Leaguefest: I Have Some Questions

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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33 Responses

  1. When will you be arriving? Friday, probably late afternoon or early evening

    When are you leaving? Monday morning or early afternoon

    Where will you be staying? At the Alexandria Old Town

    Which meals will you be around for? Should be available for all of them, modulo family.Report

  2. DrSloperWazRobbed says:

    What is leaguefest? I used to live right by old town so this sounds cool! I live in Florida ever since the covid. Hopefully there is a leagefest(whatever that is) 2023.

    suggestion on where to eat though. Vue rooftop. one of the best views in townReport

    • Leaguefest is just a get-together of Ordinary Times people. You’re more than welcome to come.

      Not sure whether we will have it in 2023. We had them annually for a while then stopped during a period of transition. We may start doing them again annually, bi-annually, or something else.Report

  3. DrSloperWazRobbed says:

    also, cuz yr in old town Alexandria anyway, take the water taxis sometimes, eg into town/back to Alexandria. they are not well advertised for some reason but are great (sorry if everyone is from DMV and I’m giving obvious advice)Report

  4. Pinky says:

    If I were planning this, I would have suggested the DC museums for Friday, where they might be less crowded. If it’s too late to change that, so be it, and I don’t want anyone to think that what I just typed is a change in group plans.Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    I am arriving on Thursday night after 10PM. I imagine that I will be getting to my hotel at around midnight. That’s only 10PM Colorado time!

    But I imagine I won’t have energy for much more than a glass of wine in the hotel bar.

    But I am all yours Friday/Saturday.Report

  6. Jennifer Worrel says:

    I would really like to attend one in the future so as early as 2023 / 2024 is decided, please announce to the masses. Mama has to keep up with kids weekend sports schedules 🙂Report

  7. Damon says:

    Allow me to suggest “Founding Farmers” in DC. It’s near Lafayette Square, so not too far from where yall will be. I’ve eaten there and it was excellent. That was a while ago. 🙂


  8. North says:

    Some unexpected expenses and visitations occurred and my odds of being able to attend have plummeted like a paralyzed falcon. So I am regretfully forced to change my attendance odds to “likely not” though hope springs eternal. I’ll toast y’all from afar.Report

  9. Marchmaine says:

    Friday/Sat* in Alexandria Hilton
    Dinner/Beers Friday and hopefully Sat
    Live in area, so hope I don’t have to leave.

    Would be open to Vineyard hopping Fri or Sun (or Sat for folks who don’t want to do DC)

    *Sat is also the Appaloosa Festival out my way in the Valley and I may need to beg off on Sat pending family deliberations. https://appaloosafestival.com/Report

  10. Greg In Ak says:

    Arriving Friday
    Leaving tuesday morning
    Staying the Official Home of The Leaguefest.
    Plan to be around for all the group meals

    Wife in AK will be attending meals with me. Hopefully that continues after she meets everybody for the first time.Report

  11. Burt Likko says:

    I wiil be arriving late Thursday night (will probably just be checking in, getting a nightcap, and going to bed) and leaving mid-day on Monday. Will be at the Hilton Old Town like other attendees.

    All day Friday is free for me. We’ll figure out where to meet up and perhaps enjoy a beverage or two together, perhaps explore Old Town Alexandria a bit on foot. I am going to (sadly) skip Hamilton but will (gladly) look forward to the alternative dinner, presumably also somewhere in or near Alexandria, for the non-theatergoers.

    I have six (6) tickets to the International Spy Museum for 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. This is in L’Enfant Plaza and so far I think Slade and Jay have both committed to it and am saving one for Our Tod, who I believe is also going to attend (will verify with him this weekend). If he declines, that frees up a ticket. Which means there are currently two (2) extra tickets available to the first to speak up. I presume this group will collectively decide on lunch and some other activity after the Spy Museum before convening with the remainder of the group for the Big Dinner on Saturday evening.

    I’m very much interested in winery-ing on Sunday. This will, I assume, take most of the day. I defer to Marchmaine (who nominate as our Virginia guide-to-gourmand-tourism) as to issues regarding transportation, vineyard selection, and what we shall do about food. These are light, and pleasant, problems to solve.

    Will very much miss meeting you in person, North!Report

  12. Kolohe says:

    Just sent you an email, Will. I’ll definitely be able to attend Sat dinner, maybe with a plus 1. Attending a dffierent musical, Six, on Friday night, so can’t hang out then. (Also already have tickets later in the year to see Hamilton, so won’t be attending that show this weekend either). The rest of my weekend is a bit in flux now, so maybe I’ll be able to join you all for other stuff, but not sure yet.

    I would also be able to pick up people from the airport (National) on Thursday if anyone needs it. (I’m not sure thought if I would be able to do that Monday)Report

  13. Em Carpenter says:

    I’ll be there Friday night, hopefully in time for dinner.We’re staying at the Hilton. My whole crew (hubs and 2 boys) are likely coming with, but I can break off for stuff. They’ll probably do DC with me Saturday then be on their own for dinner while I hang with you all. Sunday is a blank page until Hamilton, I may go visit family but that’s not carved in stone.
    I’m leaving Monday but probably before lunch so we can stop to visit even more family in the area.Report