Does Virginia Matter to the Midterms?

Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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3 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    I’m going to run with “Of course not, besides the out-of-power party always has turnout problems in off-years.”Report

  2. Michael Cain says:

    I might wonder about redistricting, but Virginia has a commission to do that now, and the commission membership is already set.Report

    • Kolohe in reply to Michael Cain says:

      The commission has been a soup sandwich* and hasn’t been able to come up with maps everyone agrees with, so it’s (by the implementing constitutional amendment) going to go to the court system – which in Virginia is not elected, but does currently still lean GOP.

      *and really multi-layered soup sandwich. Initiated as an idea when the Republicans had longstanding control of one or both houses of the legislature, but then the Democrats tried to put on the brakes when 1) they actually got control and 2) realized the necessary failsafe clause would not be in their favor. But it was too late and the consitutional amendment passed because, among other things, the NoVa voters that lean Dem but are not hardcore partisans *really* love ‘good governance’** and this was right in that wheelhouse.

      **which is fair, and a legacy of two to three generations ago when the Byrd machine ran everything at the expense of (among others) both Dems and Republicans in the rapidly growing and changing Depression/World War2/Cold War era DC suburbs.Report