The First Wives Snub

Ewan MacGregor in 2018. Photo by MTV International, CC BY 3.0
Perpetual sadboi Ben Affleck has been publicly excoriated after dissing his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, in a tell-all interview with Howard Stern. Regarding his former marriage, Affleck reportedly said:
“(If I’d stayed married to Jennifer) I’d probably still be drinking. It’s part of why I started drinking was that I was trapped. I was like, ‘I can’t leave because of my kids, but I’m not happy, what do I do?’ What I did was drink a bottle of Scotch and fall asleep on the couch, which turned out not to be the solution…We had a marriage that didn’t work. This happens. She’s somebody I love and respect but to whom I shouldn’t be married to any longer.”
Now, you may think – probably, if you’re a man, or if you’re that kind of woman who loves to see other women get torn down because you assume it will never happen to you (trust me honey, it will) that this is no big thing, he’s just “being honest” – honesty, of course, being the a-hole’s perpetual justification for their a-holery. But when measured against that lovely little aphorism “Before you speak, let your words pass through these three gates: ask yourself, ‘Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?’” Affleck really misses the mark. Marriage is hard, and sometimes it doesn’t work out for reasons that aren’t really anyone’s fault. But even if his words were absolutely true, they weren’t kind and they sure the heck weren’t necessary.
Further complicating matters, I doubt his words were even true. One of the smartest things I ever read was in that old magazine Ladies Home Journal, in a column called “Can This Marriage Be Saved”. (I read LHJ religiously as a teenager, because I read everything that came into my general vicinity religiously, and my mom had a subscription.) Often in CTMBS, the counselor would gently suggest that many men, at some point in their lives, look around and don’t like where they’re at for some reason entirely external to their wives and to their marriage. Instead of doing any soul-searching or working to break bad habits or taking responsibility for decisions they made along the way, they see the one person who has also been in those same places at the same time, their wives, and wrongfully conclude “Well, she’s the one constant here, must be her fault.”
That wisdom stuck with me all these years because I saw so many cases of it happening in real life – families that seemed really solid, totally normal, functional, and happy, then Daddy has a meltdown. (In my dad’s case he decided to take up mountain climbing, and when my mom wasn’t up for that, never once having expressed any interest in such a thing in her entire life prior, he found someone who was. Bully for them; for my mom and me, not so much.)
This phenomenon can be entirely whiplash-inducing for a wife who thought things were kind of ok, life was good, and that all everyone needed to do to succeed in marriage and as a family was simply stay the damn course.
Brief aside, as for those of you who would like to chime in in the comments to say “but it takes two to make a marriage break up” and “women are also to blame for marriages breaking up because they’re boring and they nag people and they didn’t enjoy my personal kink which I never mentioned for the first decade of our marriage yet then expected her to embrace enthusiastically,” look upon this article as an opportunity to hear the flip side of that ubiquitous argument. Conventional wisdom isn’t always true, especially when it’s rooted in the gross levels of misogyny that are constantly displayed in our culture without any real exploration. Blaming every bad thing that ever happens to a man in this world on wimmen when none of ya have ever HEARD the counterargument, let alone bothered to consider it, is not getting past me unchallenged.
It is inarguably true that people blow up their lives out of a combination of temporary ennui and overactive senses of entitlement all the time, and in every other arena than marriage we lay the blame squarely where it belongs – at the feet of the person who chucked it all in to pursue some highly silly course of action only to end up regretting it later on1. Only in marriage do people go out of their way to lay the cause on the shoulders of the victim. This style of “women are boring and naggy and marriage is a vagina-baited trap for men who are meant to be swingin’ free in the breeze” misogyny frequently manifests itself against traditionally-presenting, very feminine women like Jen Garner. I mean seriously, she’s not only totally adorable, appears to be a great mom, been referred to as the Queen of Nice, but she also cooks with Martha Stewart! Anyone who hates women, the class, surely loathes our official rep, Jennifer Garner.
But Ben’s diss goes far beyond just garden variety misogyny. As I’ve written about in the past, one of the go-to moves of any addict is to blame others for their substance abuse. Daddy, Mommy, peer pressure, those meaniepants drug dealers, coworkers, bosses, the Hollywood bigwigs who glorify the party lifestyle – we’ve all seen addicts seize upon any nearby person to justify their addiction. Again, wives and girlfriends, by virtue of their presence, ARE present, and thus they make a really super awesome scapegoat for an addict’s foibles.
IMVVVVHO, Ben Affleck shredded what little credibility he had when he laid the blame for his drinking at his ex-wife’s feet. He has admitted publicly that he had a drinking problem starting before they ever met that he attributes to events from his childhood. The first time he went to rehab was in 2001, three years before he and Jen ever began dating – and he was driven there by Charlie Sheen (dude, if Charlie Sheen is telling you that you have a problem, best listen). During their marriage, Jennifer was known to be very supportive of Ben’s addiction struggles – he was also addicted to gambling – forgave him for cheating on her, and she gave him three beautiful children. Ben rewarded her faith by having sex with the children’s nanny. Jennifer even staged an intervention and personally drove him to rehab AFTER THEY WERE DIVORCED. Oh, and she stopped on the way to get him Jack in the Box before she dropped him off cause Benny’s tummy was rumbling!

Ben Affleck in 2012. Photo by Elen Nivrae from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0
The dude is a self-absorbed POS. He deserves every bit of scorn he has received, and that followup interview on Jimmy Kimmel where he whined about how much the public scrutiny of his words had hurt HIS FEELINGS and made him “look like an awful guy” because he wouldn’t want his children to think badly of him (not because he felt badly that he had hurt his ex-wife’s feelings, but because he was worried what his kids would think of him over it) was simply more of the same. Me first thinking in which everyone is to blame but Ben Affleck himself.
But let’s not let poor Ben linger in the hot seat alone, when there are so many others who deserve a moment under our collective microscopes!
The first time I noticed the phenomenon of public men saying callous, heinous things about their first wives apparently without forethought or consideration was Brad Pitt discussing Jennifer Aniston. He said this:
“It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage had something to do with it, trying to pretend that the marriage was something it wasn’t.”
MY GOD, IT BURNS!!!! But ol’ Brad wasn’t finished yet. He went on to talk about his then-wife Angelina Jolie:
“I’m satisfied with making true choices and finding the woman I love, Angie, and building a family that I love so much.”
Given the public fascination with why Jennifer Aniston has never had children, the cruelty of this statement is just off the charts. Even if Jen didn’t want children or simply wasn’t ready at the point in time they were married, let alone if she was physically unable to have children, (she has hinted as much recently) this has to be on a short list of the meanest things I’ve ever read. It’s mindbogglingly nasty, and the “true choices” dig did not sneak past me unnoticed. Nor did “finding the WOMAN I love”, with the implication that there had been only one, read as terribly cool to me. Dick, dick move, Brad. But then again, this is the man who continued working with Harvey Weinstein after the creep harassed and molested not one, but two of Brad’s paramours (including his wife, the woman he so-called loved!), yet then allowed himself to be retroactively painted a hero for confronting Weinstein after one of these incidents.
But wait, there’s more! When it comes to thoughtless jerks insulting their first wives, Hollywood has no shortage of examples to choose from. Why, I don’t even have to look any farther back than 2021 to pad out the rest of this thinkpiece, that’s how ubiquitous this phenomenon is! And it’s a long thinkpiece, so.
Chris Pratt is actually a guy I really want to like, because I have this contrarian streak in me that invariably wants to defend people whom everyone else hates. But alas, I cannot indulge this proclivity when it comes to Hollywood’s least favorite Chris, and all because of what he recently said about his ex-wife.
A little backstory; Chris Pratt was formerly married to uberspunky actress Anna Faris, one of the few people who dares to approach Jennifer Garner levels of adorableness. They have an eight year old son together who was born prematurely, weighing only 3 lbs, 12 ounces. Their little guy has struggled with lifelong health issues due to his prematurity, to such extent he’s had to have several surgeries because of it. They split up eventually (despite Chris being like, so totally relidge or whatevs) and Mr. Pratt, free agent, then took up with one of the Schwarzenegger-Kennedy-Shriver abominations. He met her at CHURCH, y’all! He married the new and improved version, and as tends to happen, they welcomed a baby girl some time back.
Ok. That’s cool. Nothing wrong with any of that. Life goes on. Sometimes things don’t work out. But then check this out, and I’ll copy paste it here just because words alone could truly not capture the nauseating grossness of this Instagram post:
LOOK HOW SHE’S LOOKING AT HIM! That other beeyotch never looked at him that way, I bet, cause she didn’t know how to KEEP A MAN. And this girl, well, SHE’S GIVEN HIM AN AMAZING LIFE – like, beyond being a multimillionaire A-List Hollywood celebrity, that is! Anna Faris certainly did not give him an amazing life, that life Chris was suffering through so bravely was so totally NOT amazeballz before Stare-y McKennedyShriverenegger came along!! Before this lovely girl, so pure of heart, so dewy and fresh, her only flaw being her loud chewing, came along to CHANGE EVERYTHING, why, Chris Pratt was prolly so totally bored and trapped just like Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt, well, he may as well have tried to chaw his own arm off to get out of that horrible fate of…being married to a beautiful, successful, talented woman, the mother of his son. THEY MET IN CHURCH!!! CHURRRRRRCH!!!!
Come on Arnold, put down that maid and beat the f*ck out of your son-in-law, on behalf of women everywhere!
But the thing that ticked people off the most about that Instagram post was how Chris Pratt seemed to go out of his way to mention that his now-wife had given him a HEALTHY daughter. His child with his first wife has endured chronic health issues, so it seemed like a deliberate diss to many people for him to mention, mention SO specifically mind you, that little factoid in such a public arena. Personally, I thought this was a minor quibble (I mean, saying “healthy daughter” is something people say, like “have a good one” and “are you working hard, or hardly working” and while it wasn’t terribly thoughtful, I don’t think it was THAT bad) compared to how absolutely icky the rest of the post was, but surely a little sensitivity might have gone a long way.
When this was pointed out to him by like literally every sane person on Planet Earth, Pratt, rather than apologizing, went on in true Affleckian style about how upset and depressed HE FELT about it. But luckily he snapped himself out of it by listening to some great tunes! WHAT A RELIEF that a guy who acted like an a-hole is no longer sad! And the tunes were, like, super religious, he made sure to point that out, because there’s nothing anyone loves more than when a person who has acted contrary to their religious values mentions how religious they are.
Oh and by the way, GREAT news, the new wife is pregnant once more!!! I’m sure that news goes down easy for Wife #1 coming just weeks after her ex-husband just dragged her and her child on social media. Again, the pregnancy is fine, part of life and all, but the insult, not so much.
Speaking of post-insult pregnancies, let’s talk about John Mulaney.
Before we do, let me first say in John’s defense, that unlike the rest of these clowns, at least the chick he took up with upon splitting so devastatingly from his first wife was roughly the same age as he is. Can’t say the same for any of the rest of the men mentioned here, all of whom dated or married women 10, 20, and in Brad Pitt’s case, 30 years younger than himself after their breakups.
Just sayin.
Anyhoo, John Mulaney is a somewhat obscure figure compared with the rest of these fellows, so a brief introduction for those of you who aren’t familiar. John is a stand-up comedian with the wholesome-plus-irritatingly-quirky demeanor of Ferris Bueller, if Ferris had been born in Old Money New England instead of Chicago (despite, ironically, being from Chicago himself actually. John Mulaney is Old Money Chicago, I guess.) He’s also a successful comedy writer, writing for Saturday Night Live among other comedy shows, and as all stand up comedians seem to, had a failed sitcom floating around out there too.
One of the defining features of John Mulaney’s stand-up routines was his seemingly near-perfect marriage. He married artist Anna Marie Tendler back in 2014 and they had, to all outward appearances (appearances massively and deliberately cultivated by said stand-up routines), a great relationship. They were rich, gorgeous, successful, and childless by choice, showering their affection on a very spoiled French bulldog named Petunia. Beyond the trappings, they truly seemed to love each other, something that feels very rare in a world where we’re all connecting with our fellow humans by staring at screens all day. Their relationship was the kind many Millennials aspire to, and even though you, gentle older readers, maybe never heard of them before, they were the Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward of the avocado toast generation.
So beloved was the coupling of John and Anna Marie that people got all kind of emotional about their breakup, to wit:
And believe it or not, there are dozens if not hundreds of posts like this, about two people you probably never heard of before. Weird as it may be to those of you in the audience who still think Julia Roberts is the next big thing, this 21st century love story mattered to a whole lot of folks.
Just watch the dude’s comedy specials! Talking about his marriage was one of his go-to schticks, certainly as much as Jerry Seinfeld and airline food, or Jim Gaffigan’s Hot Pockets. John Mulaney made his name on discussing his relationship, on presenting this beautiful apparent illusion that so many folks wanted to believe in – the possibility of soul mates and forever, even when both of you are amusingly flawed human beings. But then it all came a-tumbling down.
As comedians often do, John struggled with substance abuse, despite having the demeanor of an uptight, middle-aged college professor dwelling in Connecticut circa 1908 – droll chap, very droll, and all that, eh Cholmondley, eh-herm. While Mulaney had been sober since 2005 and was sober at the time of his marriage, at some point he relapsed, by all accounts quite badly, reportedly weighing only 105 pounds at the time of his intervention. He went into rehab in late 2020. Tendler sought help at the same time, ostensibly for an eating disorder, but rumor has it that she was experiencing some emotional difficulties stemming from John’s drug abuse (watching someone you love drop to 105 pounds and being powerless to help them would cause even the strongest soul to have emotional difficulties) coupled with the disappointment learning of John’s alleged multiple infidelities.
Apparently feeling that multiple infidelity was a positive development in his life, John came out of rehab just long enough to split up with Tendler, which reportedly came as a huge shock to her (and maybe it’s just me, but there is definitely an air of “I been doing a lot of work on myself, babe, and I’ve realized that you’re actually the reason I abuse drugs, because it sure couldn’t have been MY fault, so smell ya later” in that act.) Then he quickly relapsed, went back into rehab, came out again, and we all would wish him well in his struggles except…
…for that he then promptly went onto the Seth Meyers show and announced TO THE WORLD that he had gone to Los Angeles in the spring and “met and started to date a wonderful woman named Olivia.”
Great story, bro, but actually a pretty massive and shameless lie. John Mulaney had actually met Olivia Munn, the tv “personality” (using the term loosely to mean “extremely good looking woman who has gotten a lot of opportunities that by all rights should have gone to legit journalists and actresses, but they were uggos”) he’s referring to, at Seth Meyers’ own wedding years before. After meeting John, Olivia told the Huffington Post in 2015 that she became fangirl obsessed with him and wanted to hang out with him. So while nothing may have happened between them, they certainly didn’t “meet” in the spring of 2021 and his emphatic insistence of such on public TV comes off very very weird.
Look, she was sending him SO MUCH LOVE upon hearing he was going into rehab, further confirming that they definitely knew each other prior, and not just in a “we met once at a wedding” kinda way:
This lil note was dropped after John had moved out of his house he shared with Anna Marie, but while they were allegedly still trying to work things out. And you know what they say, there’s nothing like your husband knowing that there’s a smokin’ hot bimbo who is super into him waiting in the wings to help your marriage survive a rough patch. Oh wait, they actually don’t say that because it’s such obvious bullshit.
Taking a page from Chris Pratt’s book, according to People magazine, which is where celebrities put things they want the world to know but don’t want to be caught actually saying them aloud, they not-met at CHURCH!!! CHURRRCCCHHHHHHH! To put the grossness of this into perspective, Anna Marie Tendler is Jewish, and John is Catholic. He had repeatedly (and profitably) joked about their different religious heritages in the past. Not that I’m saying the man can’t go to church, or that he should never date anyone from his own faith ever again, nothing of the sort. It is the clueless cruelty of the public reveal against the backdrop of profiting off of the relationship that is at issue and not simply a guy moving on with his life. He went on to say, and may I just remind you that he said this on national television while the corpse of his previous marriage was not only still warm but twitching involuntarily, this:
“I got into this relationship that’s been really beautiful with someone incredible…” Implication being, of course, that his previous relationship was not beautiful and his previous partner was not incredible, “(Olivia Munn) kind of held my hand (through everything),” ok, bro, glad she was so very helpful, but isn’t your WIFE supposed to be the one holding your hand? Might not this hand holding, depending on when and how it occurred, have been a wee bit inappropriate, and perhaps crossed some boundaries?
Then John dropped the Big Bomb: “…and we’re having a baby.”
Hold on a minute, the top of my head just burst into flames, I must extinguish it before I proceed.
Remember the whole “childless by choice” thing? Well, it turns out that was childless by JOHN’S choice, as Anna Marie has subsequently revealed plans to freeze her own eggs until she finds a love interest who isn’t a hapless manchild. She recently said, regarding having children of her own, “There were things that I never even thought about because that was just a closed door. So now that it feels like not as much of a closed door, it’s something that I ruminate on a lot.” She went on to explain that she had always held partnership above having kids, and claimed “I feel lucky that I get to be standing on the precipice of all these new things that I get to possibly experience, and who knows how they will go?” (God, please, send some good guy or gal along to snap this poor darling woman up.)
So basically, as is so, so very often the case, “childless by choice” meant “childless with YOU, but if someone better or more careless with birth control comes along, then hey, call me daddy! My shiny new fuckbuddy who is as yet unaware of what a piece of useless detritus I am and thus has the luxury of being totally not judgemental about any of my shenanigans, gets a BABY, and you dusty old first wife you, enjoy that dog! I think it has about three more years left in its lifespan and it is becoming incontenent, but hey, that’s pretty much exactly like having a baby, which I am having with this person who isn’t you. Wait, did you hear that? Oh, I see, it was merely the sound of the few eggs remaining in your desiccated ovaries exploding into dust.”
For those of you who need a fictional example of why this is a BFD, it’s kinda like this:
During that same Seth Meyers interview, John went on to add, if he’d suddenly realized he had not yet fully confirmed everyone’s suspicion that he blamed his ex-wife for failing to prevent his drug abuse, he added, “Olivia and this baby have helped save me from myself in this early journey out of recovery.” Because hey, whatever Anna Marie did in that department, clearly it wasn’t enough! If only she had done more to save John from the consequences of his own choices, none of this ever would have happened!!
Maybe you think I’m being unfair here. Maybe you think, “well how else was he supposed to announce it” or “he’s moved on with his life, tough titties, guess Anna should have been…an entirely different person who wasn’t present during the timeframe when John did a lot of effed up stuff, so she couldn’t be blamed for it, or judged on her entirely human reactions to a very messed up situation not at all of her making.” Maybe you can’t envision what else John might have done or said differently. How about this: “My marriage broke up because I was a terrible husband and a flawed person, and sometimes things just go so far that it feels like you can’t come back from that. I felt I had damaged our relationship so much and so irrevocably that I did not know how to salvage it, and splitting up felt like the right thing to do for both our sakes. I hope and pray that Anna can come to understand that in time because I know I hurt her badly.” Or, “I have been so very fortunate because I have had two wonderful, amazing women in my life. I didn’t deserve either one of them, and I will be forever grateful to Anna Marie for our life together, which I will always cherish, and without which I would not be who I am today. I deeply regret the many ways my behavior caused our marriage to fall apart. I wish her every joy in and I hope she can someday forgive me.”
Or how about this – say nothing. Nothing needed to be said. Tabloids gonna tabloid, but my GOD, dudes, don’t hand them the fodder personally. What John Mulaney did was mean. It was mean, and it was in front of the world, and doing something mean publicly makes it an act of deliberate cruelty.
One guy who IMO has not been held up for nearly enough public scorn is Ewan McGregor, probably because his wife wasn’t famous so no one cared when he screwed her over.
Ewan McGregor was married for 22 years – which is, in celebrity years, nearly all of eternity – to a French production designer named Eve Mavrakis. Together they have four daughters and all reports were that they had a very happy and solid marriage…Ewan even sported a flamin’ heart tattoo with Eve’s name on it. Well, that is, until Ewan joined the cast of the tv show Fargo and encountered the much younger Mary Elizabeth Winstead, one of those actresses whom Hollywood decided some years back was gonna be An Official Thing, and so they’ve spent the past 20ish years trying to make her into a star even tho she never really gets there.
Ewan began cheating on his wife with his co-star, eventually left his marriage to pursue the new relationship, and the breakup was one of those terrible ones where the wife really and truly did not see it coming, like, at all – even welcoming Winstead into their family home for dinner. Eve was utterly blindsided and by all accounts completely devastated when pictures of Ewan and Mary Elizabeth making out in public surfaced. Helpful hint: if you are famous and a cheater, maybe don’t play smoochy face with ur bae where someone can take your picture. The world is full of cameraphones, and also vindictive types who hate cheaters. But of course this assumes that Ewan didn’t kinda sorta want to be caught in the act, and I’m not sure we can make that assumption. And I’m fairly sure that Mary Elizabeth Winstead did indeed want to be caught in flagrante delicto, probably breaking into an elaborate dance number in which she sang “I Got the Golden Ticket” after it happened.
Even after finding out about the affair, Eve still wanted to work on the relationship (this seems to be a recurring theme, doesn’t it?) but after wasting a couple months going through the motions, with Ewan reportedly having no real intention of ever trying to save things and agreeing to the attempt merely to placate everyone like a giant cowardly milksop, enough was enough, and the couple parted ways.
As tends to happen, Ewan’s daughters were not terribly enamored of their dad’s new squeeze – with eldest daughter Clara famously calling Winstead a piece of trash on Instagram, an analysis I find myself hard pressed to refute (she went to the woman’s house in friendship, met her children, and ate her food whilst banging the husband. ATE HER FOOD!) Clara McGregor spared Ewan himself no vitriol either, not-so-cryptically referring to a-hole men who leave my goddess of a mother.
May every woman have such a faithful child at her back. Even Anna Marie Tendler someday.
While eventually Clara walked both these statements back, even going so far as to take some blame onto herself, calling the trash remark “not her finest moment” (yes Clara, yes it was, unless you plan to cure cancer soon) I don’t think you gotta be a rocket scientist to comprehend that the people most closely involved in the situation believed Eve Mavrakis to be the wronged party and Ewan McGregor to, indeed, be the a-hole in question.
But again, things happen. People make mistakes. Marriages do come to an end, painfully, brutally, as a result of those mistakes. This piece is not about that; men are gonna men, and there’s no stopping em – women been trying to stop the mennening process since time began and we ain’t never cracked the code yet. A man being an a-hole over a younger woman is the world’s third oldest profession.
Nah, my issue is men in the public eye doing and saying things that hurt their first wives, not necessarily deliberately but out of an utter lack of empathy. Statements that if a rational person took a split-second to consider in anything less than a completely self-centered frame of mind, they would realize, “hmm ok maybe that’s not super fair, or wise, or kind of me to say to this person who at one point, I claimed to love.” And as we can glean from the cautionary case of one Mr Ewan McGregor, you don’t even have to discuss your relationship with Howard Stern to rub your wife’s face in your sexual ca-ca.
Ewan and Mary Elizabeth are still together and recently welcomed a bouncing baby boy, after Ewan’s four daughters with his first wife. This in itself feels just generally lousy to me but at least no sane rational person would ever be so cruel as to take public delight in the fact that his new hunny gave him a son after his former wife had only produced girls. This isn’t Henry the Eighth any more, right?
Recently Ewan won an Emmy for playing the fashion designer Halston, and his acceptance speech went a little something like this:
“Mary, I love you so much, I love you so much! I’m going to take this home and show it to OUR beautiful little boy, Laurie!” Then because Dude must have realized oof maybe that was a bit too much he added, “And to my beautiful girls who are watching (who BTW are totally NOT ours, but that other chick’s, that old hag I left in the dust for you, Mary-whom-I-love-so-much, you know, that one who never produced a SON for me!) Clara, Jamyan, Esther, and Anouk, I said I would say hello to you as well!” And this is in no way an afterthought! I promise! Even tho they’re just about to cut my mike and the music is starting!!
For crying out loud, it was basically a bit from a sitcom; mentally I could replace Ewan with Chandler Bing frantically tacking on some sentiment that he realized he was supposed to say but had originally forgotten after the fact. Adding insult to injury, later that night McGregor had the sheer unmitigated gall to invoke his daughters in one of those cringeworthy woke-for-the-sake-of-street-cred statements celebs often make. He said, “…you know I have four daughters and the importance of women and women’s rights and equality for women and equal pay…” But hey, did I mention my BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY, light of my life, fruit of my loins2?
And is it so wrong of me to think that maybe the guy should have perhaps tossed out a word there to his ex wife? 22 years!!! Twenty-two YEARS!! That’s a long damn time during which Ewan definitely worked on his career with his ex-wife’s support- even working WITH his wife on some of his projects. Would it have been so terrible to thank her in that moment as well?
Ewan had indeed thanked Eve once in the past – for his Emmy win on Fargo (you may recall it was during his work on Fargo that he began his affair with Mary Elizabeth Winstead.) But that was such a SAD thing and was itself awful and cruel and thoughtless! Ewan offered up that thank you with all the enthusiasm of a man donning a hair shirt prior to having a prostate exam. It was an undeniable kiss off, not the joyful thank you McGregor just gave to Wife #2. That Fargo thank you to Eve Mavrakis was like the thank you equivalent of a funeral dirge, as if he was giving their relationship one final 21 gun salute and a subdued sounding of Taps, in a bloody awards speech. Awful, perfectly awful.
I swear, it’s almost as if these guys sit around calculating how best to hurt their ex’s feelings and then doing so with just enough cluelessness to retain plausible deniability. Lest you think I make too much of this, put yourself in Eve’s position. How would you – a non-famous person who had never deliberately sought the public eye – like to have to endure public scrutiny even more so by your husband mentioning both you and his new lover whilst winning an award for the show which had in effect taken him from your family and your marriage of 22 years?
Betcha wouldn’t.
As it turns out, the former-Mrs-McGregor didn’t much care for it either, telling tabloid The Sun, who apparently hunted her down while she was in the hospital recovering from knee surgery, the moment every woman would just love to be pestered by strangers to discuss her husband’s infidelity, “No, I did not like his speech…Yes, I saw it. It’s not a great situation. It’s upsetting and private. It is what it is, I’m trying to make the best of it.”
Let me point out once again that saying nothing is an option.
Wow, rereading that I seem difficult to please, thank you/no thank you, but context is everything. How different a vibe it is to remember to thank your former partner of 22 years, five years after your breakup, in recognition of your time together and the positive force she was in your life, versus when winning an award for a program during which you were cheating on her the entire time and eventually left her for one of your co-stars. In the first speech, Ewan was trying (in vain) to look like a good guy in the face of morally sketchy behavior, and in the second speech, it was obvious his first family was nothing more than an afterthought to him.
What Ewan McGregor should have done instead was give barely any speech for the Fargo win out of sheer unadulterated shame – just a terse “thank you” and dash off the stage – but of course he just couldn’t bear to rob himself of the glorious experience of giving that long-desired awards speech, that was on his BUCKET LIST! And then without that overfull sack of cruelty dangling over the entire thing to poison it, five years on he could have graciously and believably thanked Eve now that she’s had time to heal. That’s what a person with a modicum of consideration for anyone other then themselves might have done. And don’t effing DARE to invoke women’s rights and equality and all the rest of it in the name of your daughters, whose stable family you done blowed up for the sake of your penis, my Jedi friend.
While I could go on with this, listing example after example of men who seemingly bend over backwards to blame, embarrass, and even humiliate their ex-wives, it’s time to move on, not unlike a 45 year old man who gets slightly tired of being married.
So the question I’m sure many people might have is why? Not why do these men do this, because it’s clearly a combo of utter self-absorption – they just always, perpetually, see things their way, and have no room for imagining how their navel-gazing words might reflect upon others – and a perhaps understandable desire not to blame oneself for the things oneself totally did. I understand. Honest reflection is hard.
The real question is why does any of this matter? Why do I care? Why should you? Why do we collectively cringe inside when we read that stuff Ben Affleck said, which to him was prolly nothing more meaningful than him talking through some really super duperly important thoughts he was thinking with Howard Stern and several million of his nearest and dearest friends?
I think it’s because on some level we recognize it not only as profoundly unjust, but actively contagious, this attitude where it’s ok for men to invite the world to blame their ex-wives for their leaving the marriage for selfish reasons. And a contagious idea that never gets pushed back on spreads faster than Omicron.
As someone who has been through what the McGregor girls have been through, knowing your dad left your family for better quality cooch while blaming your mom for a totally bizarre and unfair expectation (mountain climbing?? Really? Papasan, you married a woman who wore pantyhose even with jeans and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, but you expected her to take up mountain climbing?) never leaves you. Even when you’re an adult, even when you’ve been married relatively happily for quite a long time, there’s that lingering fear that if you aren’t perfectly obliging all the time in every arena that you’re gonna get dumped. Not only dumped, but dumped in such a way that everyone in the whole wide world will side with Hubby, immediately assuming that Wifey drove him to it by failing to enthusiastically appreciate a sudden interest in some ridiculous and bizarre thing. Let me tell ya, I know more about obscure British sportscars, tractors, and my convo of last night, the benefit of plaster and lath construction vs. drywall (you can make it ROUND, people!) than I ever wanted to.
And hey, it’s a reasonable fear, since men do this every day of the week, even on Sunday, which is the Lord’s Day as Chris Pratt would likely chime in here to say, and society continues to whisper about how “she let herself go” and “she never appreciated him”, by which they mean catered to his every whim on every subject all the time.
If you have never heard people cruelly say these things about a marriage that has broken up, then you have never witnessed a marriage break up, because it happens constantly. I know a woman whose marriage broke up because her husband became involved with radical Islam, and people STILL blamed it on her! I know a woman whose longtime partner cheated on her constantly and gave her herpes and the dude continued to claim it was because she drove him to it with her constant and “inexplicable” jealousy. He literally could not come up with a single solitary reason for his girlfriend’s concern over his whereabouts, I mean wasn’t she busy enough taking Valtrex? Yet the majority of their friends still sided with him. Even when the man is an outright criminal, people blame the woman for getting involved with him in the first place. We’ve all seen it. Sympathy is in short supply for those of us with two X chromosomes.
The toxic creme de la creme is that sentiment I mentioned back at the start of all this: “it takes two to make a marriage fall apart.” Oh really? Does it REALLY take two? Because I’ve seen plenty of marriages where it only took one person, and it ain’t just men are guilty of this either. You know it and I know it. The person who is just absolutely fine, good enough, a very decent person, solid and reliable, doing their level best (in many cases, like my herpes friend or Jennifer Garner, expending Herculean efforts in the face of some pretty extreme behavior on the part of their partner) who has put in years upon years of time and energy into building a very adequate marriage, sturdy, stable, and then their spouse gets bored. Wants something more. Wants something better, because they deserve something better, damn it! And by better, I simply mean new.
That’s all it is. A whole lot of people expect constant novelty when really even the best day to day life – even for celebrities, let alone the rest of us – tends more towards mundanity interspersed with fantastic, lovely moments that really by all rights should make it all worthwhile.
Women do this too3!!! Absolutely women do this too! (Paging Olivia Wilde!) Yet I can’t recall, like, in ever, anyone daring to publicly blame a man for succumbing to the siren song of a newer, hotter model without contextualizing it by mentioning the many ways it’s probably his wife’s fault because “it takes two”. Meanwhile we all whisper in horrified shock when a woman does it, and most people conclude the husband is the wronged party who carries absolutely no blame at all. We even have an official word for a man who gets cheated on – cuckold – and no such equivalent even exists for women, at least not in this millennium.
But here’s the catch – no one is guaranteed a life of nothing but fantastic, lovely, and shining new moments. No one is guaranteed a life of constant and incessant excitement, not even the very rich, not even the very handsome. Things that endure invariably rest upon the hard work and unglamorous sacrifice of SOMEbody. Our modern day culture is so pathologically obsessed with adventure and wow and amazing experiences and self-indulgence that we collectively seem to forget that it’s the people who just show up every day to do the hard work who are the foundation upon which every endeavor rests.
Whether it’s work or marriage or family, nothing in this world can function without the people who do the heavy lifting. Some of us have to set aside our proclivities to wrap our bodies in Saran Wrap and meet our man at the door with a double martini (or pole dancing or sex clubs or vajazzling or whatever insane thing desperate women in 2022 are currently doing in an attempt to temporarily titillate nature’s most easily bored creature, the human male) in order to take the kids to soccer and get dinner on the table and get the laundry folded and finish the project that’s due for work on Thursday, and oh, what’s this – maybe to even find a little time to do something for yourself now and then.
Pretty funny how men like Ben Affleck are allowed to create complete familial disasters while garnering (see what I did there) shockingly little blame, so little blame that the guy cannot even appear to comprehend the reasons for it, let alone foresee it. Meanwhile, a woman can’t even take a goddamn bath now and then without someone muttering that she should probably be scrubbing something – like her husband’s junk – instead.
Don’t pity the Ben Afflecks of the world. A little time in the hot seat may be good for their character. Maybe it will clue them in on what it feels like to have the world talking about their foibles for a change. Because no woman, famous or otherwise, should have to go through public scrutiny when it was their ex who couldn’t get his shit together:
- On the cartoon F is for Family recently, one of the characters quit his job and used an unexpected windfall to start a restaurant that served deep fried chicken skin.
- Look, Ewan, I have sympathy, having had four boys over the span of 20+ years and finally getting a girl. I was pretty darn pleased by that event myself. Being delighted by the appearance of an opposite sex child after having the other sex child is in human nature, particularly when the opposite sex child is the same sex as you are yourself and especially particularly when you think that door of life experience was closed to you. It doesn’t mean you don’t adore ALL your children with the passion of 1000 fiery suns, to find that a joyful development. But man, that speech was brutal. Not only for the sake of your ex-wife who surely felt all kinds of ways about it, but for your daughters too.
- Though this is not very female-sisterhood-ly of me to gossip, I know a woman who pushed her husband, largely against his will, to have seven children and let her stay home with them, even though they really couldn’t afford the endeavor with the lifestyle said woman demanded. She forced him to move across the country, seven kids in tow, because she couldn’t get along with her mother-in-law. After all that, she decided maybe she just wasn’t so into the whole “motherhood” scene any more, left her husband with custody of the seven kids, took a job as a waitress, got a boyfriend (I suspect the boyfriend came first) and proceeded to cover her entire body with piercings and tattoos for self-fulfillment. She managed this trick by somehow continuing to get spousal support from her ex-husband while he also singlehandedly raised the seven children that she had demanded that he agree to, in a state in which he knows no one and has no support network, 3000 miles away from his friends and family. It’s a dumpster fire. (BTW, this is publicly posted on social media, with no small amount of pride on the part of the offender, and is not me betraying any confidence of friendship.)
But you know what else, I know 123,456,789 men who did some form of this exact same thing while practically everyone in their social circles blamed it on the 25 pounds the wife had gained. So while there are certainly absolutely awful and toxic women in the world, boy howdy, why is it considered culturally ok to blame women when it happens to them, while the man to whom this terrible thing happens is seen as the innocent victim (even when he is not, in the case of women leaving abusers, controllers, and serial cheaters)?
Am I missing the part of the quote where Ben says the issue was Jennifer, a shortcoming of hers, something she did wrong?
Had he said that elsewhere but you chose to quote a part of an interview where he doesn’t say it?Report
…Blaming it on a marriage he felt he shouldn’t have been in is not blaming it on her, her inadequacy as a wife, etc. He’s simply saying he wasn’t happy.
It’s also not taking responsibility, I completely acknowledge that.
I also don’t approve of divorce for reasons of “I’m not happy” when there are children. So I don’t condone anything Affleck has done in his private life. And obviously there are far worse things that we haven’t even mentioned. (And drinking like that as a father is bad enough on its own.)
But I just don’t see where Affleck has done what you’re saying he’s done here. It’s like the one bad thing he hasn’t done that I’m aware of (dump on Jennifer and say that his problems with the marriage were actually her fault).
If there are other quotes however… by all means…Report
…The piece does mention the infidelity, my mistake. Rightly so.Report
“I’m satisfied with making true choices and finding the woman I love, Angie, and building a family that I love so much.”
*This* is one of the meanest things you’ve ever read, and (therefore?) a top example of men “dissing” their ex-wives?
[Homer Simpson backing into the vines at Wrigley Field GIF]Report
Why Wrigley Field? Wasn’t the hedge that Homer backed into the one between his and Flanders’ house?Report
You can’t disappear into the vines at Wrigley. They’re a very thin cover on top of a brick wall. Literally brick, and no padding; going back for a fly ball and running into the wall is a very bad idea.
What had happened to Franco?Report
He’s still dead.
Well, he was alive in 1986, apparently. I guess that’s why SNL stopped doing that bit.Report
Another well written piece that I resonate with a lot. I’m the twice married man, and while things have worked much much better the second time around, as you note it’s no picnic always.
This one works both ways – and for me you’d just have to substitute the roles to describe how my first marriage ended. In my case it wasn’t some new sudden ridiculous interest – it was my career as a scientist, which wasn’t a “real job” or so I was told as part of the break up. The real issue was she had economic expectations I wasn’t meeting that were unvoiced until it was all over, and which frankly my background as a poorish university professor’s kid didn’t equip me well to respond to. What I also find, however, is that even in our enlightened day and age men in this situation are still held as accountable for the failure, because we should have pivoted to whatever was needed even when that need is never told to us.
I don’t agree with this assessment either, in as much as all the marriage counseling and relationship self help books tell you you have to do a better job of breaking up the mundane, and couples who last do seem to have a better shot at creating the new and unique more regularly. Few of the couples I know in decades long marriages or monogamous relationships sit idly by and focus ONLY on their kids, their house and their careers. They go out on real dates regularly, they travel, they try new hobbies together. and they boost each others vocations and avocations publicly. Which means those counselors and those books are probably on to something.
I detect a certain deficiency being highlighted in your daily routine here. Perhaps listening to plaster and lathe discussions should be required to be done after you have had your soaking time?Report
During the brief bit of couples therapy my ex and I pursued, the issue of my having expectations that were too high came up. The therapist heard my ex out and finally responded that I was just as entitled to my expectations as she was to hers. And if mine felt too high for her and/or hers felt too low for me and we couldn’t rectify that, we had a real compatibility issue that would likely remain. That wasn’t quite the final nail in the coffin but it demonstrated that if we weren’t willing to do a lot of work, we weren’t going to make it work happily.
We weren’t willing to do that work. Recognizing that allowed us to eventually get to a place where we could look fondly upon the time we had and forge forward with a different relationship, one focused on co-parenting our two children. While we probably shouldn’t have abandoned couples therapy as quickly as we did, it was very helpful to learn that it wasn’t an issue of fault but one of compatibility.Report
You either have a marriage system where either party has the right to quit at any time for any reason or you don’t and force unhappy people to be together. A system where, assuming a heterosexual relationship, where either the husband or wife has the right to call it quits at anytime for any reason but the other party has to be brave, loyal, good, and true because tradition just won’t work. Right now it just seems that everybody is looking for maximum freedom and power for their side and the people they feel sympathetic for in heterosexual relationships while wanting to bound the other side by tradition.Report
And I definitely feel that there is a very gendered thing with these types of pop culture entertainment news divorce stories where if a man decides he is unhappy and wants out of marriage/relationship he is the worse villain in the entire world while if a woman decides she needs out it is just natural and the man should let her go. This type of dual standard isn’t how reasonable people should behave in the relationships.Report
Is there a person on the planet outside of the entertainment industry who is on Team Ben at this point?
PS: Argo was one of the worst movies ever to win the Oscar for Best Picture.Report
Affleck and Garner both seem like the type of actor who falls in love on set a lot. They’ve each got half a dozen SAG romances on the books. I remember the Brad / Jennifer / Other Jennifer / Matt / Gwyneth pileup a few years back when it seemed like Access Hollywood was playing mad-libs with celebrity names.Report
I assume some of that “love” is “my carrier needs more work”.
Similarly one of the last things I’d do to help a relationship, past or present, is go on the Howard Sterns show.Report
I’m replying from the perspective of a second wife to someone who makes a living as an entertainer.
People – men – who have found professional success (or perhaps, are not successful but still keep doing the thing regardless) in certain kinds of occupations do those job partly because they derive fulfillment from the attention / adoration from others. Their vocation is not a choice between being an accountant or an engineer– its literally who they are as a person.
Part of marriage is folding socks, nursing sick kids, and cleaning up after the dog.
I’m TeamJennifer / TeamAnna, for sure, but I just don’t find it surprising that people with a need fulfilled by being center-stage pull the rip cord when they find themselves competing with laundry and vomit for attention.Report
Male entertainers might have a particular bad case of wanting to be the center of attention but in nearly every relationship I was in, there were days or even sometimes weeks where I was subjected to radio silence only to have contact suddenly resume like nothing happened. Meanwhile, maybe I can get away with putting off a conversation for a few hours from my end if I was really busy with something. There seems to be some expectations that a lot of behavior that would be seen as dickish or even kind of abusive coming from a man to a woman is tolerable or even acceptable in the reverse. Like I don;’t think a man could get away with radio silence for days or weeks in a relationship and just resume things like nothing happened.Report
Its hard for me to debate that, you see, I am often accused of being “part man.”
I’ll accept gender non-(stereotypically)-conforming.Report
In the years since my divorce, all the women I’ve dated, and many casual male friends have asked me “what went wrong”. I still struggle to understand what did go wrong, but I have never blamed my ex. Yes, she initiated the divorce, but I’d never accuse her of being the cause-no, rather it’s a joint thing.. In the words of my stepmother, My ex “is a wonderful person.” Women particularly find it odd I won’t trash ex–one of the things I dislike about the cattiness of women.Report
Undiagnosed or untreated mental illness in men is probably a strong contributing factor. We have a friend who has 3 kids. One day, out of the blue, her husband goes off the deep end and accuses her of essentially making him the junior partner in their marriage. It was BS, but that was the story he was going with.
Years later, after the divorce is pretty much final, he finally sees a doc & gets diagnosed Bipolar (we’d been telling him to do that all along, but, you know, male egos and all that). Marriage is toast, but at least he’s medicated and getting help so he can try and be a good father to his kids.Report
I think undiagnosed or unrevealed problems in partners of any gender can put a lot of stress on a relationship. The uninformed partner, and I know this from personal experience, can find themselves in a situation where something just occurs and they don’t know what to do or whether it was something they did. The difference I think is that women are more likely to be diagnosed and also that there is a cultural expectation of support during their times of hardship while men do not have this expectation of support because they are supposed to manage their own problems.Report
There is a very long history of addiction and mental illness in Affleck’s family.
Ben himself is known to suffer from anxiety, depression, & alcohol addiction. He may also have issues with gamboling (although he’s professional level good so maybe not).Report
“may also have issues with gamboling”
isn’t that what got caught doin with the babysitter? [rimshot]Report
To be fair Jennifer claims they broke up then he started dating the nanny.
There are also #MeToo allegations. Not sure where to put them on this list, maybe a separate category.Report
Note I also said untreated. If you know you are an addict, yet you go to sleep with a bottle of whiskey, you are not treating your illness.Report
Yes, that exactly. He knows he’s an addict early, gets serious about that, then spends years trying to have a normal “one glass” relationship with alcohol which says he’s not serious.Report
So, sincere question: is there any way these men can say nice things about their second wives that doesn’t come across as hurtful or mean to their first ones? Genuinely curious about this since you don’t site any counter-examples of men who did it “right” assuming it can be done right at all.Report
There is no way. Dudes are dogs and chicks are unsung martyrs, especially the ones with millions of dollars and legions of adoring fans.Report
The unfair sex is a trope for a reason. A lot of heterosexual relationships seem to be a demand for men to give all the traditions while women ask for freedom from all traditions.Report
To leave a spouse for someone else isn’t an honorable thing, and I can understand why all subsequent statements will be judged in that light. But that does go in both directions. I don’t know all the timelines on this, and how many of the splits were whose mistakes, but Ben Affleck was Jennifer Garner’s second husband, and Chris Pratt was Anna Faris’s second husband. As for the new girls, Brad Pitt was Angelina Jolie’s third husband, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead had been married before. This article is never complimentary to the new girls, I’ll give it that. But this just feels like the Jerry Springer Show, where you can feel sorry for a few of the people, but there’s not much to admire.Report
Really? The modern understanding is that relationships are supposed to be something close to at will contracts where if one partner is not happy, they should be able to leave at anytime as long as they are honest about it. People really don’t like this in actual practice and there are still gendered expectations in heterosexual relationships with more anger directed at a man who leaves for another woman or just leaves than a woman who leaves for another man or just leaves. The man is seen as more of shirker in his obligations even if the couple isn’t married and there aren’t any kids involved.Report
This is going to make me sound like a reactionary but the new norm on it is wrong and IMO leads to a lot of preventable unhappiness. Which isn’t to say the old norm was all peachy keen, especially to the extent it trapped people (and let’s be real, women in particular) in legitimately abusive situations. But we can and should do better.
I think one of the best things my wife and I did was get married Catholic, and I think she agrees, even though she grew up Methodist. There were some farcical moments like where the couple with 9 kids comes in and says you can totally control your fertility with natural family planning or whatever silly euphemism they had. But what they did do was force us sit down and talk out the tough stuff like finances and children and careers and other issues where lack of communication and unrealistic expectations just tank marriages.
Now it certainly helped a lot that we were over 30 when we did it and had developed some wisdom of our own. But I’m comfortable saying we’d all be better off if we dropped the ‘love conquers all mentality.’ The dysfunction it wreaks is real and everywhere, as is particularly apparent in frivolous celebrity marriages like those discussed in the OP.Report
Humans aren’t going to create a perfect romantic system and every system is going to have it’s big pluses and massive minuses. I think the problem isn’t necessarily the at will nature but that most people for different reasons can’t really accept it because they don’t know what they did wrong in terms of a particular relationship, it could be very well nothing and the other partner just isn’t feeling it anymore, or that people are still dominated by the old expectations especially if they work out in their favor. So in heterosexual terms that means they want the other gender to give them their traditions while wanting freedom from the traditions they don’t lie.Report
My wife and I will celebrate 27 years this fall, and that is almost entirely due to being very pragmatic about marriage as a partnership first and a romance second.Report
I think being in a manageable (and hopefully good) place on the first goes a long way towards promoting the second.Report
It does.Report
That’s a very provincial way of looking at things. A small percentage of the population and the laws of California see things according to this “modern understanding”. Even then, a good number of the people who claim to see things that way really (as you note) see things the way I described, and they’re either going along with it because they don’t want to embarrass themselves or their recently remarried sister, or because they know of some situation where it looked like a couple broke up over “unhappiness” but there was something really serious going on underneath.
Above, you said “You either have a marriage system where either party has the right to quit at any time for any reason or you don’t and force unhappy people to be together.” I was really struck by that because most all of human experience lies between the either and the or. Not force, and not quitting for any reason. Sometimes prudential judgment, sometimes a bad idea, sometimes subtle pressure but everyone knows if things got bad enough you could always get out. Sometimes Margaret was seen at the well with a broken arm and a bloody nose and then two weeks later her husband is killed by a misfired arrow while out boar-hunting. Imperfect but that’s most of human experience historically, and I wouldn’t bet against it in the future.Report
I think the usual historic norm was that husbands could get pretty well away with performing rather brutal violence on their arms with little to no formal or informal consequences rather than these fantasies about mysterious accidents of justice happening.Report
Depends on the place, depends on the family. I didn’t cite it because it’s ideal; it just seemed far more realistic than your choice of “any time / any reason” versus force.Report
I’m old enough to remember the early 70s at the height of the Sexual Revolution when it was commonplace to read articles predicting that “in the future” meaning around the “Year 2000” that marriage would be obsolete, or just become a contract that would be renegotiated every 5 years or that people would just be entirely free of any sort of long term commitment at all, or any other sort of Free Love variation.
And yet what is odd, is that here we are, half a century later, and the concept of marriage hasn’t really changed all that much at all.
Sure, almost everyone cohabits prior, so yeah that’s a big change. But otherwise, the idea that the normative value is that we all find a mate and settle down into a monogamous relationship and build a family unit is still the ruling assumption.
In some ways it validates both the conservative position (that marriage and family formation is universal and not socially constructed) and the liberal position (that the freedom to divorce or cohabit prior to marriage isn’t the End Of Civilization).Report
I admit I put off reading this article because celebrity culture really doesn’t interest me almost at all. It’s something I look into literally only to be able to keep up with questions about it that inevitable arise in pub trivia.
But what really strikes me about all of these mens’ antics described here is that celebrities actually behave quite a bit like the rest of us. Granted, they tend to be more attractive than us, and to have more money at their disposal, and with more public platforms for their behavior. But really what I see here are permutations of relatively common human imperfections, writ across gossip tabloids. I think we all know people who claim to not have favorites amongst their children but really do; people who whether explicitly or implicitly slight their previous spouses in conversation; people who engage in addictive behaviors and cause pain in their families.
“Yes, but celebrities do it so publicly! They ought to be more circumspect about these things knowing that they are so public!” That’s true. They’re human beings. They mess up. Including about being circumspect about their flaws, with relentless paparazzi surrounding them at all times and a culture that criticizes a few pounds’ weight gain, having maybe one too many drinks while out to dinner, or a casual comment that wasn’t thought all the way through on a hot mic. You and I would make PR biffs too.Report
Male celebrities also have a lot more opportunities to cheat. It’s easy to say that you’d never cheat on your wife when you’re middle-class, bald, and out of shape and the odds of ever having a beautiful 24-year-old come on to you are precisely zero. But really, what percentage of men would actually resist the temptation if it presented itself on a regular basis?Report
My wife and I have a One Celebrity Rule. Each of us is entitled to a one-off for a legitimate celebrity. Whether this is a long-running joke or a real Rule must await the first opportunity to apply it.Report