POETS Day! “Against Romanticism” by Kingsley Amis

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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2 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    When I was a kid, school always started the Wedmesday after Labor Day Monday. My general experience is that this may have been unique to the Northeast. Bay Area schools are apparently starting early to coincide with the start of community college because a lot of high school students also take community college classes.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      New York also decided not to have summer court for civil cases from Memorial Day until Labor Day long after other states started adding summer court because air conditioning made it possible. Having a leisurely system is only possible in a less globalized world. In a more globalized word, where some countries are more willing to make their citizens work harder and have less fun than these sort of leisurely summers are no more.Report