The East Palestine Crash: Reality Bubbles Through

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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31 Responses

  1. DensityDuck says:

    A useful (but perhaps not welcome) thing to point out is that this kind of situation is what those pipelines that were going to be Environmental Disasters were meant to avoid.

    Yes, David, I can see you typing, I know this isn’t the same chemicals that specific pipeline was meant to carry, and I know it isn’t the place where that specific pipeline was meant to go, the point is that pipelines don’t have to worry about derailments.Report

    • Philip H in reply to DensityDuck says:

      pipelines don’t have to worry about derailments

      Very true. Just ruptures. and lack of maintenance. But not derailments.

      • DensityDuck in reply to Philip H says:

        Wow, six? Seems like a lot. I wonder how many train derailments there were that year? Oh, 1044 and that’s down from previous years? Hm. Seems like the kind of number you should have checked before posting.Report

        • Philip H in reply to DensityDuck says:

          You are comparing apples to ice cubes man. That derailment figure includes every rail operation from the Class 1’s – like NS – to the Regionals, shortlines, ports and industrial lines. If you narrow down to Class 1’s, NS had 112 derailments last year. That’s still not good, but a closer comparison.

          Also note your derailments figure doesn’t say how many spilled hazardous materials. Every pipeline rupture did.

          Here’s the reality – there is NO SAFE WAY to transport hazardous materials. None. And given that railroads hauled cargo over 534 million railroad miles (meaning moving a unit of cargo one mile by rail) its still the statistically safest way to move this stuff.Report

    • The following came out nastier than I intended. Apology in advance…

      So, build a vinyl chloride pipeline network? Does it have to be dedicated to that? Or are there things that can also be pushed through that pipeline, the way a variety of petroleum products share an individual pipeline, with different products requiring some degree of separation at the receiving end? There are at least dozens of chemicals shipped in large volumes by rail. How many of them can safely come into contact with each other? How many pipelines?Report

      • DensityDuck in reply to Michael Cain says:

        (points to the part of the comment that says “I can see you typing, I know this isn’t the same chemicals that specific pipeline was meant to carry, and I know it isn’t the place where that specific pipeline was meant to go, the point is that pipelines don’t have to worry about derailments.”)Report

        • I don’t dispute that. I’m disputing your implicit claim that pipelines can deliver the same large-scale transportation service of hundreds/thousands of industrial chemicals that customers demand and that rail provides.

          Heck, despite the volume of ethanol that needs to move between different parts of the country, no one can justify the cost of dedicated pipelines to move it (with small local exceptions).Report

          • DensityDuck in reply to Michael Cain says:

            (points to the part of the comment that says “I can see you typing, I know this isn’t the same chemicals that specific pipeline was meant to carry, and I know it isn’t the place where that specific pipeline was meant to go, the point is that pipelines don’t have to worry about derailments.”)


            the point of this is not the engineering design for a pipe carrying the specific chemicals that were on the train between the two specific points that the train was connecting

            the point is that people take it as given that Pipelines Are Horribly Dangerous And Damaging And Always Have Spills And Problems without mentioning that all the other ways have more problemsReport

  2. Chip Daniels says:

    I’m not particularly interested in hearing caterwauling about this from the Republican Party

    Actually, I’m eager to see this accident hyped by Fox and the rightwing wurlitzer, with screaming reports all day every day, endless profiles of weeping people holding their dying dogs, and interviews with fearful people shrieking whattaboutthechildren.

    The more they terrify the public, the more it gets cemented into the public consciousness that industrial safety is a Big Concern and Something Must Be Done.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    You know what this reminds me of, a little?

    The Jackson Mississippi Water Crisis.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Philip H says:

        It ties into the whole “we’re forgetting how to do things” thing that I worry at from time to time.

        Like… let’s say that you’ve got a complex system that requires a great deal of expertise to keep it oiled and running effectively.

        What does this expertise going away look like?Report

        • Philip H in reply to Jaybird says:

          We aren’t “forgetting” how to do anything. We still know HOW to do it. In t he case of Jackson – a majority black Democratic voting city in a largely white GOP voting state – the water system has been consistently underfunded at the state level on purpose for decades. NS has decided that keeping its profits up meant firing a third of its workforce over the last ten years, reducing track maintenance expenditures as far as the law allows, and then creating ever longer trains to move more freight so that they could demolish and sell off classification yards to further goose profits.

          None of that was forgetting. It was volitional decisions made in service of goals that don’t benefit the majority of the population.Report

  4. Philip H says:

    Railway Age is a railroad trade publication, but it does a decent job of summarizing the business side of this accident:

    “NTSB investigators have identified and examined the railcar that initiated the derailment. Surveillance video from a residence showed what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment. The wheelset from the suspected railcar has been collected as evidence for metallurgical examination. The suspected overheated wheel bearing has been collected and will be examined by engineers from the NTSB Materials Laboratory in Washington, D.C.

    Interestingly for an industry publication, the author throws Tucker Carlson and MTG under the train . . .

  5. Philip H says:

    Buttigieg also wants Congress to raise the maximum amount the DOT can fine railroads for safety violations. He says fines right now are so low that he’s concerned the big railroad corporations just write them off as a cost of doing business.

    “The maximum fine we can issue, even for egregious violations involving hazardous materials resulting in the loss of life, is just over $225,000,” he said. “For a multibillion-dollar rail company posting profits in the billions every year, it’s just not enough to have an adequate deterrent effect.”

  6. Philip H says:

    The right’s East Palestine demagoguery employs a widely shared graphic of an enormous chemical plume from a controlled fire burning off chemicals. This is meant to suggest a left-behind area victimized by a deliberately inflicted calamity, which is explicitly described in right-wing media as woke elite punishment for the Whiteness of its abandoned residents.

    For some on the right, it isn’t enough for this story to be about corporate greed, the need for bureaucratic reform, or which party is genuinely committed to investing in — and governing on behalf of — places like East Palestine. Instead, it must be transformed into a tale about racial malice, with White Americans as the victims.

  7. Philip H says:

    The NTSB preliminary report is out. Its four pages make clear the initial events.

  8. Philip H says:

    The Ohio AG has filed a lawsuit:

    Ohio has filed a federal lawsuit against Norfolk Southern over last month’s toxic chemical derailment in East Palestine, Attorney General Dave Yost announced Tuesday.

    Yost outlined the 58-count complaint, saying that Norfolk Southern violated numerous state, federal and Ohio common laws and violated the state’s Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

    “This derailment was entirely avoidable,” Yost said at a news conference Tuesday. “I’m concerned that Norfolk Southern may be putting profits for their own company above the health and safety of the cities and communities they operate in.”

    The attorney general went on to point out that the derailment “caused the release of over 1 million gallons of hazardous chemicals and it endangered both the health and area residents of Ohio’s natural resources.”