Weekend Plans Post: The Best Bagel Sandwich


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. fillyjonk

    I don’t know. I have to purchase food today, I guess. Tomorrow I don’t want to go out – it’s supposed to be storming, it’s graduation (which I am skipping for Reasons – still having knee pain and faculty parking is pretty far from the graduation site, and I don’t fancy getting dumped on with rain while slow-walking there and back. But also, we had An Incident in my department this past week* and there’s a slim chance the student involved may try something to make a splash. My two most-involved-with-it colleagues are skipping, I decided that since my ability to evacuate if that became necessary would be limited, it’s best to stay home)

    I have things to do (preparing a couple sermons for when I come back in June, cleaning my house, planning to pack to go visit my mom) but I am seized with the dunwannas so here it is 10 am and while I have dressed and eaten breakfast and put in a load of laundry, I’ve not done anything else.

    (*nothing to do with the protests in many other colleges; this is someone with their own very personal demon that’s coming out in unsettling ways; we’ve had police patrolling the building for the past several weeks and the student’s been escorted off twice but then let back on campus)Report

  2. Marchmaine

    Taking Lady Marchmaine to the Alamo (they have passable fish’n’chips believe it or not) to see The Fall Guy … desperately hoping without evidence that it’s something of a dumb action RomCom.

    Then our streak of beautiful weather is supposed to turn into cold rain for the weekend… so boo.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine

      I asked Maribou if she wanted to go out and see that! She thought for a second and said “Nah.”

      So our date tonight involves Everything, Everybody, Something Something. We still haven’t seen it but we’re watching it tonight.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

        I’ll let you know what you missed…

        I feel like there’s a Fall Guy / Everythingbodywhere dating meme waiting to happen.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine

          EEAAO was a real treat. It felt like a date movie for grown-ups.

          I read a whole bunch of essays about it here and twitter wouldn’t shut up about it for half a year or so but I still found myself saying “I have no idea where this is going” every 10 minutes.Report

          • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

            For about half the movie I was really impressed… felt like a real movie. With people and words and stuff. A plot, a meta-plot, a meta-movie about a movie. Stunts were props to the plot; Stunts were metaphors for love. Foreshadowing about making bad decisions.

            Then the writers/movie just started making bad decisions. Where the first half walked the tight-rope of stunts in service to the plot — like a Penn & Teller routine — the second half just said F-it. Stunts for everyone. And wasted a plot that didn’t have to go the way it did.Report

  3. InMD

    We are deep into spring sports season for my oldest, meaning I will spend most of the weekend either driving to or at a field somewhere. At least it is supposed to cool down some.

    My only hope of anything else is finishing Halo season 2 with my wife. We got sucked into season 1 during a showtime free weekend back in the winter. We waited for all of season 2 to be released and are now trying to binge it before the free week of Paramount+ ends. The show peaks at something like a B-. So enough upside to finish it out but not enough to end up with yet another damn streaming service auto renewing on the credit card.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to InMD

      At first I thought your wife was pushing you to get your act together and play Halo 2 on date night… then I realized you meant some sort of TV show. Sad.Report

      • InMD in reply to Marchmaine

        No, this is the not bad, but also not particularly good tv show. It may not even be as good as the not-a-RomCom-RomCom.

        I beat the actual Halo 2 with one of my younger brothers 20 years ago while visiting home for Christmas. No need to waste time doing it again with my wife.Report

  4. Fish

    My breakfast sandwich is a variation on yours and it’s always a big hit. I’ve even made it as “breakfast for dinner.”Report

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