Knowing Which Screws to Turn: Job Skills For The Life You Want

John McCumber

John McCumber is a cybersecurity executive, retired US Air Force officer, and former Cryptologic Fellow of the National Security Agency. In addition to his professional activities, John is a former Professorial Lecturer in Information Security at The George Washington University in Washington, DC and is currently a technical editor and columnist for Security Technology Executive magazine. John is the author of the textbook Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: a Structured Methodology

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2 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    Understanding the value of the labor of an individual relative to an organization is something we are, for the most part, horrible at. We constantly over & under value labor and other contributions, depending on the perspective.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    One thing that I’ve seen, over and over again: There is no shortage of people who can write a script. There is no shortage of people who can talk to management. There is no shortage of people who can talk to engineers.

    But if you can write a script *AND* talk to management *AND* talk to engineers? You are one of the people that there is a shortage of.

    If you are Michael Jordan (or otherwise one of the best in the world at any given thing), you can command a high salary.

    But you don’t have to be Michael Jordan. You can merely be pretty good at 4 or 5 things and, if you can find a place that needs someone good at those 4 or 5 things, you are not one of hundreds applying there. You are likely one of the few people good at those 4 or 5 things that have applied.

    Just find the right 4 or 5 things to merely be pretty good at.Report