McCumber’s Magic Cybersecurity 8-Ball

John McCumber

John McCumber is a cybersecurity executive, retired US Air Force officer, and former Cryptologic Fellow of the National Security Agency. In addition to his professional activities, John is a former Professorial Lecturer in Information Security at The George Washington University in Washington, DC and is currently a technical editor and columnist for Security Technology Executive magazine. John is the author of the textbook Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems: a Structured Methodology

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3 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    “Several prognosticators have already touted the coming of a password-less society. What do you use if not a password? For most, it’s the use of rich data that can quickly identify a unique individual through an agglomeration of data known about them. Whether or not this is good or bad depends on your perceptive”

    Not good. My new phone wanted a thumbprint or a face scan. Not gonna happen. I like passwords.

    “One of the wags I like using to explain cloud computing is, there is no “cloud”, there are just other peoples’ computers.” Yep, once I looked into this, i assumed any agreement to use someone else’s computers means they can access your stuff. No thanks. I’ll keep all my s hit on my hard drive.Report

    • Carl Schwent in reply to Damon says:

      Good news for you. I’ve seen a hard drive, configured as a local server, that was touted as “Your Personal Cloud”. So ‘cloud’ is now officially just a marketing hype term that is totally meaningless.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Assuming the something you know/something you have/something you are paradigm, we’re probably talking about something like a Yubikey that reads your thumbprint.

    You no longer need to know anything. Just have the USB and have the Thumb and you’re in.
