good stuff, we haven’t found anything awesome to the point where I am needing to tell my friends about it. (We have made a piccata a buncha times, though.)
Yesterday when I got home, Maribou pointed out that we haven’t yet made spaghetti sauce this season and… OH MY GOSH WE HAVEN’T!!!
So I fried up some meat and put some spices into the crock pot with some pesto and some Pomi tomatoes! And it’s sitting in the bottom of the fridge right now!!! AND WE’RE GONNA HAVE PASKETTI TOMORROW!!!
When I was a kid, I always thought it was kind of silly to hear stuff that grownups got excited by. “Oooh! Spaghetti! OOOOH! GARLIC BREAD!!!”
Like, I thought that you needed to be excited by Cedar Point-level stuff to deserve an “Oooh!”
Now I am in my autumn and I shake my head. You don’t need to drive to Sandusky to wirehead properly. You can do it by using the last bit of garlic bread to wipe the last bit of sauce off of the bottom of the bowl.
I mean, why would you need more than that to have a good time?
As such, this weekend will be spent with friends (we’ve got a game night *AND* the Royal Rumble) and eating leftovers. And hanging out with friends and eating food and playing games and watching people throw each other over the top rope is even better than Cedar Point.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Towels”. Photo taken by Maribou.)