Vox Media and New York Media merge
Today we couldn’t be happier to announce that Vox Media and New York Media are merging to create the leading independent modern media company. Our combined business will be called Vox Media and will serve hundreds of millions of audience members wherever they prefer to enjoy our work.
(Featured image is “empty office” by fsse8info. Used under creative commons license.)
Perhaps relevant:
We haven’t even begun. Next we’re gonna add politics to video games.
Here “politics” means cute trans cat girls with swords. Just you wait!Report
We all know that I am a huge wrongthinker.
What’s interesting is that MattY started tweeting such things (and the two tweets in question are now deleted) after the merger.
Vox now has new investors… which means a new and surely improved editorial outlook.Report
Ya know, to be honest, I have no idea what Vox’s “editorial outlook” was.Report
Fine. But I don’t have to buy that video game. I can continue to replay the Witcher 3 and romance hot female sorceresses.Report
I mean, look at stuff like Bible Adventures or the Noah’s Ark First-Person Shooter (you were “shooting” the animals with food to feed them, so it wasn’t Doom or anything). We look at that and snicker.
Maybe it’ll work this time.Report
Wait till the next DLC, with Geralt and Dandelion on a gay romp trying to track down Sigi’s secret cross dressing sex den. Plus you get transformed into a cute trans cat girl. It’s a hoot. There will be online co-op, if you know what I mean.Report
And of course you’ll have to play it. The suede denim secret police will see to that.Report
Heh, I think I know what Denim is and I think I know what suede is…Denim Suede?
Me [Googles] Denim Suede
Google: you must mean Suede Denim
Me: I must
Google: Dead Kennedys reference
Me: Wait what? Huh, I guess maybe I just pretended to like that one song for that one girl.
Still me: those jackets just look like suede jackets… I’m have no idea what’s going on anymore.
Ongoing Me: So, about Integralism…Report
It was a joke, and yes it was a DK reference.Report
Yep, I’m the one who didn’t get it (or the DK reference…)Report
I never do on line co op. Well ok..once in the original doom but that was with coworkers at work on lunch break.Report
Jokes aside, co-op play is a lot of fun, especially in the souls-likes. It’s pretty cool when you get matched with an eager noob and together go stomp a boss. You’re missing out.Report
I did the Online role playing game for 10 years. I’ve been a noob and the president of the organization, led raids to success, and screwed up and caused everyone to wipe. It was fun…but that chapter is closed.Report
Ah yeah, I get you. The Souls style co-op works different from the MMO style. It’s just you matched with one other player who “summoned help,” typically for a level you’ve already completed, often just the boss.
The whole “team style” co-op sounds pretty tedious to meb also.Report
Oh, it could be fun. Doing alien raids in our city..team of 6 folks who where in the org…sharing loot…kicking ass. Or joining a mass raid for top level gear with 100 folks…server lag all to hell. Those were the days.
But the population dropped so much often times no one was around when I wanted to play…most of my online friends were in euroland..met some really cool folks though.Report
Yes, as I walked past shattered storefronts and the National Guard troops holding assault rifles outside my building, my thought was “My God, those woke professors are a threat to America!”Report
I’m amused by the whole “I stand by my criticisms” thing from someone who deletes his tweet history every couple of days.Report
Huh wha?Report
The guy whose tweets you were mocking.
He said “I stand by what I said five years ago”… but he deletes his tweet history every couple of days.Report
Deleting your tweet history regularly is smart. Deleting your tweets before you post them is even smarter.Report
Smartest would be just deleting twitter off your devices.Report
It’s a status thing.
I auto-delete after a year.
Imagine how important I’d be if I had to delete every two days.Report
They have been pushing the false narrative that led to the riots, so yeah, they kind of are.Report
Forgot it Chip, it’s Jaybird town. Everything must always be interpreted as a lib conspiracy instead of a normal business transaction.Report
Erm, Saul?
The tweets he’s making fun of (and you’re attributing to me, for some reason) are from MattY.
There’s no “conspiracy” here.
There might be a “I never thought the leopards would eat *MY* face!” joke here… but there’s not a conspiracy.Report
Has it been mentioned yet that MattY auto-deletes old tweets regularly?
I think it has.
So I guess I’m confused about why you think MattY’s (regularly scheduled) auto deletion of two specific old tweets indicates a compromised editorial standard for Vox rather than some character defect of Yglesias?Report
That’s not the funny part. Neither is the part where he said that he stands behind what he said in the past.
But when you put them both together?
(Chef’s Kiss)Report
Not getting the funny.
The OP is about a Vox/New York media merger. The second tweet is Yglesias saying he was wrong about woke culture leaving the campus. How do those two things interact in a chef-kiss funny way?
Pretend I’m as dumb as I actually am.Report
My train of thought:
The merger happened.
My theory is that changes in editorial have started coming down. (MattY, for example, complained that there were a lot of things that he couldn’t, for professional reasons, complain about. Those tweets are, of course, gone.)
He’s now tweeting that he stands behind what he said about leopards not being a big deal five years ago, but he’s opposed to leopards eating *HIS* face.
And, of course, he deleted those tweets too.
It’s got some Georges Danton irony to it.Report
I think it makes more sense if you happened to see him publicly commenting about not being able to publicly comment on what he meant.
Here I’d post a meaningful meme .gif that captured my befuddled state of mind.Report
Ah, OK. Still not feeling the funny, but at least now I can see it.Report
Exhibits A thru n of why Twitter is:
Beneficial to the public for puppy and kitten videos;
Useful to the public for short immediate notifications;
Actively harmful to the public for serious political discussions;Report
If not for twitter I wouldn’t have access to lots and lots of videos showing cops assaulting peaceful protestors.
That’s not a serious political discussion, though.Report
In other Vox-related news, I saw an extra-Voxy piece of Vox a couple of days ago, in which Sean Collins really Voxed the bed. Not quite Maragayte-tier, but still pretty embarrassing. They’ve since cleaned up some of the more obvious Vox stains, but I archived it for posterity:
If you didn’t do a triple take, go back and read it again. Once you’ve confirmed that something is horribly wrong, click through and look at the chart below this paragraph to see what caused this train wreck.Report
That’s a pretty big whoopsie doodle.Report
Vox Media purchased New York magazine in September 2019. I’m not exactly sure why this is news of “woke” lefties ruining everything for hardworking Amuricans such as yourself.Report
Please don’t imagine me posting this with brow furrowed in concern about the future.
See me as posting it while chuckling.
This is about the new funding and new editorial direction that Vox will be taking in the coming weeks and months.Report