The Babyproofed Society: The Urge to Eliminate Risk From American Life
The political world has been in an uproar over the past week on account of a somewhat random topic: gas stoves. This whole news cycle revolved around the idea – mooted by Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. – of banning gas stoves due to their alleged harmful impact on health and indoor air quality. (I say alleged because the studies being cited are not at all solid.) Trumka, son of the famed union boss of the same name, stated regarding gas ranges that “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” Progressives rushed to the proposal’s defense, claiming that these newly-studied health risks are only part of the problem – gas stoves are also terrible for climate change. Several cities, including New York, have banned gas hookups in new buildings entirely, stopping the promulgation not only of gas-powered stoves, but also of gas heating and water boiling.
For a day or so, these inherent ‘problems’ of household gas usage were the talk of the town, but this all stopped cold when the idea of banning a common and well-loved cooking appliance dropped like a lead balloon in the broader public. All of a sudden, the talking points shifted to gaslighting (pun intended) about the issue: denying that bans were on the table at all and claiming that this was just another conservative “culture war,” despite the clear evidence to the contrary. The New York Times serves as an excellent example of this rapid flip-flopping. On January 11, they published an article which has the web title “No, Biden Is Not Trying to Ban Gas Stoves,” as part of their coverage of the issue. The rest of their special online section discusses “Climate and Health Concerns,” “How to Lower Your Risk,” and “The Case for Induction Cooking.” On January 13, the Times published and widely promoted an alarmist op-ed titled “Your Gas Stove May Be Killing You.” The back-and-forth is head-spinning.
But more than anything it says about the media, progressive talking points, or the decline of scientific rigor, this whole gas stove brouhaha captures a major aspect of modern progressivism that is inherently un-American: the urge to guarantee “safety.”
Progressive “safetyism,” to use the term coined by the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt and Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) president Greg Lukianoff in their book The Coddling of the American Mind, has run rampant in American society. This desire to avoid harm and risk through government intervention is not a new desire of progressivism, indeed going back at least to FDR’s famous ‘Four Freedoms’ speech in 1941. In that address, Roosevelt promoted two freedoms – of speech and worship – which have a long history in the United States and promote individual liberty, but two others – freedom from want and from fear – which are only achievable through deep government involvement in society and economy.
Modern safetyism, which began to ramp up enormously in the 2010s, focuses on the latter two freedoms in FDR’s speech, pushing for all members of society to be made safe from even emotional harm. This goal is accomplished through overweening government agencies like the CPSC, ideologically radical institutional DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) bureaucracies, and astroturfed social pressure campaigns which stifle risk-taking, nonconformity, and individualism. This intellectual groupthink incentivizes severe risk aversion and expansive definitions of harm and safety. This was perfectly exhibited during the pandemic (which the safetyists would like us to believe is as dangerous today as it was in March 2020), when government bureaucrats insisted on radical one-size-fits-all measures that largely proved immaterial to the course of the virus. For many, the shifting recommendations of the public health class – most notably the differential treatment of anti-lockdown protests and social justice marches – discredited their ideas about what was “safe” and indicted safetyism as institutional culture.

This progressive desire to enforce happiness via perfect safety was explored deftly by Aldous Huxley in his 1932 dystopian masterpiece Brave New World. In that work, the world has become a utopia – there is nothing but happiness, or else. Drugs are given to people to control emotions, activities and ideas are heavily proscribed, and humanity is kept in a state of childlike bliss. In one passage of the book, a character called ‘The Controller’ speaks about the wonderful society which has been built to keep people sedate and docile:
The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they’re so conditioned that they practically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave. And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.
The Controller scoffs at his interlocutor, the outsider named ‘The Savage’, by denigrating the idea of liberty as impractical and entirely opposed to happiness, which can only be gained through controlled stability. One of the main themes of the book is to undermine this idea of sterile, enforced ‘happiness’ as any sort of happiness at all; without liberty, free choice, and the ability to be unhappy, happiness itself is a meaningless construct.
The totalitarian dystopia of Brave New World is one where safetyism is taken to the extreme and individual behavior is tightly controlled to avert even the potential for a negative outcome. A society like this would be truly terrible, despite its outward trappings of pleasure. In many ways, it is the society that progressives have been working toward for more than a century. I have always thought that the dystopia of Brave New World was a more realistic future for the liberal West than was Orwell’s Big Brother in 1984; the past decade of overmedicalization, assaults on individual freedoms, and hardcore safetyism have only made that starker.
We are in the midst of a push to babyproof American society – to protect us from ourselves. Usually, babyproofing is done by someone of authority (a parent, grandparent, etc.) in order to keep small children safe from accidents and their own uninformed choices. As children age out of the period when they have no concept of risk or cause and effect, babyproofing is minimized and kids are taught how to deal with things that may be dangerous or unsafe. Instead of putting covers perpetually on the stove knobs, a child would be taught how the stove works and why it is a tool for adults or use under adult supervision. Infantilizing kids when they are capable of responsibility and reasoning stunts their development, so most parents choose to do otherwise – assigning chores, giving allowances, and offering a degree of autonomy. Sensibly, we leave these choices to individual families to make based on their own risk tolerance and parenting style.

Now, progressives are taking the babyproofing approach to the whole of society, seeking to protect citizens from any risk of insecurity. In this analogy, we are the infants and the State, with its progressive nomenklatura, is the parent. Safetyists seek to ban anything and everything they deem ‘unsafe’, from gas stoves to so-called ‘hate speech’. But American citizens are not infants, and the State sure as hell isn’t our parent. The desire to trap individual citizens in a perpetual infancy under the beneficent care of our governmental betters is deeply un-American. Unfortunately, we have already moved quite far down the path towards government dependency for basic needs, with massive social programs providing something close to cradle-to-grave welfare. This is a distressing development, but one which has been in motion since the New Deal and Great Society eras. As bad as economic dependency on government is, there is something worse: reliance on the State as a substitute for individual agency and freedom of choice. And that is truly the holy grail for the progressive movement.
The proposal to ban gas ranges for our own ‘benefit’ – regardless of whether it is put into practice or not – is indicative of this desire to remove personal liberty so as to secure some semblance of ‘safety’. Progressives see happiness as only achievable through security and safety, much as The Controller in Brave New World does. This attitude is un-American, if not wholly anti-American, at root. Our society, founded in revolution by men whose ancestors braved the treacherous trans-Atlantic journey, was not meant to guarantee happiness, but the pursuit thereof. The Declaration and Constitution were not intended as means to regulate away individual agency, but as, in the words of Frederick Douglass, “glorious liberty document[s].”
America was built on the idea of risk, enterprise, and adventure. We have welcomed millions of arrivals from every corner of the world, solely based on their desire to have a chance at the ‘American Dream’. They knew success was not guaranteed, but the range of outcomes here was far in excess of the stunted, stifled lives they would be forced to live back home. Nowhere else could a poor immigrant create a massive multibillion-dollar business, or could a field slave become a renowned statesman, or could a mere idea blossom into a thriving, multicultural democracy. America has always been exceptional; it is incumbent on us to keep it that way. That means making our own choices about risk and reward, and accepting responsibility for the consequences of those decisions. American citizens are not infants, no matter how much progressive fantasists wish that to be true. It is beyond time that we show them so by standing up against the babyproofing of society.
Thudguard, a protective helmet for infants, is available from Amazon for a mere $39.95.
“Forty bucks is a lot!”, you may say.
How much is peace of mind worth?Report
This would be a purchase for a first time parent. Once you learn just how nearly indestructible kids are from random accidents this kind of stuff goes right out the window.Report
For kids with developmental delays or various physical problems this would be a must have. For typical kids it would be overkill (lol) but this has wise uses.Report
So reading this, I guess you think seatbelts infringe on liberty? Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets infringe liberty? temperature limiters on hot water heaters infringe on liberty?
Progressives aren’t animated by safety. We actually want people to be free to pursue their dreams. But we see the climate crisis as a huge impingement on personal liberty, as we asthma and other pollution created chronic health conditions. For that matter we see a lot of unfettered free market actions as anathema to liberty – you aren’t free when you can’t feed your children or have to choose between food and medical care.
Personal risk and reward and responsibility won’t address any of those systemic challenges. That leaves systems, and our economic system remains willfully unwilling to price long range environmental impacts accordingly. Look at California – in the name of economic freedom we allowed a lot of people to build homes and businesses in flood zones, and now that the climate crisis has advanced past a certain point, those places have flooded catastrophically. Insurance will pick up the pieces for them – in a privately held insurance industry, and building will expand. Because NOT progressives in a capitalist economy have told them it should be this way.Report
Oh, so you’re sayingReport
I think there’s a lot of tilting at abstractions going on here. The core question about these stoves should really be danger to utility. The criticism (rightly) stems from the fact that whatever danger they may entail is not particularly well established and the utility is really, really high. But the argument wouldn’t be so crazy if, say 1 out of 100 or even 1 out of 10,000 exploded and burned down the house in which it was otherwise properly installed. My point is that the facts are a lot more relevant than some higher principle or America’s foundational ideals or whatever.Report
Shall we recall too big to fail?Report
You know very well that has been stricken from the record and no one is ever allowed to speak of it again.Report
Is this a rebuttal to the “Don’t be a ‘These Kids Today’ Conservative” essay?Report
So tell me, is Ron DeSantis a secret safety loving progressive who wants to protect business owners from the risk of their decisions? Because one could certainly read this latest legislative gambit that way:
Nearly every other developed democracy has a much more interventionist government when it comes to safety measures among other things and they do just fine. Articles like this is why Americans tolerate tens of thousands of deaths by car accidents and who know how many minor and serious injuries a year. A lot of the statistics that Americans just shrug off would be seen as a big societal failure in every other developed democracy.Report
But America is exceptional! The OP said so! Clearly those other countries can’t tell us anything!Report
The OP is probably younger than I am. Lately, I have been having a hard time groking conservatives around my age and younger because it feels like we might as well have grown up on different planets. I don’t agree with McCarthy’s conservatism but I can somewhere see where it is coming from. He was 15 years old in 1980, this is old enough to be a youth for Reagan/Alex B. Keaton type. There were a lot of economic failures that could be somewhat attributed to old leftist orthodoxy in the 1970s. But younger conservatives feel so out of step with their generation that it is just strange.
I would say that most of the people I know, most of us liberals, are proud Americans. None of us use the America is exceptional language or concept.Report
We would listen to Cheech & Chong records in the 70s and they would often have routines where Cheech would play the old fart against Chongs smart-ass stoner.
It’s as if people like Charlie Kirk listened to those and thought “Man, that old dude sounds cool! He really knows what’s hip! And that Archie Bunker- What a wise sage!”Report
The most common error is to overlook the connection between prosperity and safety, and how one relies upon the other.
Like, how much more wealth is generated by the real estate sector now that catastrophic building fires and collapses are not common? How much more wealth and GDP is generated by a workforce not hobbled by injury and premature death?
And so on.Report
America seems to produce a larger percentage of the population that wants to live wildly and chafes at safety restrictions than other developed democracies. Proud dysfunctonalism is a thing everywhere but America has a high number of cases of it.Report
It would almost be admirable if these people actually were the stoic tough pioneers they imagine themselves to be.
But history shows they are the very first to line up for public assistance the moment things get difficult.Report
This is among many things a example of partisanship. You aren’t wrong about some of liberal desires for safety. But the desire for safety is society wide. Conservative hunters who only eat what they kill will tell you how healthy their meat is and safer then store bought meat. Going to a good evangelical church is more protective and healthier.
Now you could say those are personal things not governmental. But the LOUD drive from the pro gun side is that open public carry is vital for safety. Which they have pushed the laws to recognize.
You are correct or wrong based on the actual specific issue. Some things are good for gov to do and some aren’t. Some should be left up to individuals and some are better done by gov at the fed, state or local level depending on the situation.
FAA- big win for Fed oversight and i’m pretty sure we all like air travel being very safe.
Gas stoves- meh. Probably nothing to reg though i admit i haven’t read much. Most likely just for each person to figure out.
Food- eat whatever the hell you want. Gov should do basic food safety.Report
If Nextdoor is any indication, “safetyism” is a fundamental tenet of contemporary American conservatism.Report
I guess it depends on where the risk comes from?Report
I suspect that you could build an entire theory of political psychology that would describe much of the mainstream political spectrum built almost entirely around which sources of risk people worry about.
Hell, it would be richer than the “liberals vs conservatives” narrative, because it would explain a lot of overlap between the two on, e.g., homelessness, poor people, race, etc.Report
You know, the more I think about this, the more plausible it sounds.Report
Cleek’s law is real.Report
I presume if the NYT had suddenly started an unanimous, no-dissent-tolerated campaign against gas burners that would have been bad too. But I read here that expressing different opinions and ideas is ALSO bad because the Times’ message is incoherent from one day to the next.Report
Yeah, I just don’t get the number of Americans who have huge bugbears about safety regulations which are common in every other democracy/developed nation. It is like a huge temper tantrum based on outdated ideals of yeomanry. The same Americans would probably die quickly if actually placed in the wildnerness away from SUVs and Publix.Report
I think maybe the desire to have politics add grandeur to life by filling all aspects of existence is, in itself, totalitarian, regardless of actual party affiliation.Report
Also: “Modern safetyism, which began to ramp up enormously in the 2010s”
Really? You don’t recall anything about extensive and intrusive security measures being kind of a thing in the decade before that?Report
Dude is still using his metal Lawn Darts like it’s 1986, completely oblivious.Report
Heck, I still remember back in those carefree days prior to 2010 when the Department of Homeland Security let you cook on any kind of stove you wanted.Report
Ah yeah, I felt so free, walking directly from the parking lot to the gate, at the airport, with no interruptions between.Report
I still remember my neighbors looking at me like I was a lunatic with a death wish because I wasn’t planning to duct tape the space under my front door, in case there was a gas attack on our apartment complex in Williamsburg, Virginia. But, what can I say? I’m a loner. A rebel.Report
Honestly what bugged me was the number of people who apparently had always had very strong opinions about the air-quality implications of residential gas appliances but just never talked about it before January 9th 2023.Report
The urgency! The fierce urgency!Report
Just want to note that there is no proposal anywhere by the CPSC to ban gas stoves, the first assertion in this piece.Report
No “official” proposal, but a CPSC commissioner did float the idea, the CPSC
chair did say that there’s a planned information-gathering effort, and there’s plenty of political pressure for a ban (see e.g this NBC News story). Absent any pushback, it would hardly have been surprising to see an official proposal to ban them in new construction in the near future, and it could still happen. Totally reasonable for anyone who’s opposed to such a ban to be reacting to the story.Report