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- DavidTC in reply to DavidTC on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025Oh, and the really funny joke is that, if we actually started using crypto as currency...at some poi…
- North in reply to Marchmaine on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the OmnicauseI'm not a lawyer but I have a suspicion that the Supremes would view "I just took the money appropri…
- North in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the OmnicauseSaul, Lee, I'll reiterate that you're both laying out lots of reasons for thoughtful people to concl…
- Jaybird in reply to Jaybird on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025Huh. Florida has had HSR since 2023. The first Brightline trains will begin traveling Friday morning…
- DavidTC in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025Crypto, or more specifically blockchain as a concept, is a vaguely useful concept to make sure that…
- Jaybird in reply to DavidTC on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025He's already said "wait, wait, wait, wait, no US boots on the ground, no US dollars going into this…
- Philip H in reply to Marchmaine on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the OmnicauseThe FY 23 omnibus approves bill is here - https://www.congress.gov/117/cprt/HPRT50348/CPRT-117HPRT50…
- Jaybird in reply to DavidTC on Open Mic for the week of 1/27/2025Because the Blanchard taxonomy seems to be true enough for, for example, Lia Thomas (according to a…
- Saul Degraw in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the OmnicauseTrump was surrounded by more "reasonable" people in his last term who were willing to tell him, "no,…
- Marchmaine in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the OmnicauseHonestly, this is (possibly) an interesting 'coalition' issue... Team Grey Republitarians assume the…
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More Comments
- DavidTC in reply to Jaybird on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025
- Jaybird in reply to Philip H on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Marchmaine in reply to J_A on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Philip H in reply to Jaybird on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- DavidTC in reply to Jaybird on Open Mic for the week of 1/27/2025
- DavidTC in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 1/27/2025
- LeeEsq in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Jaybird on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- North in reply to Saul Degraw on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Jaybird in reply to J_A on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- North in reply to J_A on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Saul Degraw in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- North in reply to Jaybird on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- J_A in reply to Jaybird on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
- Jaybird in reply to North on Keynesian Beauty Contests, Schelling Points, and the Omnicause
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