Pandemic Dreams of Stranger Things

John Anster Fitzgerald: The Stuff that Dreams are made of. 1858
So I was reading that a lot of folks have been having bad dreams about Covid19. You can read some of them here: Vivid ‘Pandemic Dreams’ and Nightmares Keep Nation Awake During Coronavirus Outbreak.
It interested me because I myself had what I am certain was a corona/economic anxiety dream.
The setup of the dream was that we were a normal family, by which I mean much more consumer-oriented than we really are. We had nice cars and fancy clothes. My husband had an important job and I looked like one of the Real Housewives. (It was kind of remarkable as I have never had a dream where we were in any way other than who we are, and it was a lifestyle that neither one of us would even really tend to enjoy.) We came into a big city for a wedding and I had absolutely no cares about money. We went out to dinner, my husband and I and our nonexistent friends, as if we were enacting a scene from Crazy Rich Asians or something. Practically like being different people, just in our own bodies.
With the wedding coming up, I decided the girls needed new clothes, because the clothes we had brought with us were wrinkled (talk about a First World problem). In my dream, a baby I unfortunately lost was alive, so my two daughters and I, only one of whom actually exists, went to the mall while the boys took in a sporting event.
Now, as we all know, malls in 2020 are somewhat sad affairs with shuttered windows and stores running “going out of business” sales, but this mall was like traveling back in time to the 80’s. It was packed with people carrying all these shopping bags. The girls and I went into a store and started shopping, and everything in the place was adorable and super cheap, so we ended up buying all this completely unnecessary stuff. Again, I had absolutely no concern regarding money, I just whipped out a card and paid for it, I didn’t worry that my husband might be irritated that I spent so much. Very much not my normal existence to put it mildly, LOL.
But it was too much for us to carry, so I told the girls “Ok, we’ll go back to the car and drive around to this side of the mall, so we won’t have to walk so far.” And as I turned and said “Thank you” to the clerk, the girls took two steps out the door of the store, and a huge crowd of people walked by and they were just gone. That scene in the movie where people just vanish into thin air, and it was happening to my daughters. But I didn’t want to panic, I knew they had to be close by, so I walked around looking and looking and I couldn’t find them anywhere.
So I went to the help booth at the mall and tried to get the officials to help me, and it was like a nightmare. There were all these bureaucratic rules and forms to fill out and the girls had to be missing a certain time before they would do anything to help. I said “can’t you shut the doors of the mall till we find them” and they were like “no, we have to keep doing business, we can’t shut down a whole mall” and after going through about 40 different bored, disinterested workers and several even worse managers, finally I gave up because I realized no one was going to help me because the system was just so screwed up and every second that passed my daughters would be in greater danger. I was on my own.
I desperately thought and realized “maybe they went back to the car” so I headed over there and everything outside was covered with ice, like there had been an ice storm, and my heart sank thinking they might have been out in it. But as soon as I got to the car, they came walking up, perfectly fine, unscathed, unharmed. They told me they’d been in a building when the storm hit and pointed at the scariest looking, run down pedo shanty I’ve ever seen in my entire life, but they seemed perfectly cheerful, so I had them get in the car and get buckled into their seats.
As we were doing that out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy in a van in front of my car who had a gun and as I was putting my key in the ignition to drive away, he pulled a mask on over his head and got out of the car with the gun, ready to go into the mall to shoot the place up, probably starting with us, and that’s when I woke up.
Believe me when I tell you, it was on a short list of the most terrifying dreams I’ve ever had in my life. Fascinating, but terrifying. It was so obviously about the pandemic, but it manifested itself in a whole different way.
So, how’s about you guys? Are you being plagued by pandemic dreams or is it just me?
My dreams have mostly been exhausting. You know the Mitch Hedberg bit: “I hate dreaming because I just wanna sleep. I’m fast asleep, and next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord.”
My dream last night was an Oceans-11esque caper movie but I got caught by someone that I have seen exactly *ONCE* since age 12. While trying to talk my way out of being caught by telling the absolute God’s Honest Truth, my two cats had an altercation when one got too close to the other and they had a rather loud conversation that woke me up.
But the part where I raised a bridge that hadn’t been raised since it was lowered on Dec 31st, 1999 and finding a hidden room underneath (it was only accessible when the bridge is raised, you see) was pretty cool.Report
That hidden room has got to have a hidden meaning!!!Report
Let me check my Freudian Dream Interpreter: Looks like it has something to do with sex.Report
Last night I had two stress dreams.
1) I was back in Michigan in the late 70’s early 80’s in my upstairs bedroom and my mom came in while I was sleeping. She gave me a soothing backrub and murmured something about time and then left and I stayed asleep in the dream.
2) A bit later, I couldn’t find my car. OH! THERE IT IS! I couldn’t believe that I found it! It was in a crowded garage and everything and there it was! Oh, I parked in the handicapped spot. Oh, crap. I’m getting ticketed. Wait! I have a handicapped placard in the glove department! Oh, crap. The ticket people are now giving me an extra ticket for using a handicapped placard despite being able-bodied. Then I woke up.
AND I IMMEDIATELY CALLED MY MOM. She’s fine. Pleased that I called. Getting through this okay but going a little stir-crazy. She has paper towels and toilet paper and chicken.Report
My son is 2 and a half and while unable to really comprehend what’s happening he obviously knows something is up. He’s in full time daycare but hasn’t been in weeks now. Instead he’s been juggled between me, my wife, my mom, and my mother in law (we are very lucky to be up to our ears in grandma help).
Anyway this morning he told me he saw his boppa (my father in law who died in late Feb, just before everything started getting crazy) while he was asleep. He said they were on a boat together in a storm.
Didn’t seem too worried about it but I’ve been pondering all morning what kind of weird way has little psyche is processing all this.Report
Oh wow, I would interpret that as Boppa is looking out for the little guy in this storm. Wishing you all the best riding this out.Report
I’ve noticed that this pandemic is really causing me to think about how I’m really not happy with many areas of my life and causing anxiety from everything being on hold. This has caused me to have some rather vivid dreams about everything going down a bad road or just abruptly ending and I’m stuck dealing with living a life I don’t want. I’ve never really had these dreams before hand but now in the pandemic I’m having lots of them.Report
I’m sorry to hear that – I truly hope that good things can come out of this for all of us. Changes that may have needed to be made, and such.Report
Weirdly, I have covid dreams, but they’re not *bad* dreams, and not even stress dreams (a la, trying to call 911 and keep getting the numbers wrong on my phone).
They’re not good dreams, really, but they’re just dreams in which covid is a present, but still theoretical* reality. A coworker who I don’t usually interact with in normal times (or now) tells me her husband is an ICU doctor and might have covid. That sort of thing.
There usually is a point in the morning, when I awake before the alarm (which I do often) and think to myself, maybe it’s all a dream. But then I see the evidence (usually, it’s the fact that we have a drying rack for laundry in our kitchen because we’re doing the laundry by hand, now**). And then I remember this is real.
*Mostly, but not completely, so in real life. My sister’s sister-in-law had it and had to go to the ICU. But thankfully she recovered and is now home. So far, that’s my closest personal connection to an actual case (or at least, to an actual case that came close to being very bad).
**I guess this is a humble brag. I may be wrong, but I believe (knock on wood!) that laundry is the only major inconvenience so far. Otherwise, we have (again, knock on wood!), been extremely fortunate compared with others.Report
If doing laundry by hand is a humblebrag I’m a humblebragger too – I always have clothes drying over my entire house LOL, and it gets really old. Not only the work, but that it’s always cluttered. This isn’t Covid related, it’s just something I have to do to save energy, and many times I’d rather not save the energy.
I’m so glad to hear your Sis’ SIL made it through.Report
Thanks about the well-wishes. I’m glad, too.Report
Last night my husband dreamed we had to make our way through this huge state park that was full of traps and this woman appeared to give us all these hints about the things we had to do to navigate our way through unharmed. I told him it was corona related and he scoffed, but it’s pretty obvious to me it had a deeper meaning.Report
Totally off-topic, and not a dream, but you losing your dream children in a crowd is spot-on for the time I lost my oldest boy–six at the time–at a sports stadium. We had left our seats together to go get him some Dippin’ Dots (or something) and we were headed back to our seats. I turned my head to find our section and he was just…gone. I circled the arena twice–TWICE!–and I could not find him. I was about to go seek help when suddenly he appeared out of the crowd about ten feet away, clearly looking for me. I got to him as quick as I could, latched on to him, and gave him a terror-driven lecture about not wandering off in crowded places. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.Report
the nightmare that came true and experienced by humans in the world today is the existence of a covid-19 pandemic. even the impacts caused by this pandemic are numerous, one of which is that people do not get income and their economy goes down. therefore, we must help the poor who need it, as did the Airlangga University in Indonesia. full information is in the following link: