Weekend Plans Post: The Unexpected Gathering
We have negotiated a shared bubble with some of Maribou’s best friends. As such, I have been batching it this last week while she drove (not flew!) out there to visit them.
We’ve been doing pretty good, I think, with keeping safe at home. We get most of our groceries delivered (even though this means that I don’t get my Diet Rite, even though I’m pretty sure that King Soopers is NOT, in fact, out of it). I don’t go to the climbing gym. More than 95% of our meals are home-cooked. I sometimes have to go into work, but Social Distancing is fully in play and masks are mandated everywhere and they have a box of disposable gloves at the front desk as you walk in. I DO, however, occasionally stop by the pharmacy to get prescriptions instead of having them delivered. When I pick up the prescriptions, my curiosity always overtakes me and I want to check out the pasta, paper products, and cleaner aisles to see what is and what isn’t stocked.
Well, her friends aren’t even doing that much. They’re full-on working from home, full-on getting groceries delivered, and they pretty much only go out for their evening constitutional walk.
So we looked at their lifestyle and they looked at our lifestyle and they said “okay, we’ll risk it” and Maribou went out to visit.
As such, I’ve been batchin’ it.
EXCEPT! Last Saturday, I got a phone call saying “Jaybird! We’re meeting over here to eat meat on the back porch! We’ll all be sitting outside!” and I said “you know what? I haven’t sat down with friends for far too long”. And so I went over and there were about 12 of us there, and we sat outside, in the sun, in the breeze, and laughed and talked about high school and mullets and cars and how long it’s been since we sat on the back porch and just shot the bull with each other.
We didn’t hug like we all wanted to. We did the thing where we stretched out our elbows to each other and bumped elbows. We didn’t sit next to each other like we wanted. We all sat as many feet away from each other as we could do so while staying in the yard. We didn’t do the “hey, can I try that drink?” thing that we’d be tempted to do when someone brought over a new kind of hard cider or microbrew. We sat distanced from each other but together again for the first time in a long time.
It was emotionally overwhelming, really. I had to leave after about 3 hours. But those 3 hours? Oh, it was WONDERFUL to sit with old friends and palaver.
And, ever since then, I’ve been thinking “you just KNOW that that was a super-spreader event”. So I’ve been doing smell tests every morning, and making sure that I can jog my normal route without any additional effort, and checking facebook to make sure that nobody else who was there has announced testing positive or anything.
And, so far, everything is fine. Fingers crossed.
As such, this coming weekend has NOTHING planned. No going out, no groceries, no nothing. The cocoon returns. A back to normal. I ran out of spaghetti sauce. So I will make some more. And that is the exciting thing that will happen. We’ve got a gaming night scheduled for Saturday, if everybody doesn’t cancel… which, pretty much, everybody has. So this weekend has nothing really happening.
But that’s okay. It was very nice to sit with friends, even if just for a couple of hours. (And we were outside! In the sun! And the breeze!) My cup is full.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is Tiger saying “I don’t know what spelling is, but I know that different words can refer to the same thing, and Tee-Are-whatever refers to YouKnowWhats”. Taken by the author.)
Busy morning today, but my wife and I are going to our cabin in San Isabel. It’s pretty rustic–no hot water, no shower/bath tub–but it will be about 20 degrees cooler and peaceful. We’re still social distancing, since we pretty much just hang at the cabin–maybe walk around the lake or something. I’ll get some hammock time in; it will be nice. It’s been two years because the water pump has been KIA, but I just had it replaced (cost=ouch). I’ll also do some reading and probably some napping.
So even though the next five hours or so will be busy, it’s going to be worth it.Report
That sounds like a recuperative weekend.Report
Not the weekend but we’ll be driving from Denver to Omaha and back for my mom’s long-delayed funeral this week. Multiple groups who wanted there to be an observation of some sort have been leaning on my sister, who finally gave in. Nebraska is still having some virus problems in the areas right around the biggest meat-packing plants, and Lincoln (University of Nebraska plus state capital means lots of single young people) is having problems again.Report
That sucks. There are so many little things that have been disrupted by this stupid virus.Report
Drove out tonight to try to see comet NEOWISE, after the local weather guy (who is usually trustworthy) said it would be a good night to spot it. I don’t have a telescope but the weather guy seemed to think binoculars would be enough
Except. It is very very hard to find an unobstructed NW view anywhere outside of town – too many trees. I guess I could have driven out to the lake and maybe looked out over the lake but that’s pretty far and it would also involve having to get out of my car and walk over uneven ground in an area where there are coyotes and deer and maybe wild hogs for some distance at night.
I tried to find a spot I could see it from the car, went NW of town and finally wound up on a gravel “mining road” (probably actually leading to an oil or gas well). Never did see the comet because I couldn’t get an unobstructed view of the horizon. Got creeped out on the narrow gravel road where I couldn’t see very far ahead of me even with brights (the road dipped, and later when I looked at a map online, it terminates rather abruptly). I had to do a quick multipoint turn and hope no cop was trolling around up there – though my age, gender, and complexion probably put me at less risk of misadventure that way than many. Still, I didn’t want to have to do a big dumb smile and go “I was just tryna see the comet” as an explanation.
Don’t know if I’ll try again. It’s supposed to be visible until August but unless I can find a good clear spot it’s not worth going out to look, and I really rather dislike driving at night as my night vision isn’t great and we also have some pretty crummy drivers here.
I did see Jupiter (? I guess? Or maybe Saturn?) though.Report
Venus is bright but Venus appears in the morning near Aldebaran in Taurus. Jupiter is visible through the night since it was just at opposition and its brightest. I have yet to see the comet but I will make a point to try since it will not be back for 6,800 years or some such nonsense. You will need binoculars to find the comet, but once you have spotted it through your binoculars, and your eyes have dark adapted, you should be able to pick out the comet as a fuzzy patch in the sky. For assistancespotting the comet, download the Starwalk app.Report
Another friend recommended SkyView, which I now have, and already (even using it in the day, where I can’t actually see the stars) is kind of cool so I anticipate having some fun with it.
In the summer it doesn’t get really dark (dark enough to see stars in town) until after my typical bedtime but I might stay up a little just to see what I can see.Report
She’s back on the road today (to get home tomorrow).
Here is today’s to-do list:
Swap out the sheets
Do the laundry that that creates
Cat boxes
Restock the fridge with her caffeine instead of my caffeine
Catboxes, recycling, and trash are done.
Sheets changed, the summer quilt is in the washing machine now.
Dishes are going.
Going upstairs now to get my baked potato out of the oven and get my last can of caffeine from the fridge, then restock with (mostly) her stuff.
Whew. Now I just get to debate with myself about what to do the rest of the day and whether going for a jog needs to be part of that.Report