More Record Fundraising for Biden Campaign

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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48 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    Add in the large numbers of people already early voting, and you might mistakenly conclude people give a fig about the country. I’m sure @George Turner will tell us a dozen or so reasons why that’s wrong . . . .Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    Phillip H beat me to the punch but it turns out Democrats are motivated despite what Turner learns from his right-wing anecdotes.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Turner believes that one Republican vote is worth ten billion Democratic votes or something.Report

      • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq says:

        Nah its simpler then that – George and Aaron believe that us lefties are not Real Americans ™. We don’t count. We will never be legitimate. Thus we don’t deserve to be any part of any of this, and we should be grateful we haven’t been tarred and feathers and run out of town on a rail.Report

        • Stillwater in reply to Philip H says:

          Not *quite* right, IMO. George is a conservative and plays at being a Trumper because for him it’s fun and exciting. Aaron OTOH is so pissed off at the Democratic party he can’t see the GOP/Trumper flaws because all he sees are the Dem/liberal flaws. Aaron, at least, wouldn’t say you’re unAmerican to vote Biden. (Misguided, maybe….)

          And honestly, I pretty much agree with him about the Dem’s flaws! The party has gone sideways and is experiencing a pronounced and often harmful identity crisis. Aaron isn’t a Trumper and he’s not wrong to be PO’d at Dems, IMO. I – a Dem voter – am pissed at Dems too!Report

  3. Damon says:

    No doubt.

    Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Biden’s being helped by FB, Twitter, etc. blocking negative news links about Biden on their platforms either could it. Of course not.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Damon says:

      If you are referring to the New York Post piece that’s regurgitating Rudy Guilanni’s latest kerfuffle – considering that no one else can source the emails or independently confirm them FB and Twitter are doing the right thing by fact checking them. FB at least is not blocking the story however as I have a dozen or so conservative FB friends who have posted the NYP story in the last day or two.Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Damon says:

      The story is probably Russian propganda published by desperate people at close the 11th hour but you be you.

      • Aaron David in reply to Saul Degraw says:

        No Saul, I don’t think this was put together by the Clinton campaign. They have lost too much power for something as truthy as this.

        We simply don’t want to elect a man as racist, corrupt, and rapey as Biden.Report

    • Aaron David in reply to Damon says:

      I don’t know if the claims are true or not, but I do think we need a full senate investigation on it, over the next month as we would never want to elect a man as corrupt as Biden “seems” to be.


      • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

        You mean like the Senate Investigation Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has been leading? The one that turned up nothing illegal and no evidence of Hunter Biden influencing any Obama Administration actions? That one?

        Or do you want to investigate something else and have it done by “real Republicans” since Sen. Johnson is clearly not Republican enough to have found wrong doing?Report

        • George Turner in reply to Philip H says:

          The New York Post’s e-mail story already shows felonies on the part of Joe Biden. His son Hunter said he had to turn over half his earnings to Joe. Federal law is very weak on benefits going to a politician’s family member, but if they have to give the politician a cut, then the family member becomes just a pass through for an illegal bribe.Report

          • North in reply to George Turner says:

            The Post story is hysterical. Hunter Biden allegedly turned a laptop loaded with incriminating emails and pictures in to a repair shop, then never paid for the repairs, then the repair shop guy (as you do) went into the evidently unsecured computer and found all these incriminating documents (sans, naturally, any of the metadata that would allow their veracity to be established). He turned the laptop over to the FBI but not before sending a copy of the documents to Rudy Gulliani’s lawyer for some reason, who then sat on the documents for half a year? Heheheh.

            A Comey letter it ain’t.Report

            • George Turner in reply to North says:

              The Metadata has already been confirmed. The e-mails from Burisma is authentic, and came from a Burisma server address. The photos are real, and the New York post only release d a few of them. Plenty they haven’t published, because they’re not a porn outlet, are of the various “Hunter’s sexy time” variety.

              But that was yesterday’s news. Today they’re releasing his e-mails regarding millions of dollars from China. They’re apparently going to be doing this for weeks.

              Yesterday Joe Biden dropped out of sight, and today the campaign has decided to quit denying that Joe Biden met with the Burisma executive.

              And of course, to the vast majority of people out there, the story must be true or Twitter and Facebook wouldn’t have immediately banned all mention of it. You see, Democrat voters are like mushrooms. They have to be raised in the dark.Report

              • North in reply to George Turner says:

                Odd that no outlets that aren’t Trump or Gulliani lackeys are saying any of that stuff you’re inventing George.Report

              • George Turner in reply to North says:

                It’s not odd at all. The media establishment is part of Biden’s campaign, and they’re blatant about it.

                Your betters, who decide for you, won’t let you know the truth. You must parrot the party line, and you must buy product.

                What amazes me is how Democrats can still think they’re in any way “rebels” or “for the working man” when they’re being told to vote the way Wall Street, the media elites, the Hollywood elites, the corrupt politicians, the race-baiters, the European governments, the Chinese, and the Russians command them to vote. They don’t have an independent bone in their entire bodies.Report

              • North in reply to George Turner says:

                Sounds downright bitter George, are you disappointed that this feeble attempt is all that Trump and Rudy can muster up? Durham’s finding nothing and has been pushed back past the election. All the Senate investigations came up empty. Now suddenly Rudy finds some incriminating stuff in his glove compartment? It’s so sad it’s funny to us lefties.

                I’ll leave the rest of the defenestrating of this nothingburger to Chait.

              • greginak in reply to North says:

                Ken White had the best take on the weirdo computer shop guy. From the Twitterz. See North this is the kind of quality you are missing by not being on twitter.

                “The computer repair shop dude’s video interview reminded me of something and I couldn’t remember what and it was vexing me until I remembered: he’s like Balloon Boy who said in the middle of his parent’s interview “wait didn’t we do it for publicity” and then barfed on them.”


              • North in reply to greginak says:

                Wow, Greg, just wow, never let it be said ya never gave me anything.Report

              • greginak in reply to North says:

                Not that rudy has any credibility left but he is already changing his story. He is even loading up the poo smear cannon at hunter over his addiction. Just yammering on about what an addict he was. Rudy has always been and continues to be just crap person. So this admin really is his Age of Aquarius.Report

        • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

          What we have here is brand new information on possible corruption at three levels. 1) Possible FCC violations on the part of Facebook and Twitter, 2) did the FBI sit on this information as is being claimed, and 3) the increasing signs of corruption in the Biden family dealings using its political power.

          Now, I for one do not want a corruptocrat in the highest office in the land, beholden by blackmail or any other means to a nefarious foreign power, and I at least would feel better if I could trust my federal workers, both hired and elected, to be honest dealers. Already the IRS showed an issue with this under Obama, and the possibility of the FBI here is enough to make me feel ALL federal workers are suspect.

          You do want to ensure their credibility, don’t you?

          Further, I don’t really care who in the senate does this, R or D, as long as it isn’t a partisan shit show like the joke of an impeachment we went through earlier this year. I would think that Dems are just as interested in making sure that they are putting the best candidate forth in this election.

          It’s just good governance.Report

          • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

            To Repeat – Senate Republicans have already looked into Hunter Biden and come up empty with regards to his influence on Obama administration policy. Sure it may LOOK bad to the heathens – but so do the security clearances handed out to the unqualified children of the current President (Clearances they couldn’t get on their own until Daddy intervened). Just like Hillary’s emails – which even rump’s hand picked State Department Inspector General couldn’t find illegality in – this is a nothing burger.

            Also, Democrats can’t investigate anything in the Senate until they take back the majority.

            I for one do not want a corruptocrat in the highest office in the land, beholden by blackmail or any other means to a nefarious foreign power,

            You mean like the guy in the Oval Office who has over $300M in personally guaranteed loans about to come due to banks known to launder money for Russian Oligarchs?Report

            • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

              The funny thing about Trump and corruption is that the house had a major investigation into this, but it devolved into a partisan shit show. And in the process showed zero corruption. But it was good to get to the bottom of these claims, no? And they have shown us, in the case of Trump, that they were baseless.

              Now, we have a chance to do this with a candidate before they are elected. To clear up these new allegations. But, it seems that you don’t want to do this. Why? I mean, it is so, so obvious that Biden is just going to win, that he is squeaky clean without a tinge of corruption, that I cannot see a reason that anyone would object to it.

              Why are you objecting?Report

              • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

                Because the Senate has already looked into the relationship between the Biden’s and Burisma and found nothing. Just like Hillary’s email.

                And your version of the Impeachment is too cute by half – Trump’s family corruption wasn’t the focus of that investigation – one of his corrupt acts was. One. I agree with the sh!tshow conclusion, since the Republicans in the Senate refused to depose a single witness and announced their intentions to clutch pearls tightly (Susan Collins) and vindicate him before they heard any evidence.

                that aside – you have no interest in clearing Mr. Biden’s name because you don’t regard him (or any left leaning candidate) as legitimate. You never have. To claim you all of a sudden do now is intellectually lazy. Unsurprising, but lazy.

                Trump is likely to loose. The Senate may well swing back to the Democrats. The House will remain firmly in Democratic control. You need to come to terms with that, just like I have to come to terms with Amy Coney Barret.

                Suck it up buttercup and put your big boy pants back on.Report

              • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

                Why are you pro corruption, Phil?Report

              • LeeEsq in reply to Aaron David says:

                He isn’t pro-corruption, he is anti-obvious rat fucking.Report

              • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

                Secretary Clinton Investigated three times by House Committees RE corrupt and illegal use of email and email servers. No referral for prosecution.

                Secretary Clinton’s emails investigated by the State Department Inspector General – one referral of a low level FBI staffer for altering an email in a warrant application process.

                U.S. Attorney Bash investigates “unmasking” of Gen. Flynn by Obama officials – no referrals for prosecution and the report is withheld by the DoJ (likely meaning no illegalities or unethical activities).

                Senate investigation of Hunter Biden with regard to his role in influencing Obama Administration policy on Ukraine – initial report details no illegality nor any influence by Hunter Biden on Obama Administration foreign policies. Thus far no referrals for prosecution.

                U.S. Attorney Durham investigation of Obama administration “spying” on Trump campaign and origins of the Russia investigation – no indictments so far; unlikely to be done before the election, and widely reported to have found nothing illegal in a very methodical and thorough investigation.

                House investigation of Secretary Clinton’s Benghazi Response – no criminal referrals.

                Gee, I don’t know Aaron, I’m sure some one will make something stick to these folks at some point.

                You are starting to sound like George. I had respect for you. Its rapidly disappearing.Report

              • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

                So, we have established that you are pro corruption, are you also pro racist? Chip has told us that even the leftist of us is racist, and you support Biden, who has been open about that racism.

                So, are you pro corruption and pro racist, Phillip?Report

              • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

                So you think I’m pro corruption because I can cite a series of failed attempts to prove Mr. Biden and other are corrupt?

                Wow. Just Wow. That’s utterly, disappointingly fascinating.

                Why are you pro corruption Aaron?Report

              • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

                Why am I pro – corruption? That is a laugh, as I am the one who is pushing for an anti-corruption investigation. I didn’t support a party who took serious accusations of corruption, had zero to show for it, and managed to turn an impeachment into a partisan shit joke, hus absolving Trump of all those accusations the left had made over the last four years. Why absolved, you ask? Well, they had the chance to pick every. single. one. of them apart with that impeachment, but they chose not only to pass over all of them but hung their hat on politics, a strategy so stupid it was sure to fail.

                But, sure, I am the pro-corruption guy, me, who is pushing for a corruption investigation.

                But, we have shown that you are pro-corruption, along with pro-racist. Are you also pro-rape? How do you feel about Tara Reid?Report

              • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

                Well, they had the chance to pick every. single. one. of them apart with that impeachment, but they chose not only to pass over all of them but hung their hat on politics, a strategy so stupid it was sure to fail.

                Doesn’t seem any different from any of the investigations I listed . . .

                Tara Reid is probably truthful in at least some of what she says. At least as truthful now 26 women who have accused the President of the same and worse things. How do you feel about them?Report

              • George Turner in reply to Philip H says:

                Philip, the part your missing is that the failed investigations, when everybody knows crimes were clearly committed (such as erasing tens of thousands of e-mails that were under Congressional subpoena) just shows that the system is corrupt.

                The cases still rolling are investigations into the corruption in the FBI and DoJ that were covering up all the crimes top Democrats were committing. Heck, they were even bragging about committing the crimes, gleefully showing that they were way above the law.

                That kind of behavior is how violent revolutions start, when regular folks get fed up with all the corruption and force the ruling class to flee for their lives. It’s a constantly repeating pattern throughout history, and the US is not immune to it.Report

              • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

                26? Really? And yet the Dems thought that none of them were truthful enough to bring up in that impeachment thingy, and no media organization seems to be putting those women out in the spotlight, no matter the ratings that it could bring them, what with all the Trump hate… And we know that they wouldn’t have any problem doing it ethically, what with Blasey Ford and her treatment by the media. Kinda makes one wonder about the claims, no?

                But you believed Tara. You said, and I quote “I believe Tara Reede…” So you are willingly going to vote for and support someone you believe is a rapist. And you even have the cover of living in a state that will go for Trump.

                Wow. Just wow.

                So, you don’t want a corruption investigation, and rape is OK, as long it is your party doing it. Does that sum it up?Report

              • Philip H in reply to Aaron David says:

                i have yet to see a credible accusation of corruption against Mr. Biden. Again, even the Senate Republicans who have looked into the other aligned accusations of corruption against him have found nothing. Given that no other source then the NY Post has come up with this story There is nothing to investigate.

                I believe Tara Reede in as much as something in appropriate happened between them. I also believe that her one accusation which is not rape (however inappropriate) Pales in comparison to the 26 accusations – many of which have been backed up by lawsuits and other attempts to seek justice on the courts. I can’t speak to why Democrats didn’t run them up the proverbial flag pole (along with his emoluments violations and other things) – I believe I said at the time that they were missing opportunities they wouldn’t get again. I also know that numerous of the women who have accused the president have done so publicly across a variety of media platforms. Google is your friend in that regard.

                Finally, my vote is just that – mine. ANd unfortunately because I live and vote in a state that is likely to break for the President, I also have few other choices on the ballot for president.

                Again – why do you support the corruption of this administration?Report

              • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

                “I believe Tara Reede…”Report

              • George Turner in reply to Philip H says:

                Phillip, he threatened to without a billion dollars in US aid if Ukraine didn’t fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma, which was paying his son millions of dollars, of which it now looks like half went to Joe. Plus a Burisma executive testified that they paid Joe $900,000 directly.

                Now, Joe’s claim, and that of the rest of the Obama people, is that there’s was a large international coalition seeking to fire the prosecutor. That makes no sense at all.

                If a prosecutor was investigating Exxon or BP, why would anybody in another country, such as France or Mexico, even care? And are we to think that Biden had the prosecutor fired because the prosecutor wasn’t sufficiently prosecuting his son’s paymaster? That doesn’t make any sense, either. Second, did the replacement prosecutor, the one who was supposed to go forth and prosecute the heck out of Burisma, prosecute Burisma? No he did not – because his job was to stop investigating Burisma. The guy Joe had fired was the one doing the digging, and he’s testified, in foreign courts, about the results of those investigations, showing wire transfers to Hunter and to hundreds of millions going to a major investment fund whose primary stockholder was Obama’s National Security Advisor.

                Meanwhile, all that aid Biden sent to Ukraine went missing. Billion of dollars and nobody can find any of it. And the Biden campaign won’t even deny that the e-mails are real, or that Biden met with the Burisma executive, just that the meeting “wasn’t on his official calendar.”

                And that’s just one company, in one very backwards country that was broke. When we turn to Biden’s dealings with China, we’re looking at billions of dollars that landed in Hunter’s lap, all while Joe was ceding them defacto ownership of the South China Sea.Report

  4. Saul Degraw says:

    I posted this yesterday but this poll has Biden up by 7 in Georgia and Ossoff is leading Purdue by the same numbers. Warnock is also leading.

    Georgia’s electoral college votes last went for a Democratic candidate in 1992. A friend waited for four hours to vote on Monday.Report

  5. Kazzy says:

    If only there was elsewhere the money could go…Report

  6. Marchmaine says:

    heh… just win PA, MI, WI. Getting flashbacks of running up the score in 2016.Report

    • North in reply to Marchmaine says:

      True, though unlike in ’16 MI and WI are being polled regularly and watched carefully by everyone right now, Biden’s campaign certainly not last among them.Report

      • George Turner in reply to North says:

        And some of the Democrats in those states are in a panic because their own antenna is telling them the polling is garbage. Almost all the other metrics, such as changes in voter registration, shifts in minority voter support, and voter intensity point the opposite direction from the polling data. Large numbers of Republicans and Independents (12% and 10%) are admitting that they’re lying to pollsters, and the math says that such behavior could bias the polls about 7 points toward Biden. But that’s assuming the people lying to pollsters aren’t also lying to pollsters about lying to pollsters, which is one of those brain teaser questions. Combine that with some other polling problems, such as shyness, or an unwillingness to tell a pollster the truth in front of certain coworkers or family members, and the staggeringly high non-response rate from polls, and the whole endeavor may have reached the end of its usefulness as an indicator. If so, it will be yet another industry that went nuts and destroyed itself.

        And of course I doubt any Republicans will accept a Biden victory at this point, given that the media even censored the Trump campaign 19 days out. That kind of behavior isn’t allowed in a free and fair election. Combine that with massive voter fraud, which we’ve already been seeing, and a Democrat candidate who is senile and who should, in any event, be headed to prison for interfering in the previous election, and things could get very restive indeed. I predict 2020 is going to get a whole lot worse before it ends.Report

    • George Turner in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Are the idiots still trying to push that? Obama was briefed by CIA director Brennan that Hillary had a plan to frame Trump for Russia collusion. The FBI was in on it, using dirt provided by suspected Russian intelligence operatives.

      The Russians didn’t make Hunter Biden smoke crack and set his dad up to meet with Burisma officials (which Biden’s campaign has stopped denying took place). The Russians didn’t make him take porn videos with sketchy looking women, which are also on his laptop. They didn’t make Biden get in bed with Chinese officials, raking in millions in return for ceding to all their demands.Report