Saturday Morning Gaming: Game Balance


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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10 Responses

  1. Doctor Jay says:

    I don’t know enough about some of the games you’ve mentioned to weigh in on, but I have seen many cases where “the internet” hates something that, at our table, works quite well. Groupthink is a thing. Or they might overlook some aspect of how the character/position/game works. Or they just plain don’t like it.

    For instance, I know someone who doesn’t like getting hit (in game, we’re all like that in life), so avoids characters that mix it up, even though they can be quite effective. For instance, that’s quite the case in Gloomhaven. Don’t know about your game.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Doctor Jay says:

      I’m playing Cragheart in my game. Mixing it up is his deal.

      But I get what you’re saying. (Hey, Gloomhaven just got a huge update on Steam. It’s finally recognizably tied to what you get in the box. Still very, very much in Alpha, though.)Report


    Black Mesa and I acquired the HL pack from Steam.

    Black Mesa is okay. I find it increasingly hard to engage with video games but I am trying.Report

    • I love the idea of taking an old game and putting a new skin on it. I’m surprised that more companies haven’t done that as an easy way to make money. The hard stuff is already done for you: the physics, the writing, the mechanics… all you have to do is update the graphics.

      And given that there are a lot of really, really good games from X years ago where the only thing that makes them bad is the graphics, you’d think that it’s free money.Report

  3. nevermoor says:

    The kids and I are having a great time with a game called dice forge. The mechanic is fun (you literally replace/upgrade faces of the dice you roll), there are different decisions (three resources to chase, but you can also put victory points on your dice directly), and its accessible enough for everyone.Report

  4. Bryan O'Nolan says:

    The Duke and it’s variations are always popular in O’NoLand. Introduced the boys to (the sadly oop) Battle Line card game, which is, in essence trying to build several opposing poker hands, but with and additional deck of cards that alter the dynamics in various ways. A very thinky game.Report

  5. Zac Black says:

    After buying it in a Steam sale a while back, I finally started diving into Divinity II, which is both excellent and very slightly overrated (don’t use an action point economy and then fail to give me a movement grid! — I need precision in a turn-based tactical game).Report