Taking Adantage of Ye

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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10 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw says:

    I also know many people who suffer from mental health issues. They can say hurtful things from time to time because of their mental health but none of them say things which are outright bigoted. I think it is a mistake to state that Ye’s mental health issues causes or contributes to his bigotry. He could very well be bigoted if he were the most well-adjusted person in the world.

    The GOP is taking advantage of him because it fits their agenda and right now their agenda is trying to stoke the flames of bigotry as much as possible while also being able to accuse Democrats of being the real racists.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Freddie had a great essay about this:

    There’s a meme that’s arisen in the past few years, found prominently on social media: “mental illness doesn’t do that.” It’s a declaration that a given figure must not be given any special consideration, when weighing their behavior, due to their potential psychiatric disorders. The sociology of the term isn’t hard to understand. The stereotypical usage arises following a mass shooting. People want to reject right-wing claims that mental illness is to blame for such shootings, and they want to maintain the contemporary liberal conceit that race is the sole monocausal motivator of all events. Suggesting that mass shootings or other bad behavior could happen under the influence of psychiatric disorders complicates those questions, and we can’t have that. Now we have Kanye West, known to have bipolar disorder, who has been increasingly unstable, flirting with the right-wing, engaging in anti-Semitic tropes, and generally operating outside of the boundaries of what people imagine mental illness to look like when they define the mentally ill for political gain. He can’t be doing these things because he’s sick, according to many. He just can’t.

    The whole essay is worth reading.Report

    • Michael Siegel in reply to Jaybird says:

      I agree with Freddie. Maybe mental illness didn’t create Kanye’s bigory, but it has definitely amplified it. One of the things left out of A Beautiful Mind was just how anti-semitic Nash would get when he was bad. So no, it doesn’t excuse it. But it is a factor, I think.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Michael Siegel says:

        There was an amazingly sad tweet that Kanye tweeted out back in late 2018:

        Essentially saying that being on meds is hampering his artistic abilities.

        “I can feel me again”.

        He seems to feel that his best work came out of his mania. I admit: I’ve only listened to a handful of his songs (as opposed to listening to an entire album) so I don’t know whether he’s right about that.

        But if he’s something close to right, then we’ve got ourselves a situation where we want (some of?) our artists to be crazy. In response, they want to be crazy for us.

        Which is messed up.Report

        • Dark Matter in reply to Jaybird says:

          In response, they want to be crazy for us.

          Cart Horse. What society wants may not enter into it.

          On meds, he’s not an artist.
          He wants to be an artist.
          Ergo he doesn’t want to be on meds.Report

  3. Chip Daniels says:

    It isn’t just that the GOP is cynically using Kanye, its what they are using him FOR.

    When they applaud a guy making anti-Semtic remarks, they <i.mean it. Kanye can say he doesn’t know what he’s saying, but the GOP doesn’t have that excuse.

    They cling to people like Kanye, Elon, and Trump because those people have really nothing to say but shrieks and grunts of incoherent rage in between bouts of cynical grifting.

    Its like an Arendt quote come to life of how the more cynical and cruel the leader becomes, the more the base loves them for it, because the cruelty is directed at the hated Outgroup.Report

  4. InMD says:

    I tend to assume Kanye West is being used, though it is harder and harder to tell whether it is wittingly or not. Reading this brought to mind the ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people’ incident after hurricane Katrina, which now feels like it must have been a million years ago on a different planet. Was that impassioned, truth telling, or was it just the start of a long series of public meltdowns by a guy who (others tell me) is quite talented but doesn’t have a great grip on reality?

    Anyway I personally take what is maybe a tougher line on mental illness, at least of the treatable nature. If you aren’t actively taking care of it then whatever crazy stuff you do is your fault. I think of it as similar to alcoholism, where a person may well have a disease but it’s still on them to get it under control and is no excuse for bad behavior while intoxicated. To me it is not particularly exculpatory for becoming another clown in conservative media’s endless 3 ring circus for that matter.Report

  5. Dark Matter says:

    Hmm… Owens is married and gave birth in July 2022. So presumably she and Ye aren’t dating.

    RE: Mental Illness
    I think Bipolar is one of the treatable ones. Maybe he’ll get help. Maybe he doesn’t want to be cured, doesn’t think he has a problem, or whatever.Report

  6. CJColucci says:

    Hmm… Owens is married and gave birth in July 2022. So presumably she and Ye aren’t dating.

    I assume they’re not dating either, but this doesn’t seem like much of a reason.Report