Piperade: A Spicy One Pan Breakfast for Whenever

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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6 Responses

  1. Cunnin Li says:

    Breakfast is the world’s first marketing scam, brought to you by Kellogg, and other people who had Products To Sell.
    I eat no breakfast, and am healthier for it.Report

  2. Damon says:

    “People love breakfast foods so much that having accepted that modern life doesn’t often allow time to indulge in, let alone do dishes after, before their commute we’ve split them off from other foods. ”

    I take issue: I can make a version of “eggs benedict” in @ 10 minutes. Toast the english muffin, sauté the spinach, and ham until cooked/warmed through, set aside. Cook the eggs over easy. Put meat, thin sliced cheese, top with spinach and the egg. Enjoy. I think I made two of these in like 7 mins while filling up my coffee, and buttering the unused top of the muffin.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    I discovered pre-sliced jalapenos in the produce aisle and I regret to inform that I buy a package of them every week now. Useful for microwaving, frying, or just throwing on top of a salad.

    Sure, I could buy a couple of jalapenos for a fifth of the price and slice them myself but… they’re pre-sliced. They’re the best thing since sliced bread.Report

  4. Burt Likko says:

    1. Breakfast is amazing and I love it. I have eaten breakfast foods for three meals a day on some days and those days tend to be good ones.

    2. Piperade looks quite a bit like shakshuka.

    3. Nero Wolfe’s scrambled eggs look quite good also but oy, what a lot of work. Also I disagree strongly with adding salt during the scramble. Will estop the rise to fluffiness we all seek in our eggs. I recommend keeping some cleaned-out jelly jars and cracking your eggs in them. Add a dash of cream (not much) if you want, and a generous amount of chopped chives, and (very important) one drop of water for each egg. Close and seal the jelly jar, and shake it well. Immediately pour into a buttered pan and cook over low heat. As fluffy as Wolfe’s? Maybe not,but ready in ten minutes instead of thirty.

    4. I know there are people who have scrambled eggs with no cheese on them. I just don’t understand why they do this.Report