Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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4 Responses

  1. Kolohe says:

    I know the term from the famous Marx Bros* movie but I never knew until looking it up now that ‘duck soup’ was a slang term for an easy opponent or easy job.

    *which I have never seen so that is probably a large part of my ignorance.Report

  2. Kolohe says:

    Also fun fact WGN is of course not the TV station but it’s also not a radio station yet, (not until the 1920’s) – it’s the original source of the moniker Worlds Greatest Newspaper, the Chicago Tribune.Report

  3. Kolohe says:

    Lastly someone crossed the timestreams between Briggs, Pat Hughes, and Derek the Die Workwear guy.Report