Politicians are Cheap

Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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7 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    Democrats problems are not recent and only partly money oriented. They have chosen to emphasize the wrong go races too often and they have failed to develop bench depth. Some of that is a money function but it’s mostly a philosophy problem. Which often attends when you have a big tent. Republicans, in contrast, have purged heterodoxy from their ranks, and stuck to a singular focus and message for over five decades.

    One of those approaches works for making good policy decisions to serve the public, the other works if all you want is to consolidate and keep power.Report

  2. Dark Matter says:

    I asked google “are republicans outspending democrats” and the top 5 links all said the Dems are outspending the GOP.Report

  3. Pinky says:

    “Democrats have been unable to fully embrace funding” is blatantly untrue; the only question is whether they’ve been able to raise the money recently. Both parties spend as much as they can get their hands on. I don’t think there’s any good way to research campaign funding though. I think unions are counted as small donors; “issue campaigns” that parallel a party’s platform are common; and even I’m not crazy enough to try to figure out “dark money”.Report