The Month in Theaters: 20 Reviews From October 2022

Russell Michaels

Russell is inside his own mind, a comfortable yet silly place. He is also on Twitter.

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11 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    I saw several takes on Black Adam that said something to the effect of “Black Adam is a movie that celebrates killing people.”

    But they were saying this as a criticism. I mean, look at this:

    I read that headline and think “oh, good! I was worried that they’d screw it up!”

    I have gotten into weak arguments over Child’s Play. “The first one was surprisingly good!”, I tell people who then snort in response. “Seriously, you have no idea how creepy the My Buddy dolls were!”

    My assumption about Terrifier’s warnings about early audiences barfing in the middle of the movie was that this was marketing that was on the same level, more or less, as making people sign heart attack waivers before watching a movie. SEE THIS MOVIE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

    (I did read a quick review of the first Terrifier and soon found myself reading chemistry wikipedia pages. So, yeah, I ain’t gonna see it but I appreciate that the writers did some light STEM research.)Report

    • Pinky in reply to Jaybird says:

      The merit of the first one was that it didn’t have the coy 45 minutes at the beginning, like so many similar films.Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird says:

      I liked the first 2 Child’s Play movies but though the whole military school motif in the 3rd one was pretty dumb.

      A few weeks ago I stayed up way too late after Monday Night Football and ended up watching a little bit of a random episode of Chucky on the SyFy channel. I was really amused to see that they got a lot of people from the various movies on the show, including the guy who played the kid, still playing the same character as an adult. Obviously these are not highly in demand stars or anything but imagine telling that little child actor back in the 80s he was going to be battling a murderous doll for another 30+ years.Report

  2. Reformed Republican says:

    My wife and I watched the 3 recent Halloween movies over the past few weeks. The last two were especially disappointing given how good the first of them was. In addition, I felt like I could kind of see what the movies were trying to do, and where there were some good ideas that could have been good movies, but the execution was lacking. Movie 2, with the town united. It could have been shown as a positive where everybody works together to defeat evil, or it could have gone the way of the town is infected with Michael’s evil and to more harm than good in their attempts to stop him. Both were hinted it, but the story didn’t really commit to either.

    The third movie could have gone in some interesting directions, but again, it just didn’t seem like it could decide which way it wanted to go, leaving everything unsatisfying. The final payoff to the showdown was good, it would have been better if everything leading up to it wasn’t a mess.Report

    • InMD in reply to Reformed Republican says:

      I’ve seen so many Halloween movies they have all completed blurred together, particularly the later Jamie Lee Curtis ones. I feel like they have all been trying and failing to do the same thing since H20.

      Conversely I did kind of appreciate the Rob Zombie efforts. They weren’t exactly good and won’t ever be considered classics but at least he was willing to go outside the box.Report

  3. Pinky says:

    I don’t know what it was about the ads for Amsterdam, but I took offense to the existence of the movie. I can’t explain the intensity of it.

    Speaking of which, I see a lot of 90-second movie ads, practically trailers, these days. Maybe on Hulu or YouTube? Sometimes the movie will look interesting, but I know they can be spoiler-heavy, so I end up skipping through the ads. But the new crop doesn’t tell you the name of the movie until the end. So the ad can’t possibly make me want to go see a specific movie. I can’t be the only one.Report