Requiring a Bit Of An Adjustment: Explaining the Santo Daime Church

Steve Pittelli

Steve Pittelli is a retired psychiatrist. You can find him on Twitter and his own blog Unwashed Genes.

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2 Responses

  1. Kazzy says:

    Thanks for sharing, Steve. I’m not a person of faith (I was raised Catholic, was never a firm believer, stopped believing, and have only grown increasingly angry with the institution of the Catholic Church) but I generally tend to see all religions as equally (il)legitimate. I do not mean any disrespect by that, only that I do not believe in any of them but don’t consider any of them more or less valid because of the specifics of their belief system. Including the use of psychedelics. I am troubled by the way American laws sometimes treat different religious practices differently, sometimes not even recognizing certain practices as religious and thus denying them the privileges/protections enjoyed by others. I hope the practitioners of this face are no less free than those of “mainstream” religions.

    And I have no particular objection to the use of psychedelics, for religious or other reasons. I would hope that all necessary precautions are taken to ensure they are taking voluntarily and that the health needs of children/younger people are considered when it comes to their involvement.Report

    • Steve in reply to Kazzy says:

      I would imagine that families in Brazil involved in the church might have their children experience it to a small extent, but it is only for adults, here. Should have mentioned that…Report