Saturday Morning Gaming: The Steam Summer Sale
I reach the point where I say something to the effect of “okay, I’m good.”
There might be a handful of games out there that I might have fought to have played back in my college days, there might be a handful of games out there that I might have elbowed myself to the front of the line to have played back in my 20’s… but now? Well, I am secure in my knowledge that I only have but so much time in the day and I only have but so much free time remaining after I get through the time that is devoted to work, to Maribou, and to sleep.
But I have daydreams…
And in the same way that I buy a lottery ticket when the jackpot is above 100 Million, I sometimes buy games when the discount is over a certain amount. I’m sure you’ve seen the “inspirational” message that says “wealth isn’t being able to buy whatever book you want… It’s being able to READ whatever book you want.” Well, this is like that. Someday, I might have enough free time to play this game that I bought back in 2019 when it only cost two bucks and ninety-nine cents. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning, think “what am I going to do today?” and then realize “I don’t have anything to do except beat that one game”?
And so while I know that you might have similar daydreams to me, here are a small handful of the games that are on sale during this particular version of the Steam Summer Sale:
Uno. (70% off.)
Everspace. (80% off.)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (85% off.)
Hat in Time (50% off.)
The Witcher III Game Of The Year Edition (70% off.)
Surviving Mars (66% off.)
Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition (75% off.)
What Remains of Edith Finch (55% off.)
And that only counts the stuff that is on sale at a rate of over 50%! Seriously, there’s a ton of stuff on sale for between 10% off and 90% off. I only talked about the games that would have tempted me… back when I thought that my weekend was infinite.)
I mean, the Borderlands Handsome Collection is 97%(!) off! That goes from $139.54 to $4.40! If you’ve been thinking about playing Borderlands and maybe Borderlands two… but only with the expansions… How in the heck could you avoid paying about $5 for the whole Kit and Caboodle?!?!? And even if you demand to know what a caboodle is first, you can still play the hottest game of 2009 for as long as you want, as uninterrupted as you want, for the low, low cost of a sandwich at Subway.
Seriously. Wouldn’t you HAVE to make that purchase? I mean, even if you only played it for one weekend where you didn’t even connect to multiplayer servers and only spent it trying to get into the vault… wouldn’t that be an awesome weekend in its own right?
And if you wanted to experience that awesome weekend… wouldn’t you HAVE to spend five bucks in the first place?
And, anyway, here we are smack dab in the middle of the Steam Summer Sale with no absolutely free weekend in sight. No, not the Independence Day weekend. No, not Labor Day. No, not Thanksgiving or even one of the weekends around “Holiday”.
But, seriously, after you retire… Wouldn’t you WANT to spend an hour on one of these?
I mean, It’s been a couple of decades. And you’ve been retired for at least 7 months. And wouldn’t you have to spend a weekend on these games? Now that you’ve GOT a weekend?
Anyway, check out the steam summer sale. I’ve been playing Lords of Waterdeep (50% off!) and Slay The Spire (also 50% off).
So… what are you playing?
(Featured image is “Hammock put up” by aaronHwarren. Used under a Creative Commons License.)
I picked up The Handsome Collection a couple of weeks ago. That price was just too good to walk away from. Yesterday I snagged Slay the Spire and Overload. Haven’t played any of them yet, but I’m hoping to spin up Spire today.
If you ever get around to playing Everspace, I’d appreciate hearing what you think of it. I hovered over it for a bit before ultimately deciding to pass.Report
I’ve played Surviving Mars a fair bit. It’s pretty cool. It’s sort of Dwarf Fortress goes to Mars.Report
Update: Slay the Spire is AMAZING and if you don’t have it, take advantage of the sale and go get it. You won’t be disappointed. Seriously, knowing what I know now, I would have paid full price for this game.Report
Next Saturday’s post will be about it.
Yeah, I’m loving it too.Report
I don’t need 10 year old games for $2. But I’m not sure I want them either.Report
You know, I play the new-fangled games and I can’t help but think about this side-by-side comparison again:
Oh, it’s not that old games are bad. It’s just that there are a bunch of titles that I’ve never played and I don’t think my life has been impaired by it. I was looking over the franchises on sale: Max Payne, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, et cetera. I’ve never played any game in the series. I could pick up the earliest in the series for a couple of bucks, but the graphics might be glitchy, and I don’t know what the breakthrough game is in a particular franchise, the one they got right.
Then you’ve got some franchises I’ve played before. I sort of completed the first Baldur’s Gate, but I found it disappointing. Should I bother getting the second one? And do I really need to relearn my Mortal Kombat chops? I bought Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam a while back, and it didn’t have the old magic.
I saw Europa Universalis was on sale. But I’ve spent most of my adult life building up forces and annexing neighboring tiles in one way or another. I guess when I complain about old games, I really mean old ideas. If I want to play something that’s completely novel to me, maybe there’s a game out there that simulates being a goat.Report
I just got the Borderlands Handsome Collection too, and I already had one of them so it was like $3.75.
I’ve still never played any of them, though. But I will someday.
I wanted to get the newest Life is Strange, but it’s barely on sale.
And right now I’m browsing Adventure and getting increasingly annoyed at game developers that don’t know what ‘adventure games’ are.
Edit: It’s official. Of the 15 games in the top browsing area of Adventure, literally one of them, ‘A Plague Tale’, appears to be an adventure game.Report