The Fourteenth Annual Mindless Diversions Unsolicited Shopping Guide


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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17 Responses

  1. Michael Cain

    It is amazing that in the space of 18 months, Grandpa’s glorified doodles for birthdays and Christmas have become a tradition. I have the sketch for Christmas this year done, and with any luck will finish it this next week.

    Granddaughter #2’s birthday was this past Friday. Neither she nor her older sister recognized that the idea was not original. “Your children have never seen The Wizard of Oz?” I asked my daughter, outraged. “What is wrong with you?” Always interesting to read about elderly special effects. The Surrender Dorothy effect used a hypodermic needle to draw the letters in black ink across the bottom of a glass tank filled with tinted water.

  2. rexknobus

    Just a note in strong support of Albert Finney’s 1970 “Scrooge.” Plenty of versions stretching back to drawings on cave walls, but this one really hits a high note. Literally. Guy should have got an Oscar. Lots of songs and production values from many of the same folks who won Oscars a couple years before with “Oliver!”. And on another note, I’m very proud of my “Wall o’ DVDs.” Gotta have that hard copy. Latest purchase? Blu-Ray of “Out of the Past”. Ahhhhh…Report

    • Jaybird in reply to rexknobus

      I had an entire digression devoted to how making A Christmas Carol a musical was like making it stop-motion animation (or a Muppets version, I guess) in that it wasn’t immediately obvious that the juice would be worth the squeeze but it didn’t fit and I erased it.

      But I’ll be darned if that doesn’t remain my favorite version (even over the Muppets).Report

  3. Marchmaine

    I recommend the Sunbeam heated Mattress Pad with WIFI.

    Sure, another single purpose app for your phone. BUT, you can program the pad to turn on 1/2 hour before your usual bedtime and there’s nothing better than climbing in to nice warm sheets on a cold winter night. (I program it to turn *off* around midnight once I’m asleep and the bed temp is stable.)

    Merry Christmas.Report

  4. Slade the Leveller

    It was published in 2018, but I just finished it this year: Richard Powers’ The Overstory is one of the best novels I’ve read in years.

    Tom Coyne has written 3 books in his A Course Called… series.They’re about golf and a lot more than golf.

    The Last Dinner Party’s “Prelude to Ecstasy” is my album of the year. Give to yourself!

    My gift to you all is Ben Caplan’s rendition of O, Holy Night. I first heard it the Christmas after my wife died and it brought me to tears. The passion he brings to the song is just incredible.

  5. fillyjonk

    I’m mostly giving food gifts this year. Some of the people I buy for are Old and say they don’t “need” anything but people do need to eat, and nice/luxury food items (considering preferences and dietary restrictions of course) seem to always be appreciated.
    I used Stonewall Kitchen for some of their gift baskets, and I sent some of the Seabear pouches to my mom – which also have the benefit of being shelf stable, so if she gets snowed in for a few days, she’ll have an easy source of protein

    I did buy a fancy turtleneck with a “horses running through the desert” print for my horse-mad niece.

    But yeah, as my family and circle shrinks, there are fewer gifts to look for. And I won’t lie, it makes me sad, I love picking out gifts for people. (And most charity type groups understandably prefer money to spend as they need it/to buy what they want to give their recipients)Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to fillyjonk

      Food is always a great gift; well, other than fruit cakes.

      One of the coolest food gifts we received was an oyster sauce made from the leaves of a black walnut steeped in a jar over a period of a few months alternating between direct sunlight and basement darkness.

      But yeah, doesn’t have to be crazy like that… spiced holiday nuts are awsome; and our family recipe Baklava is something my dad started doing in the 70s for friends and the General Contractors he subbed for.Report

  6. Damon
    The Snowman 1982 with Original Introduction

    That’s probably all I’ll watch. Or the one with the kid and the BB gun. That and deliver the fruitcakes.Report

  7. Jaybird

    Some light serendipity… I learned the sci-fi term for what the Chrononauts game plays with: Jonbar Hinge.

    The most recent obvious one is Harambe, of course. Some speculate that Peanut the squirrel was also one.Report

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