Weekend Plans Post: The Three Day Weekend


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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7 Responses

  1. Fish

    Going to see a movie with my SO this afternoon, most likely followed by dinner. Very little on the docket otherwise, except maybe getting together with a friend for a beer Sunday afternoon.Report

  2. Marchmaine

    I should probably go hunting… I’ve been very lax, black powder season is almost over, and our venison supplies are perilously low.Report

    • InMD in reply to Marchmaine

      Do you just hunt your property or is there public land out there people can use? My buddy who lives in your direction has been saying we should try it. Laws are so stringent where I am I have never even tried hunting deer so my experience is limited to waterfowl AKA shooting from a blind at disappointing, wretched ducks.

      I will actually be out in the Purcellville/Round Hill area tomorrow but I think the only thing we’re planning on hunting this time is bourbon and scotch.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to InMD

        Yeah, just hunt on the property… we have a few permanent stands and I just wander back periodically. It certainly simplifies the whole process.

        I don’t know much about hunting on public lands, but I think it’s mostly a matter of getting a license, stamps, and braving the woods to find a spot. Speaking of Purcellville, if you stay east of the Blueridge the season is a lot longer; west of the mountains our rifle season is just a couple weeks around Thanksgiving — but either sex, which is nice.

        If you wanted to de-cloak, dm me on Twitter and we could set you up on the property on a weekday (weekends are usually spoken for). Still need a license and stamps… but wandering the woods part is taken care of.Report

        • InMD in reply to Marchmaine

          Unfortunately between the baby, my brother’s wedding, and the holidays coming up I think I am out of wiggle room for weekday adventures, but I may well take you up on that offer next season.

          I have my grandfather’s winchester rifle that I believe is suited for the purpose, and that probably is dying to do something other than be taken to a shooting range once a year. That probably makes it more productive that you can shoot doe. If that, or any hunting at all, were allowed in my neighborhood there could be venison for decades, particularly since the deer will hang out in the open within 10 feet of you while they eat your garden. These are of course anti social urban deer, not wholesome country deer.Report

  3. Slade the Leveller

    Hoo boy. Busy this weekend. Charity trivia tonight, football quarterfinal officiating and chorus concert tomorrow. Sunday will be devoted to getting the house ready for putting on the market.

    I told my girlfriend the official move in date would be this coming week, so I’ll be saying (mostly) goodbye to my home of 30 years. It’s a little bittersweet, but let me tell you 2 months of painting and sprucing up and pitching 30 years’ worth of accumulated stuff will quickly make you not long for a piece of real estate.Report

  4. Jaybird

    A million years ago, Maribou went out to help one of her friends move from hither to all the way over there in another time zone entirely. Like, they would share shifts in a U-Haul and everything.

    This was back when vehicles still had CD players and somewhere around the time that Kanye West released his album “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”. I wanted to say “here… I bought you guys this CD… You can listen to it as you drive across different time zones… have fun” but, hey, I was lazy and didn’t get around to it.

    Maribou’s friend moved out there and proceeded to have several awful years in a row.

    I blame myself.

    Here’s Kanye’s “Runaway”:

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