Jay Sekulow’s Vanity Band

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons
Like it or not, Jay Sekulow is currently one of the most powerful and influential attorneys in the nation. If you didn’t notice, he was one of President Trump’s key defense attorneys in the impeachment. He also has a vanity band, which is, in my humble opinion, quite good.
Though, Sekulow is, like I consider myself to be (I’ve been playing guitar for over 30 years), a mediocre musician.
Why do I call it a “vanity” band? Well, it’s got his name on it. And I strongly suspect he foots the bill for these very talented musicians to “prop him up,” as it were. Note, I want to clarify that I have zero evidence for this other than my strong suspicion that this is what has to be going on. I clarify also because, as a fellow attorney too, I want to save myself and this site from potential liability; that I am stating something factually untrue about Mr. Sekulow. I welcome him or any of his spokespeople to chime in and clarify whether this is in fact what’s happening.
And by the way, I don’t note this to criticize Sekulow. If you have the money, it’s not a bad idea. I might try it myself one day, though of course with more local musicians who can prop me up.
The band has two notable rock stars who are evangelical Christians. One of them is former Kansas singer John Elefante, not the original singer (Steve Walsh, who in his prime I consider to be the greatest there ever was), but who briefly fronted the band in the early 1980s. The other is John Schlitt, of Head East and Petra fame.
This cover song of the Boston classic “Long Time” really hits it out of the park. Elefante easily could have replaced the late great Brad Delp.
Enjoy. I’d like to know your thoughts.
Boomers with the good toys having a good time, doing a good job covering a good song. Agreed that Elephante is a fine vocalist.
Sekulow himself seems to not be remotely as good as the other musicians; the famous acoustic guitar chord scale is done by another musician. But he’s keeping up, contributing, and clearly enjoying himself. I couldn’t do any better.
A pretty cool hobby for Sekulow. I suppose I think a little better of him as a person holistically now, although I still think he has excerable taste in both legal causes and clients.Report
Thanks for chiming in. And agreed.Report
He should perform on a double bill with the vanity band of James Dolan, heir to the Cablevision/Madison Square Garden fortune and bane of all Knicks fans.Report
Never heard it. Does Dolan really have one?Report
Dolan does.Report
Thanks, I’ll check it out. (Though I didn’t even know who Dolan was until you guys told me.)Report
If interested this is them doing John Schlitt’s/Head East’s “Never Been Any Reason.” Schlitt looks pretty good for, he’s now 70, this was in 2017, so 67. I think it’s pretty good, but not as much of a home run as “Long Time.”
Dude is a grifter who will hopefully be disbarred in the near future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/trump-attorney-jay-sekulows-family-has-been-paid-millions-from-charities-they-control/2017/06/27/6428d988-5852-11e7-ba90-f5875b7d1876_story.html
No amount of happy youtube videos of him playing guitar is gonna change that.Report