Leaguefest 2022: Save The Date
Hey everybody, I am thrilled to announce that Labor Day weekend we will be having/celebrating another Leaguefest! This year it will be returning to Washington, DC.
There are still a ton of details to figure out, including how detailed or free-flowing the plans are going to be. One of the great things about DC is there is no shortage of places to go, things to do, and food to eat.
But mostly, people to meet.
It has been an incredibly long time since we’ve actually had a Leaguefest, which makes me more excited than ever about it. It will also be the first Leaguefest for a lot of attendees as the names and faces on the site have changed over the years. There are a lot of you I can’t wait to finally meet. DC was chosen in part because the site’s participants these days mostly veer towards the east (when the original was in Las Vegas it was the west). For those of you in the area, while we’d love to see you as much as possible it is definitely not an all-or-nothing deal and I hope you can check in with us for a drink or a bite to eat. And for everyone else, I hope you can make it out.
So mark it in your calendar, and we hope to have more details for travel and potentially lodging soon.
Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I will be there.Report
Excellent. This should be fun and i’ll mark it on my calendar. Been hoping there would be another one of these.
Taps self on shoulder “you remember the FIL and MIL are in virgina….right? Oh yeah i wonder if the Wife in Ak wants to see her parents “Report
I’m going! Don’t miss your chance to call me a hack in person!
For real though, I hope to meet a lot of you.Report
Super exciting! Maybe this year will be the year I manage to make a Leaguefest!Report
Might have to cross the river.
Have we considered a VA winery excursion?Report
we should, and I nominate Windridge Vineyards.Report
This comment is relevant to my interests. What kind of timetable would be involved?Report
I would like to think that in this day and age, there could be something for those of us whose life precludes travel.Report
The ONLY national park in the area:
It’s worth a trip in you’re in the area and the weather is good. Drive around the area, see how the rich folks live. Lot’s of fancy houses surround the park.Report
I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend, but I’m going to strongly recommend it. The one in Portland back in (was it really?) 2016 was immense amounts of fun.Report
It occurs to me that Slade and I and Miss Mary went to a minor league game, and these days you can get the same experience watching that Nats.Report
Go Hops! I still have my souvenir mug.Report
At least they’re not in RFK anymore. What a pit.Report