Weekend Plans Post: Lines that Go Unexpectedly Hard


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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7 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    No matter how bad a mood I am in, that “We’re just normal men” bit NEVER fails to make me laugh.
    I have also used the “….face God and walk backward into Hell” line, which yes, is Shakespearean in feel and now I wonder if of all of us, will dril be the one remembered 400 years hence?

    My plans are to take tomorrow off, drive to the nicer town a half hour south, go to some of the nice little shops they have and just look around, but also stock up on a few things (cosmetics and household things) I need that aren’t available (or as easily available) in my little town. And I also just need a day away from grinding away on advanced biostatistics.Report

  2. InMD says:

    Sounds like a good line for a metal song. Actually kind of reminded me of this one that came out last year from an act in your neck of the woods:


    As for my weekend, a little bit lighter since my son’s spring sports are done. I am going to see what I can accomplish on a nasty scratch in the paint my wife has put in her car from parking just far enough in the garage that the sensor didn’t stop the door before scraping the bumper. I foresee a body shop bill in my future regardless. Other than that we have dinner with the in laws. Hopefully I can get a bike ride or a run in at some point. We are also at about 3 weeks out before the new baby is due to arrive, so a lot of bracing ourselves. Speaking of which maybe instead of exercising I’ll try to get in a nap.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    “That sounds like Beckett”

    The puppeteer says that it was an ad lib while he was trying to make the woman laugh and break character.Report

  4. Fish says:

    Going to see The Sisters of Mercy tonight in Denver. My buddy has been waiting decades to see these guys so tonight should be fun. Tomorrow is the Champions League final and a friend is coming over for a cookout and to watch the match. City is sure to beat Inter and seal the Treble. And mixed in there will be some video gaming and some reading and hopefully getting some outside time with the doggos.Report

  5. Marchmaine says:

    Sounds like Joyce.

    Enjoy D4 tonight… I’ve been playing early access and am already sorta bored by it. You’ll like it because you actually read the words and think *story* is a useful element of a developer’s time.

    The wall I hit was the perfectly logical but soul/game crushingly bad decision to make *everything* autoscale to your level. Which I’ll admit probably has some benefits — if you think reading the story has any useful value to enjoying the game — but in practice has made every minion, every boss, every fight take exactly the same number of swings/dance-steps since the first boss at level 3 or 4.

    What they left out? Finding the thing that makes your build *really* fun and overpowered… if only for an act or two. Or the thing that makes you try a different build just to be OP for an act or two. Instead? Everything is perfectly calibrated to Unique level enhancements which are, like, 10% chance to do 30% additional damage using Skill X… which sounds great or maybe even fun if you can’t do rudimentary ‘game math’.

    It’s overtuned to keep you undertuned.

    That said, I’ll probably keep slogging through to see if it gets better later. I hope it does. Let me know if reading the story means that the good guy doesn’t become the bad guy and we kill the bad guy by avenging the good guy who turned bad.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

      I am totally getting into this right now. I will say that once you get your key passive, you might notice a bit of a bump.

      But before that? Nothin’.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird says:

        I’m almost level 50 which completes the tree/build and then opens up the second tree? Paragon Points?

        The good thing is that you get access to all the abilities early in the game… and can switch easily – that’s nice.

        The bad thing is that you spend the next 30 levels adding micro enhancements to meh abilities on timers.

        Loot games need to have loot that enables you to ‘break’ the game for a period while you hunt for the loot that will break the endgame. Flat power curve from level 5 to 50 (and beyond?) is killing me.Report