Donald Trump and The National Association of Black Journalists: Watch For Yourself

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50 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw

    “She was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, she made a turn, and she went, she became a Black person,”

    This comment is worse than anyone can imagine even by Trump standards. The interview was apparently so bad that even Fox News couldn’t whitewash it (sorry, not sorry).Report

  2. Saul Degraw

    He is probably five clicks at most from using the n-word in a hot micReport

  3. Philip H

    And yet the GOP believe he is their savior.Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    And the day before he managed to insult most Jewish Americans by calling us really crappy:

  5. Chip Daniels

    “That’s an interesting political strategy. Whaddya call it?


  6. Burt Likko

    Apparently the campaign is running with the idea that Kamala can only be Indian-American or African-American but not both. What they think are “gotcha” headlines and quotes are being projected on screens at the Harrisburg rally going on right now.

    Presumably, the campaign people, or Trump, or both, believe this will be to their net advantage.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Burt Likko

      I’ve been spending a small amount of time within some 90s pop culture and this totally feels like something that would have happened in the 90s.


      Remember when that word was the important one?

      I still don’t understand why Troy was the right choice in Reality Bytes… anyway.

      Criticisms of OJ Simpson during his trial talked about how he abandoned being Black the second they offered him that Hertz money but the second he kills his wife suddenly he wants to be Black again.

      So we’ve got a politician here who spent a great deal of time being “Indian” and then, when it was time to become Black, whammo. Now she’s Jamaican.

      “She’s not *AUTHENTICALLY* Black!”

      The 1990’s called. They want their neuroses back.Report

      • Steve Casburn in reply to Jaybird

        I do not miss the purity tests of my youth…

        Kamala Harris chose to go to Howard University, which is, of course, one of the best-known of the Historically Black colleges. While at Howard, she chose to rush Alpha Kappa Alpha, which is a prominent sorority for black women. As far as I know, she’s never been anything other than vocally proud of those associations.Report

      • Burt Likko in reply to Saul Degraw

        Wow — Lara Loomer puzzling over birth certificates. It’s like it’s still 2008.Report

        • InMD in reply to Burt Likko

          To that point, and to this larger conversation, Harris’ background is highly conducive to turning hard post racial, which if she does I would predict turns this into a decisive victory for her. The question is whether her and the Democratic party are still constitutionally capable of such a thing. Unfortunately I have my doubts.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to InMD

            Post-racial would change everything.

            I think that Trump is betting on Black people being racist and Indian people being *REALLY* racist and seeing the different pretzels that Kamala ties herself into.

            Jokes on him! Indians and Black people *CAN’T* be racist!Report

          • Kazzy in reply to InMD

            Kamala’s response should be “Why is he the only one talking about race here?”Report

            • InMD in reply to Kazzy

              That would be a really good response.Report

              • Kazzy in reply to InMD

                She did even better, I think:

                “”Today, we were given yet another reminder. This afternoon, Donald Trump spoke at the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists, and it was the same old show, the divisiveness and the disrespect. Let me just say, the American people deserve better,” the vice president said in remarks at a Sigma Gamma Rho sorority event in Houston.
                She continued: “The American people deserve a leader who tells the truth. A leader who does not respond to hostility and anger with confronted with the facts. We deserve a leader who understands that our differences do not divide us. They are an essential source of our strength.”

                Earlier Wednesday, Trump said at a panel discussion at the gathering of Black journalists in Chicago that Harris “happened to turn Black” a few years ago, claiming that “all of a sudden, she made a turn” in her identity.

                Harris did not specifically respond to Trump’s false claims, which he made after an interviewer asked him whether he agreed with Republicans on Capitol Hill who have characterized Harris as a “DEI hire.”

                “Ours is a fight for the future,” the vice president told the audience in Houston. “And it is a fight for freedom.”Report

              • DavidTC in reply to Kazzy

                See, this is one of the reasons I’m really starting to like Harris.

                Trump will continue to spout things about her race that generate a lot of discussion, a lot of condemnation of him, things that disgust people, and she doesn’t have to join in at all. The media are going to step forwards and correct the record, they’re going to talk about this, she doesn’t have to.

                She understands that when your enemy is making a mistake, you don’t interrupt them.

                Moreover, now it’s only the Republicans who are talking about race, and the only way that they’re talking about it is to attack someone’s race. Good job Republicans!Report

      • Chip Daniels in reply to Saul Degraw

        Someone needs to do a word search of Truth Social for “Quadroon.”Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Burt Likko

      My theory is that Trump and his team are still totally off guard with Harris and trying to find what will work against her. They also don’t know how to respond to mockery.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Saul Degraw

        When I worked in DC, I knew someone who was pretty deep inside Obama’s inner campaign circle. She shared that they were totally caught of guard with the Palin VP pick because they never anticipated her. She spoke about what a smart move it was because it caused their team to scramble to find their counters. But they took time to do so (and Tina Fey did her thing) and were able to respond and prevail.

        How was Trump’s team so unprepared for Harris? And why not take time to formulate a plan?Report

        • Saul Degraw in reply to Kazzy

          1. Obama’s team is a lot smarter than Trump’s team;

          2. In some fairness, I don’t think it was unreasonable to assume Biden would just stubborn it out until the convention.

          3. See # 1Report

          • Kazzy in reply to Saul Degraw

            Yes, yes, I was largely being rhetorical. But even if you think Biden is 90/10 to remain in, no one works on a Break-in-case-of-emergency Kamala plan?Report

            • DavidTC in reply to Kazzy

              You have to be an exceptional level of stupid to be running a campaign to try to get Biden to drop out, and not contend with the possibility that he might drop out.

              Then again, we had the court overturned Roe v Wade, and the response of the Biden administration was, like a week later, ‘We’re going to get a committee to look into this’, because they apparently didn’t notice that has been a known Republican goal for 30 years and Trump didn’t deliberately put people on the Supreme Court to do that. Who could have guessed that that would happen and anyone would have to deal with it?!

              Honestly, sometimes people in politics are some of the dumbest people who have ever existed, with apparently no ability to make plans for very obvious things that could very easily happen.Report

            • Reformee Republican in reply to Kazzy

              Even if you don’t expect Biden to drop out, he could have a stroke or break a hip or be forced out in any number of ways. The VP is an obvious choice for successor.Report

    • Michael Siegel in reply to Burt Likko

      Multi-racial is the fastest growing ethnic identity in the country but sure, GOP, crap all over them.Report

      • InMD in reply to Michael Siegel

        The GOP base is too stupid to understand (or is too tied to its prejudices to appreciate) that more likely than not ‘multiracial’ in this country isn’t going to look like what they fear it will, nor what the silliest intersectionalists pray it will. It’s going to look like a lot of people with some Latin American and Asian ancestry who through intermarriage and assimilation are vaguely white enough. The only thing that could complicate it is blunt, heavy handed government classifications with benefits attached to them.Report

  7. Saul Degraw

    Former advisor to Donald Trump Sebastian Gorka on Vice President Harris: “She’s a disaster whose only qualifications was having a vagina and the right skin color. She’s a DEI hire. She’s a woman! She’s colored!”Report

  8. Chip Daniels

    Trump aide: “Man, we’re taking a beating with Vance out there being so weird and creepy. Whatever can we do to shift the headlines away from him?”

    Trump: “Step aside, I got this.”Report

  9. Patrick

    “I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said.


    Just a note that having his own words repeated back to him is out of bounds horrible.

    LOL this guy.Report

  10. CJColucci

    I wonder if Trump ever played golf in an event with Tiger Woods.Report

  11. Chip Daniels

    I said once that conservatives love their token minorities because to them, the entire conversation about racism is a scam to give unfair advantage to minorities.

    This line of attack against Harris is part of that. Trump very obviously considers women and nonwhite people beneath him, but vehemently insists that racism and sexism aren’t real things, but merely cynical ploys to manipulate white males into positions of weakness.Report

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