OJ Simpson: The Trial That Broke America

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3 Responses

  1. Russell Michaels

    No, the verdict was not right.Report

  2. J_A

    I disagree that the prosecution did not meet their (reasonable) threshold.

    To me this was a clear case of jury nullification, for reasons that I can understand and even empathize with. The defense just threw almost random allegations “what if these, what if that?” without any supporting evidence, which moved the goalpost from “beyond a reasonable doubt” to “with 100% certainty”.

    Does police cut corners? Yes they do. CSI is fiction. But in reality the police initially believed OJ was in Chicago when the murders were committed. So all the alleged evidence planting supposedly was intended to frame someone that the planters at the time believed had an iron tight alibi. That would be really Keystone Cops of themReport

  3. CJColucci

    At the time of the verdict, William Kunstler and his wingman Ron Kuby said that the evidence in the Simpson case was enough to expect a conviction most of the time. But most of the time, the defendants don’t have the resources to put up the fight OJ’s lawyers did. If they did, you’d probably see a lot more acquittals apparently in the teeth of evidence sufficient to convince most bystanders. Then the OJ result wouldn’t look so exceptional — just another case that probably came out wrong.Report

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