Football Will Save The World

Dan Arden

Dan works in logistics and transportation in the most Maryland-ish corners of West Virginia and holds a law degree the way most people hold an angry marmot. He has annoying and hot-tempered thoughts on politics, society, and sports, is a constitutional fundie, and likes reading, gaming, sports, the oxford comma, his cats, and telling people they are wrong on the internet. You can find him on Twitter

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4 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Brady has single-handedly willed the Bucs to 14 points against the Chiefs’ 3.

    I feel less bad about Tebow losing to him after single-handedly defeating Roethlisberger back in 2012.

    There is no shame in losing to the best in the world.

    If, however, you don’t like Brady but want to avoid the whole “he cheats!” thing, you can always go with how problematic the name of the team he plays for happens to be:


  2. Jaybird says:

    Perhaps we need to do a better job of appreciating everyone on the team instead of focusing on the quarterback.

    What we need to do is figure out a way to not have specialized roles. Does anybody even remember a single tight end that Brady worked with?

    Doesn’t this demonstrate a problem with the sport itself?Report