Saturday Morning Gaming: Spoiler Theory (with regards to Cyberpunk 2077)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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13 Responses

  1. Fish says:

    That trailer looks fantastic.

    I usually time my PC upgrades to meet the system requirements of whatever upcoming game I want to play (XCOM and XCOM 2 both triggered upgrades). Due to a processor failure a couple of months ago, my system is already more than capable of running CP2020. But what struck me is that the minimum requirements recommend an SSD.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Fish says:

      I’ve never had a Gaming PC (I always looked lovingly at the Alienware ads in the computer game magazines) and by the time that I had a job that put Gaming PC money in my pocket, Costco off-the-shelf PCs were mostly strong enough to play the games that I wanted to play (that is: Not First Person Shooters) and anything that was sufficiently beefy was also available on console.

      I’m thinking that the first version of the game that I’ll get will be for the PS4.

      Which, I hope, won’t be cut off at the knees.Report

      • Brandon Berg in reply to Jaybird says:

        IIRC, Alienware PCs were always far more expensive than the sum of their parts, so that you basically ended up paying a thousand dollars or more for an Alienware case. Furthermore, the parts were often past the sweet spot on the price-performance curve, so you were paying a lot of money for only marginally better performance.

        Game developers rarely make games that will only run on top-of-the-line PCs, because they want to sell a lot of copies, and you can’t do that if only 5% of PCs can run your game. I built my PC for about $1200 in parts 3 1/2 years ago, and it almost meets the recommended requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 (more system RAM and better CPU than recommended, while my video card has the same GPU but less VRAM than recommended).

        This is fairly typical; a $1200 PC will usually run the next 3 years worth of games at medium or better settings. I know that not everyone can afford to spend $400/year on keeping a gaming PC up to date, but I think it’s reasonably within the typical middle-class entertainment budget.Report

      • Damon in reply to Jaybird says:

        Dude, let me advise you NOT to buy an Alienware game pc. I did. And I’ve had the motherboard and graphic card replaced TWICE. One time was in warranty, at least. My machine burns up the boards due to the heat it generates.Report

    • Brandon Berg in reply to Fish says:

      Makes sense. Loading from a magnetic drive is slow, and loading from an SSD is fast. If a game needs to load a lot of data, as is typical these days, an SSD is going to greatly improve the experience.Report

  2. James K says:

    I’ve been getting deep into Hades. It’s very good, the action is tight and fast, and despite being a roguelike there’s this plot that slowly develops as the game goes on. I’ve just “beaten” it for the first time, but its clear the game is nowhere near finished.Report

  3. DavidTC says:

    I am playing my way through the hardest level of Shadow of the Tomb Raider for the first time. I’d actually replayed it before with the difficult turned way way up, but there’s a special difficulty level that locks the game to all the way, and you can’t change it mid-game…and the difference with this level is it has no autosaves so you can only save at campsites.

    It makes some sections really annoying if you end up having trouble near the end of it and it’s like a twenty minute combat+platforming+puzzle solving to slough back through there..and promptly die again.

    And you always think ‘Well, I can just backtrack to the campsite and save, right? Kill these enemy, go back, save. Solve the next puzzle, walk back through the dead enemies, save. Etc’. That was my original plan.

    Well…it is pretty obvious the game was specifically designed not to allow you to do it. A _startling_ amount of main game sections start with you either getting trapped behind something or having a one-way path, where you cannot go backwards.

    The psychological pressure starts to creep on you, about ten minutes in you’re like ‘Where the hell is the next damn campsite so I can save? I don’t want to do all this again.’.

    OTOH…I’m doing a lot better than I thought I would. Seriously, some sections I just breeze through, first time. I do tend to die in difficult fights the very first time, but the next time I’m mentally prepared and often make it. I think the most I’ve gotten hung up is a bit I had to try five times. So I’m pretty impressed with myself.Report


    leaves from the vine
    falling so slowReport